600,000 Dead a Year from Covid Jabs in US Alone! By Chris Knight (Florida)

A top US insurance analyst, Josh Stirling, has studied the death rate from the Covid vaxxes, using government data, including from the UK. He found that the Covid vaxxed have a 26 percent higher mortality than the unvaxxed. “Worst of all – the people who only took one dose of the vaccine have an approximately 145 percent worse mortality rate,” Stirling said. “If you were to take these numbers and apply them to the United States, that ends up being something like 600,000 excess deaths per year.” That is not surprising, as others such as Steve Kirsch have come up with high death tolls like this, and it is possible to an under-estimation, since many Covid-vax deaths are not going to show up on any official statistics, given that doctors, being servants of Big Pharma, are loath to report anything putting the sacred vax in a bad light.


“Those vaccinated against COVID-19 have a 26 percent higher mortality rate on average compared to those who declined the jab – and the death toll is even more staggering for vaccinated people under 50 years old, where mortality is 49 percent higher than for those unvaccinated.

The shocking numbers are based on government data from the United Kingdom and were brought to Senator Ron Johnson’s (R-WI) attention by Josh Stirling, one of the nation’s top insurance analysts and formerly Senior Research Analyst for U.S. nonlife insurance at Sanford C. Bernstein & Co.

“Worst of all – the people who only took one dose of the vaccine have an approximately 145 percent worse mortality rate,” Stirling said and explained that this even higher death rate applies to those who took the first shot and then had adverse reactions, making them stop the planned vaccination schedule.

“If you were to take these numbers and apply them to the United States, that ends up being something like 600,000 excess deaths per year,” Stirling concluded.”





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