50 Percent of Women Single and Childless by 2030! By Mrs. Vera West

I first saw the story that there was a prediction or projection by Morgan Stanley based upon existing data, that 45 percent of women would be single and childless by 2030. Since seeing that story, I have seen the figure rise to 50 percent, as covered in the extract below. That is simply incredible; 2024 is almost over so we are looking at this situation in five years' time. There is already a birth crash in both the west and East Asia, with South Korea having the lowest total fertility rate on the planet, and China and Japan not far behind.

Elon Musk is right to call his out as a problem far greater than any environmental issue. It has to be viewed with the decline in human fertility, especially human male sperm quantity and quality, which is decreasing so rapidly that extinction could come by 2045, as argued by Professor Swan in her book Count Down. Something of a perfect storm of factors are coming together to threaten human survival. Forget the climate change nonsense; this is the big one! It is a problem that South Korea has thrown tens of billions of dollars at, with no solution, and even communist China, a non-woke society has failed to solve the birth dearth issue.

The best I have come up with is that motherhood will have to become a paid job; but if this is done, financed by the government, isn't this just one more layer of socialism and social control, and there is too much of that already, enough to poison the body social? A Douglas social credit solution would be welcomed.


"The Future of Women: Rapid Rise in Single, Childless Women and Decline in Marriage with more than 50% by 2030 The future may see a significant increase in single, childless women, a rise in sex work, and a decline in marriage, as women become more independent and society fails to hold them accountable for their choices. Questions to inspire discussion

What changes may occur in the future for single, childless women?

In the future, there may be a significant increase in single, childless women as they become more independent.

What societal trend may rise as a result of women's independence?

As women become more independent, there may be a rise in sex work in society.

What may decline in the future as a result of women's independence?

Marriage may decline in the future as women become more independent and society fails to hold them accountable for their choices.

What is one potential consequence of women's increasing independence?

One potential consequence of women's increasing independence is a decline in marriage.

How may society fail to hold women accountable for their choices?

Society may fail to hold women accountable for their choices as they become more independent.

Key Insights

Half of women are projected to be single and childless by 2030, leading to a potential rise in single parenthood.

The future of marriage and traditionalism is uncertain as women are becoming more independent and don't need men for financial support.

Society as a whole is struggling to preserve the institution of marriage.

The future holds a potential increase in single mothers and women turning to sex work if government benefits are pulled away.

#Relationships #PearlDavis #Marriage #Divorce #Sociology

By 2030, half of women will be single and childless, with a significant increase in single mothers.

Around 15% of women will stay married, but a significant portion of those marriages will be sexless.

Women are becoming more independent and may not need men in the future, leading to a potential increase in sex work.

Women are not shamed for making bad choices and the blame is often shifted to external factors rather than individual responsibility.

Marriage is declining even among conservative influencers, and it doesn't seem like there's a way to preserve it in society.

The future will likely have a high percentage of single, childless women, with an increase in sex work and women sharing men.

Women's increasing financial independence and consumer power, along with the divorce industry, indicate a future where marriage may not return and women will continue to make significant buying decisions.

Women need to take responsibility for their choices, and if society continues to not hold them accountable, the future looks uncertain." 



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