I am not certain if this has occurred anywhere else in he world, but be sure with the trans agenda, we are going to see it, everywhere. A college professor has been sacked for explaining to a biology class, not cultural or queer studies, that the sex of a person is determined by chromosomes. The sacking seems to be based upon “religious preaching, discriminatory comments about homosexuals and transgender individuals, anti-abortion rhetoric, and misogynistic banter.” That is quite a mouthful. Perhaps here is more to the story, but the claim that biological sex, which by the Left’s own criteria, is distinct from gender, is determined by chromosomes, is in fact true. Of course, the Left may go total postmodern relativism, and deny that any truth exists, at least objectively, but if they go down that road, well, there goes the gender identity thesis, which is true only relative to them, but not to the rest of the rational universe.