3,631 Reports of Miscarriages and Foetal Deaths in Europe By Richard Miller (London)

Here is an extract, translated electronically by Dr Malone from a Portuguese newspaper, which details specifics of adverse reactions that pregnant women have had in Europe to the mRNA Covid vaxxes. There are 3,631 reports of miscarriages and foetal deaths in Europe, to date, attributed to the vaxxes. In fact, the paper Página Um puts the figure at more than 5,300 cases of reactions considered serious, including 3,385 abortions and 246 foetal deaths. This has not been observed with any other vaccine, as most would have been pulled from the market long before things got to this level. Instead, the health authorities seem to be doubling down on efforts to promote the jab in many places across the West.  


PÁGINA UM (Portugal), Reported by Pedro Almeida Vieira on February 13, 2023

PAGE ONE (Pagina UM) scoured thousands and thousands of records of adverse reactions to vaccines against covid-19 in pregnant women. Despite the widespread obscurantism, which makes statistical analyzes difficult and does not even allow calculating the incidence, the PAGE UM survey found the existence of more than 5,300 cases of reactions considered serious, including 3,385 abortions and 246 fetal deaths. Vaccination of pregnant women, carried out on a massive scale, was not preceded by clinical trials and the European Medicines Agency wrote last December that it is still in the monitoring process, but not a word about the thousands of cases already notified in the database of the EudraVigilance. Here in Portugal, Infarmed does not say a word about the subject, preferring to fight in the Administrative Court of Lisbon for the maintenance of obscurantism. Isn't it time to talk with and about pregnant women?


Pharmacovigilance, according to the concept defined by Infarmed, “aims to improve the safety of medicines, in defense of the user and Public Health, through the detection, evaluation and prevention of adverse reactions to medication(s)”. And for that, the national regulator, chaired by Rui Santos Ivo, has a National Pharmacovigilance System to “monitor[r] the safety of medicines with authorization for introduction on the national market, assessing any problems related to adverse reactions to medicines and implementing security measures where necessary.”

Thus, in principle, we should be reassured when, reading the most recent Pharmacovigilance Report on the monitoring of the safety of vaccines against covid-19 in Portugal, regarding the data received until the end of 2022, it is guaranteed that “several studies prove that the vaccines against covid-19 are safe and effective”. It is true that, later on, figures on adverse reactions appear, with 8,518 reports classifying them as serious, indicating that 886 also led to hospitalization, 309 were life-threatening and there were even 143 deaths. Infarmed, in the latter case, only indicates the median (72 years), which means that it does not accurately inform the age of the victims.

For a disease to which a little more than 26,000 deaths are already attributed in Portugal alone, terms such as “secondary effect” of vaccines, “friendly fire”, 143 deaths, could even be socially acceptable. Even more so if what epidemiologists like Henrique Barros assert were true: that in 2021 vaccines “saved” 2,300 lives, and that by the end of 2022, there were already 12,000 lives. But concrete studies of these miracles, no one has ever publicly seen them.

In fact, there are still strong doubts about the rigor and accuracy of the Infarmed report. The gaps and the biased way in which the numerical data are presented prove to be more serpentine than the medicine inserts written by the pharmaceutical companies and authorized by the regulator.

Indeed, neither in the others nor in this most recent Infarmed report – which is announced to be the last, in an attempt to bury controversies, claiming that there is already “a more robust knowledge of the safety profile of these vaccines”, the which is a criminal falsehood – a single reference to “pregnant women”, “abortion” or “fetal death”. It could be the case that, finally, it is an irrelevant question. It is not, on the contrary: it has been exclusively in the phase of pharmacovigilance that the adverse effects of drugs on pregnant women and fetuses can be observed.

As mentioned in the introduction to a recent review article in the scientific journal Obstetrics, suggestively titled “Covid-19 vaccination in pregnancy: need for global pharmaco-vigilance”, for “ethical reasons, clinical trials could not be conducted to study the effects of the vaccine against covid-19 during pregnancy”. Thus, despite the fact that the authors of the article are even in favor of vaccinating pregnant women, they do not present any cost-benefit analysis and admit that mass vaccination began with safety information coming only from a few women who participated in the trials without knowing their state.

For all this, it can only, at the very least, be strange that Infarmed does not expressly clarify – this will be, one would hope, its function – whether or not cases of abortions and fetal deaths associated with vaccines against covid-19 have been reported. 19 in Portugal. But there is not a single line. A zero. Anything.

And there will be. There can only be. Statistically, with around 5 million pregnancies per year in the European Economic Area – already including those that are not completed –, only a strange miracle would prevent serious adverse reactions associated with vaccines against covid-19 from being reported in pregnant women on Portuguese soil, because Portugal accounts for 2% of all births (and pregnancies) in this European region. Therefore, it would be sensible to admit that 2% of pregnancies will correspond to 2% of serious adverse reactions, or values not far from this; unless, of course, there are miracles.

And it is evidence that these serious reactions exist, because they have been reported. In fact, according to an exhaustive analysis carried out by PÁGINA UM of all notifications received from 2021 until the first week of February this year by Eudravigilance – the system that receives notifications, and validates them, about the adverse effects of different drugs – , there are a total of 5,336 cases considered serious of adverse reactions associated with the various covid-19 vaccines during pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions. These numbers include the countries of the European Union and also Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.

It should be noted that, as a rule, the insertion of these notifications of cases classified as serious (serious, in the terminology used by the EMA) is done by health professionals and, in most cases, by the pharmaceutical companies themselves. That is, there is clinical evidence for a very strong suspicion of an adverse reaction caused by vaccines against covid-19, and not a mere casual relationship, not a mere coincidence.

At the European level, according to EMA data, the year 2021 was the year with the highest number of serious cases, with a total of 3,020, almost all from March, as the elderly were a priority in the first phase of vaccination programs in most European countries. In Eudravigilance, therefore, there are only 27 records of serious adverse reactions in January and February 2021. But even though there are already serious adverse reactions, it was decided to go for a massive vaccination of pregnant women never seen before.

It should be noted that, in June 2022, a scientific review and meta-analysis article published in the American Journal of Emergency Medicine concluded that, although there is an increased risk of hospitalization in intensive care units and ventilation in case of covid-19 infection, the mortality rate in pregnant women was not statistically higher compared to non-pregnant women.

In 2022, the number of serious adverse reactions in pregnant women dropped to 2,244, ignoring whether this was due to a lower number of vaccines administered in this specific group. This year there were only 72 cases, which may indicate that the number until December will be much lower than in previous years, but it is not yet known whether this is due to the much smaller number of pregnant women wanting to be vaccinated or to the better safety profile of bivalent vaccines.

As with everything that has been seen in this vaccination process, a lot of information is still being collected, it seems that we are witnessing a mega-clinical trial in real time to find out if everything is going well or not.

At European level, according to EMA data, the year 2021 was the year with the highest number of serious cases, with a total of 3,020, almost all from March, as the elderly were a priority in the first phase of vaccination programs in most European countries. In Eudravigilance, therefore, there are only 27 records of serious adverse reactions in January and February 2021. But even though there are already serious adverse reactions, it was decided to go for a massive vaccination of pregnant women never seen before.

It should be noted that, in June 2022, a scientific review and meta-analysis article published in the American Journal of Emergency Medicine concluded that, although there is an increased risk of hospitalization in intensive care units and ventilation in case of covid-19 infection, the mortality rate in pregnant women was not statistically higher compared to non-pregnant women.

In 2022, the number of serious adverse reactions in pregnant women dropped to 2,244, ignoring whether this was due to a lower number of vaccines administered in this specific group. This year there were only 72 cases, which may indicate that the number until December will be much lower than in previous years, but it is not yet known whether this is due to the much smaller number of pregnant women wanting to be vaccinated or to the better safety profile of bivalent vaccines.

As with everything that has been seen in this vaccination process, a lot of information is still being collected, it seems that we are witnessing a mega-clinical trial in real time to find out if everything is going well or not.”



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