By John Wayne on Friday, 07 July 2023
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Will Woke Defeat the Might of the PLA? By James Reed

The Chinese communist military are traditional masculine, stressing hard core values, strength, toughness and hard training. There are no transgenders in the forces. The US military, by contrast has adopted the entire array of things in the woke Leftist grab bag, and has waged a war on the same values that made the US military strong, at least in the years before Vietnam. It has been downhill ever since. So, if it comes to hand-to-hand conflict, the communist Chinese PLA will cream the weak Americans. Thus, it is somewhat fortunate that wars are largely technological now. There is a slight chance that the US will be able to hold its own, so long as communist China continues to supply the “Made in China” goods that keeps the US running. Just thank globalism for this!

“There is an epidemic in the United State military. It's not the kind of epidemic that Anthony Fauci profits from, but an epidemic that is truly threatening our national security.

Since the days of Barack Obama’s presidency, the Pentagon has started focusing more on social experiments than on excellence. Woke liberals have made it their mission to indoctrinate cadets at our military academies with Marxist ideas, force transgender ideology on our troops, and claim that “extremism” is pervasive in our military. Their mission is simple: Transform our military into a weak, feelings-first social program that promotes leftist ideas.

We cannot let that happen. The true mission of the U.S. military remains: Win wars and act as a deterrent against potential wars.

But the left views our military differently. Leftists put pronouns before petty officers, diversity initiatives before Devil Dogs, wokeness before warriors. In other words, they care more about programming and indoctrinating our men and women in uniform than they care about the soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines themselves. It’s shameful, and America deserves better.”

It will end, but it will not, given present measures, end well.

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