By John Wayne on Thursday, 08 August 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

We are the Carbon that They Seek to Control, and Eliminate! By James Reed

An insightful article about the zero net mania appeared at the website, The Truth about Cancer: While normally dealing with health issues, this article took a broader philosophical view, that controlling carbon naturally leads to controlling the carbon emitters, which is us; we are the carbon that the globalists want to control, and eliminate.

"Ultimately, the climate change narrative seems less about saving the planet and more about pushing political agendas. It's a handy tool for increasing governmental control, imposing taxes, and redistributing wealth under the guise of environmental "stewardship." The suppression of dissenting voices is particularly telling; scientists who dare to question the prevailing climate dogma are often ostracized, their research ignored or discredited, creating a false sense of consensus. Add to that the financial incentives tied to the climate change industry—think research grants, green energy subsidies, and carbon trading schemes—and the motivations behind the alarmist rhetoric become highly suspect. It's hard not to see this as a lucrative business model disguised as a moral crusade.

The war on carbon isn't just some misguided environmental policy; it's a grand scheme of deception, straight out of C.S. Lewis's "The Screwtape Letters." In this classic, the Devil's minions trick humanity, leading them away from the truth. Screwtape, a senior demon, coaches his nephew Wormwood on the art of subtle deception, teaching him to twist human perceptions and values. Today's "climate warriors," whether they realize it or not, are puppets of a darker force. They're selling the world on the idea that CO2, the molecule that plants can't live without, is the bad guy we need to get rid of. Talk about twisted!"

Academics are particularly deluded here, being so engulfed in the so-called climate crisis that they are blind to the globalist forces manipulating this issue for their world domination. 

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