By John Wayne on Monday, 23 January 2023
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Vitamin Attack: New Zealand’s Next March to Totalitarianism By Bruce Bennett

Here is an update on what, at the time of my last article was just getting going. Now, it seems, the new Therapeutic Products Bill will soon be law, with no serious opposition by members on the New Zealand parliament. That is not surprising given what has happened in my once-homeland, since the time of the lockdowns, with the new PM saying that there will not be a single Kiwi unvaxxed. As detailed below the totalitarian government is now moving to control vitamins. That makes “sense,” since vitamins represents a way of alternative health to the worldview pushed by Big Pharma. I am not sure what can be done in the short term in New Zealand, but it is clearly a test case for the rest of the world, so beware of what is likely coming, and get ready.

“Alongside official alliances of NZDSOS, are independent public health analysts such as one of New Zealand’s best, Dr Guy Hatchard. In the ongoing incursion of government control over every aspect of our lives, a new Therapeutic Products Bill is being rushed through public consultation with a deadline of 15 February 2023. Read about it below and find out how you can help. This is directly copied from The Hatchard Report of 15 January 2023. Read about it below and find out how you can help.

Around half the NZ population take supplements, and twice before pharma’s attempts to destroy natural health has been defeated by coordinated action from health companies, practitioners and the public. 

This time is different, however. “They” plan to further prevent access to many healthy foods, not just vitamins, minerals and nutraceuticals, simply because they are used to make health products! Remember, many herbs and spices have powerful medicinal effects. They are edible plants that have become prized, over thousands of years of observation, to have particular value to human health. Of course, Big Pharma hates competition and has a clear business imperative to create as many sick customers as possible, and we see it’s greedy hand all over this latest attempt to block access to health products. 

We have to make a stand for our rights and freedoms, which are being stripped at breath-taking speed. There is a true public health emergency of course, vaccine harms, that is completely ignored, along with all the victims. Having idiotically damaged the nations immune system, now they want to stop our attempts to nourish and repair it? There is overwhelming proof of the link between poor nutrition and almost all diseases, and covid vaccine harms are no exception.

The field of nutrigenomics and epigenetics, the absolute upside of biotech innovation, have led to some astonishing benefits from targeted food factors in the form of nutraceutical products, and the drug industry knows this. Do not let the politicians sacrifice human progress on the altar of corporate greed and deception. Stand Up. Lobby. Be heard. Fight.”

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