By John Wayne on Friday, 05 July 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

When Woke Fights Woke! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I previously reported about the fights that broke out after the Pride march in New York, which was odd, with Leftoid fighting Leftoid. But before that, there was conflict between the Pride marching folk and anti-Israel protesters (AIP). Most reports said that the AIP blocked the Pride march, but only for a time and were arrested by police. However, it seems that here is more to the story.

The AIP threw fake blood at a Human Rights Campaign float, as well as attempting to block the march. "Some of the protesters also wore keffiyehs and carried a large banner reading, "No queer liberation without Palestinian liberation" and displayed a large Palestinian flag while chanting, "Shut it down!"" This seems to indicate an ideological split developing within the woke Left, as the various factions are getting set to turn on each other, as always happens with the Leftist ideology.

And, I for one, will not be losing any sleep over this. In fact, it helps me sleep sounder!

"Anti-Israel demonstrators busted through barricades at New York City's NYC Pride parade Sunday, threw fake blood at a Human Rights Campaign float and temporarily blocked the march, videos show.

The disrupters — including some in masks — included about a dozen people who ended up cuffed by cops.

Red paint could be seen splattered all over Christopher Street in Greenwich Village as the group sat cross-legged blocking the roadway at the intersection of Waverly Place.

Some of the protesters also wore keffiyehs and carried a large banner reading, "No queer liberation without Palestinian liberation" and displayed a large Palestinian flag while chanting, "Shut it down!"

The demonstration unfolded near the end of the parade route, not far from the historic Stonewall Inn, considered the birthplace of the gay rights movement.

After several minutes, a group of about 20 NYPD officers and NYPD Special Operations officers approached the protesters and placed them in zip-tie cuffs one by one.

Some people in the crowd shouted, "Shame!" and hurled epithets at the cops.

The demonstrators did not appear to resist. It was not immediately known what if any charges they are facing.

Before the disruption, tens of thousands braved sweltering humidity and gloomy skies lined the parade route to celebrate the Pride event.

Big smiles were plastered across the faces of marchers and attendees of the annual parade, where rainbow banners and flags were displayed as far as the eye could see as participants danced in the streets, with bubbles and confetti floating up from the jubilant crowd.

The parade, now in its 54th year, kicked off at noon on the corner of 25th Street and Fifth Avenue near Madison Square Park in Manhattan, led by the LGBTQ motor club and followed close behind by a lively marching band and color guard. It was about the size of previous years, observers said.

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