By John Wayne on Monday, 22 July 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Why the Official Story about the Assassination Attempt upon President Trump is a Lie! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Over a week has passed now from the Trump assassination attempt, which today is a long time in the rough and tumble of politics. The Trump assassination attempt has been discussed by both the mainstream and dissent media, and the surprising thing to be found, is that for the first time, the mainstream media, at least that which is not totally corrupted by Leftism, only partially, have raised doubts about the official narrative. None have stated the obvious conclusion which should be drawn, namely that this was a planned Deep State assassination attempt using Crooks as a type of MK Ultra brainwashed patsy. But doubts were raised enough to lead a reasonable jury to that conclusion.

The points leading to the planned assassination conclusion are based upon the fact that the Secret Service and police acted at every time as allowing Crooks to ready for his supposed shots. Thus, as detailed below in an excellent summary by what is a health website, Crooks was observed hours before the shooting, examining the area with as range finder, used for shooters to make long range shorts. Somehow, which has never been explained, Crooks then got in an AR 15, which would have been detected by weapons checks at the entrance to the venue. Somehow Crooks also got a ladder into the venue, one he bought that day, so it could not have simply been left lying around. He then decided to get onto a roof, where in the building below, police were. Somehow, they did not hear him on the galvanised iron, even though one can clearly hear cats walking on such roofs. The roof top was of course unsecured. The Secret Service head DEI feminist said that as the roof had a slope on it, a gentle one, it was too dangerous to put agents on it! All lies of course, but that goes to prove the general hypothesis.

Evidence emerged during the week that there may have been a second shooter. There is grainy video footage of someone on a water tower, who moved in and out of cover at exactly the same time as the shots. Audio analysis by Mike Adams has indicated that of the 8 shots, two of them were at a greater distance than Crook's roof top. Analysis and new video footage that featured at the Peak Prosperity website, indicated that one of the people in the audience who was hit, had a bullet that passed through him and hit a railing, disintegrating part of it. This is remotely possible but unlikely with a 5.56 light bullet, which tends to humble when striking targets. That though was the weapon Crooks had.

What is particularly suspicious is the FBI announced that there was only one shooter, Crooks, one day after the shooting, and then hosed down the roof top where Crooks shot from, perhaps washing away any further evidence. The FBI did not find a motive, as if it was not obvious. There was no social media presence by Crooks, no manifesto which one would have expected, and as well, Crooks' car was wired with high explosives. Nothing has been said about where he got these and how he knew how to do use them. Perhaps this was a fail-safe by the Deep State, just in case Crooks managed to escape; they would have blown him to bits.

The lesson here is that the globalists play hard ball, and will kill any individual who becomes a threat to them if they can. Sometimes they fail, as the Trump incident shows. The best security for the freedom movement, is not to place all the political eggs in the one basket, but to have many people who all can do the job. That will make assassinations harder. As well, freedom fighters are now aware of this dirty trick, and can prepared and be ultra-careful of the MK Ultras!

"This article begins with the "official story" of the assassination attempt on the life of President Trump on July 13, 2024. The information contained herein is as of July 19, 2024.


Six days ago, on July 13, 2024, Thomas Matthew Crooks, a 20-year-old Gen-Zer with an associate's degree, somehow masterminded an assassination attempt on President Trump. Armed with just 10 days of planning, Crooks loaded a handmade explosive device (with remote detonator) into his car, went to Home Depot, picked up a ladder, then picked up some ammo and drove from Bethel Park, PA to the Trump rally in Butler, PA.

He parked his car, with an explosive device in the trunk no less, and hauled his ladder and AR-15 to a warehouse just a few hundred feet from Trump's podium. Meanwhile, a three-man counter-sniper team was cozy on the 2nd floor of that same warehouse, setting up through the window. Multiple bystanders, police, and the Secret Service all saw Crooks as he strolled to the warehouse, even caught on film wandering around and looking up—but nope, no red flags there.

… There's nothing suspicious about that, right? Maybe Crooks was using the rangefinder to improve his golf swing. He left and then returned with a backpack, the officer took a picture of him and radioed the sightings to the command center, but they somehow "lost track" of him. According to the Senate briefing on the assassination attempt, 62 minutes elapsed between the time Crooks was photographed as suspicious and when he fired the shots…

That's right … Despite being on the Secret Service's radar for 62 minutes, they somehow "lost track" of him. Yes, they lost track of a guy with a range finder and a rifle. Maybe he had an invisible suit? Or perhaps he used some top-secret cloaking device? It's not like someone walking around with a gun and rangefinder should raise any red flags. No, it's perfectly normal for the elite team tasked with protecting the President just to let someone like that slip through their fingers.

When they finally "found" Crooks, he had climbed the warehouse roof. Remember, according to the Secret Service, a three-man counter-sniper team is set up in that same warehouse. Everyone knows you can hear a squirrel on a metal roof, but the team below Crooks couldn't hear him on the roof.

Evidently, a police officer saw him on the roof and confronted him, but Crooks pointed his weapon, causing the officer to duck and fall off the roof. The officer's radio call about "an individual on the roof with a weapon" apparently didn't warrant immediate evacuation of President Trump. Because, of course, why would it?

Of course, local law enforcement body cameras cannot confirm these facts because … are you ready for this? … According to Tom Fitton, the Butler County sheriffs were not wearing body cameras. How strange is it that a key law enforcement agency did not have its responding officers equipped with body cameras? Nothing to worry about here… we're sure this is just a coincidence.

And the roof? Secret Service director Kimberly Cheatle later explained the lack of a sniper team on the roof by saying it was "sloped" and dangerous.

Clearly, the Secret Service isn't trained for such perilous conditions as a mildly sloped roof. Who needs them taking a bullet for the President when they could slip on a roof, right? And who needs the pesky facts that the Secret Service was already stationed on a roof with a 14.04° pitch, and the pitch of the warehouse roof was only 4.76°? And we just learned that, according to Senator Josh Hawley on X, "Whistleblowers tell me that MOST of Trump's security detail working the event last Saturday were not even Secret Service. DHS assigned unprepared and inexperienced personnel." Maybe that's why she feared putting them on a sloped roof…

According to Matt Wallace, the parents of Crooks called police hours before the shooting to report that he was missing with an AR-15. And let's not forget that Crooks wasn't even good enough to make his high school rifle team. But, hey, no biggie. It's totally understandable, right? Because obviously, shooting in a high school competition is way more intense than sneaking onto a roof, evading the Secret Service and police, and taking a shot at the President with snipers all around. Yeah, right. Because, you know, nothing says "elite assassin" like failing to qualify for a high school team.

Crooks also supposedly managed to whip up a high-tech remote-controlled explosive device without ever bothering to search "explosive devices" on the internet and without leaving any significant internet footprint or catching the attention of law enforcement. Quite a feat for someone with such a mundane background, right? Because nothing about this whole story screams "cover-up" at all. Nope, not one bit.

OK, enough sarcasm; let's look at some anomalies and ask some questions…


We just discussed the slope of the warehouse roof. From the videos, it appears that if Crooks was positioned where we see him, the 4.76° pitch might have obstructed his line of sight to President Trump.

Oh, here's a real gem. The Secret Service claims there was a counter-sniper team stationed in a second-story window of the very warehouse where Crooks was supposedly perched. Minor hiccup, though … That warehouse doesn't even have a second-story window. But guess what? The adjacent building does, giving them a perfect view of Crooks.

The video above claims that Crooks was merely a distraction, the "magician's assistant" in this elaborate trick, while the real shooter was possibly on the water tower. Was Crooks the decoy, the sleight of hand to keep you from noticing the real threat? Let's go down the rabbit hole a bit, shall we? This video below was shot by General Eric on the way to the Trump rally. You can clearly see an SUV parked under the water tower.

You may be thinking, "There was an SUV parked under the water tower. So what?"

Videos that indicate someone was on the water tower have been circulating, but we haven't included them because they are very grainy and don't help much. However, several witnesses corroborated that they saw someone on the tower. And here's a video of an eyewitness stating that someone on the water tower got shot and killed by a sharpshooter. In the words of Johnny Carson, "this is wild, weird stuff."

Mike Adams, the "Health Ranger," has done an amazing job of dissecting the audio file in today's episode of Brighteon Broadcast News. The section you want to watch is from about 11 minutes to 48 minutes. In his analysis, Adams proves that shots 1 through 5 were taken from approximately 400-500 feet away, which is consistent with either Crooks on the warehouse roof OR another sniper team set up very close to Crooks. Shot 6 was taken from approximately 600-700 feet away, and shot 7 was taken from approximately 1200-1400 feet away.

Utilizing Google Earth, the water tower appears to be approximately 600 feet away. So was the 6th shot taken from the water tower? And from where was the 7th shot taken? Why are we not hearing about the investigation of the person shot on the water tower? Was there another shooter on the tower? Whose SUV was parked at the base of the tower? All questions that need to be addressed and answered.

According to Tony Seruga, a lifetime data scientist and CIA/NSA contractor, "We have tracked the black SUV that had picked up our phantom water tower sniper ... With 100% confidence, based on cell phone data, that particular sniper was FBI and the SUV was registered to the Department of Agriculture." Is Seruga correct? Was there another shooter on the tower?

That's not the only report of a possible second shooter. Here's a video that sure does look and sound like there was a second shooter in the crowd. Keep in mind that this video is on Trump's left side, whereas the warehouse is on Trump's right side.

And here's a video of a female attendee who heard the shots in the above video and is 100% sure that they came from the left of Trump.

Why have we not heard anything about this? It seems evident that more investigation is needed. But apparently, the FBI disagrees because, within 24 hours, FBI investigators stated that Crooks acted alone. Isn't it amazing that they can do a thorough background check and speak to every known associate of Crooks within a day and conclude that he acted alone? The FBI sure does act fast!

Except for when they took 7 years to conclude the 2001 anthrax attack investigation… and um… when they took 3 years to determine that McVeigh and Nichols had acted alone in the Oklahoma City bombing from 1995. (By the way, there's an eye-opening chapter on the Oklahoma City bombing in our book, Monumental Myths.)

Back to the FBI. Here is a photo of the FBI cleaning up (destroying) the crime scene where the shooter allegedly opened fire to assassinate President Trump and was quickly shot by a Secret Service sniper. Of course, the FBI may have gotten all the blood and fibers (and brass?) they needed for their investigation, so this might be nothing ….

What about that lady sitting behind Trump in the black hat? We've all seen the video. It went viral because when the shooting started, she stayed calm and began to film. There's nothing strange about that, right? Some are speculating that this woman is FBI Assistant Director Janeen Diguiseppi." 

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