By John Wayne on Thursday, 04 July 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

What is Wrong with President Joe Biden’s Brain? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

There is now some discussion of Joe Biden's mental condition following his debate performance, with the media now deciding to talk about it, after covering it up for the entire presidency. Alex Berenson, who we read mainly for discussions of Covid vax issues, has an interesting letter sent to him via email by a neurosurgeon. It is obviously dicey to diagnoses someone who is not subjected to clinical examination, but we are not going to get that from Biden. So, for all interested, his diagnosis is Parkinson's disease.

Where we should be particularly concerned is the capacity of the president to launch nuclear weapons, which he can in principle do: This is seen in the carrying of the "nuclear football," a suitcase containing the launch codes.

Hopefully the codes would be too complex for Biden to work out anyway.

"Following my post today, a neurosurgeon and Unreported Truths reader (yes, some of you are actually brain surgeons) wrote in.

For obvious reasons, he did not1 want his name used, but his email and answers to my follow-up question speak for itself. I'd urge you to read to the end, for the prediction he makes.

I simply wanted to give you a thumbs up on your diagnosis of POTUS.

He undoubtedly has Parkinson's disease, and is increasingly suffering from Parkinson's dementia. The signs are unmistakable:

-his shuffling gait
-the absence of associated movements (facial expression, arm swinging). When he does swing his arms, it appears stilted - probably because his handlers have told him to swing his arms when he walks. It's something we all do naturally, but it goes away in Parkinson's disease
-gait instability
-soft voice
-ON and OFF periods - times when the medication seems to be working well, and when it isn't (also explains how a good dose of Sinemet times right could get him more animated
-resting tremor is not prominent in Biden's case, but this is true of many cases of Parkinsonism

His physicians UNDOUBTEDLY know this, and it is unconscionable that we do not know this about his health record. I understand HIPAA issues, but this is worse than the Roosevelt secret - he couldn't walk. At least he had his mind about him! Here we have someone with cognitive issues with his hand on the nuclear button." 

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