By Joseph on Saturday, 04 September 2021
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Updating US 2020 Election Fraud By Charles Taylor (Florida)

US electoral fraud material continues to build up. It is likely now, that the amount of fraud so far discovered is sufficient to throw the election back to Trump, if there was any justice left at all, which there is not in the corrupt US courts. But, nothing will happen because his supporters will not take a stand against the corrupt, genocidal system. They are too gutless to even think of a general strike, especially by truckers, to bring blue states to their knees. It is how the American empire ends, within a few years, certainly it will all be over long before 2024. Really, it is all over now, the corpse being zombiefied, like Biden.

“Almost 15 million mail-in votes have “gone unaccounted for,” according to a new report by the Indiana-based election integrity group
Public Interest Legal Foundation” (PILF).

“In the face of a pandemic, states from across the nation hastily pushed traditionally in person voters to mail ballots while, at the same time, trying to learn how to even administer such a scenario” the report stated.

PILF describes itself as “the nation’s only public interest law firm dedicated wholly to election integrity,” existing “to assist states and others to aid the cause of election integrity and fight against lawlessness in American elections.”

Former Justice Department civil rights attorney and current PJ Media contributor J. Christian Adams, the president of PILF, said the results don’t bode well for mail-in voting.

“These figures detail how the 2020 push to mail voting needs to be a one-year experiment,” Adams said in a statement.

Bills in Congress, including H.R. 1, the supposed For The People Act, “risk inflating these numbers even further, pushing our election system toward error, disenfranchisement, and ultimately widespread doubt about election outcomes,” Adams continued. “Some of the counties with the least experience in administering mail voting rejected the most ballots nationwide. If continued, 2020-style chaos will become the norm.”

Federal data compilations show that the status of 14.7 million ballots was deemed “unknown” by election officials during the 2020 election, and almost 43.1 million ballots combined from elections in 2012 and onward.

What Does “Unknown” Mean?

The brief PILF report defines it this way:

The U.S. Election Assistance Commission asks local officials how many ballots were not returned as voted, were undeliverable, or were otherwise “unable to be tracked.” The USPS Inspector General most recently reported that only 13 percent of mail ballots in the 2018 General Election used the official tracking system. This means there is a wide variety of things that can happen to a ballot in the “unknown” column.

In the 2020 election, there were 14.7 million “unknown” ballots nationwide, as well as 1.1 million undeliverable ballots, and 560,814 rejected ballots.

PILF helps put these figures in perspective by noting that Joe Biden carried Arizona by a mere 10,457 votes, yet Maricopa County, the state’s largest county, reportedly sent ballots to 110,092 wrong or outdated addresses.”

“Wisconsin “lost track” of roughly 82,000 mail-in ballots in the state in the 2020 presidential election, the Daily Signal reported.

Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump by 20,682 votes in Wisconsin last November.

Wisconsin losing track of more than 82,000 mail-in ballots in the state represents more than four times the margin of difference between Biden and Trump, according to a report from the nonprofit Public Interest Legal Foundation.

The Daily Signal reports:

Joe Biden defeated then-President Donald Trump by 20,682 votes in Wisconsin in the November presidential election. However, according to the legal foundation’s report, 82,766 mail-in ballots in the state were either undeliverable or suffered an unknown fate.

A further breakdown by the legal group shows that 1.4 million ballots were sent by mail. Of those, 6,458 were undeliverable. An additional 2,981 mail-in ballots were rejected. The vast majority, 76,308, met an “unknown” fate.

“The federal data show the 2020 election had more mail ballots that were never counted than the margin of victory in the presidential election in Wisconsin,” J. Christian Adams, president of the Public Interest Legal Foundation, said in a statement.

This isn’t the way to run an election,” said Adams, a former Justice Department lawyer in the Voting Section. “Mail ballots invite error, disenfranchisement of voters, and puts the inept U.S. post office determining the outcome of elections.”

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An election integrity group alleges that their investigation into the 2020 election identified over 157,000 illegally cast ballots in Wisconsin.

Matt Braynard, who leads the group Looking Ahead America Research, argues in their report that they’ve located more than enough illegally cast ballots to establish “beyond a reasonable doubt that the deserved winner of Wisconsin is unknowable.”

The Election Wiz summarized some of the main findings in the report:

Last fall, roughly 240,000 voters in Wisconsin said they were indefinitely confined, nearly a four-fold increase from the 2016 election.

Of that number, over 169,000 claimed the indefinitely confined status for the first time.

In a victory for the Trump campaign last December, the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled election officials were wrong to suggest voters could claim the status of “indefinitely confined” based on the Covid pandemic.

Following the November election, LAA took up the Wisconsin Supreme Court’s challenge.

Researchers used a randomized sample of voters who claimed the confinement status for the first time in 2020.

The report from the Election Wiz added:

The researchers could not determine the status of roughly 40 percent of those voters, but the analysts were able to determine the status of 182 people (“determinable voters’).

Of the determinable voters, researchers found 165 voters illegally claimed the indefinitely confined status. In other words, LAA found in the subsample that 90.7% of persons illegally claimed the indefinitely confined status with only 9.3% legally claiming it.

Projecting those numbers out, the analysts conclude that no less than 24,037 ballots were cast illegally. However, LAA says based on their analysis, they believe the likely number is much higher.

“We can assume that around 153,539 people likely illegally claimed the indefinitely confined status,” the report states.

Last week, Election officials in the battleground state of Wisconsin have removed more than 205,000 voters from the rolls as part of routine work to keep the state’s registration lists as current as possible.

Conservatives filed lawsuits back in 2020 demanding that the Wisconsin Elections Commission remove voters from the rolls if they didn’t respond to mailings within 30 days.

Those lawsuits failed and Joe Biden took the state of Wisconsin over Donald Trump by about 20,000 votes.”

“45th President Donald J. Trump issued a statement via email from his “Save America” PAC on Monday regarding a report from Georgia Star News, titled: 43,000 Absentee Ballot Votes Counted in DeKalb County 2020 Election Violated Chain of Custody Rule.

43,907 of the 61,731 absentee ballots deposited in drop boxes in the November 2020 presidential election in DeKalb County, Georgia–72 percent–were counted in official tallies certified by the county and the state, despite violating chain of custody requirements set forward in Georgia Emergency Rule 183-1-14-1.8-.14  promulgated by the Georgia State Election Board at its July 1, 2020, meeting, Georgia Star News reported.

In a statement on Monday, President Donald Trump said:

Georgia has been caught. What are Kemp and Raffensperger going to do about it?

Or will they sweep it under the table like they have done everything else trying to claim they had an honest election with everybody laughing as they speak.

As reported by Georgia Star News:

That rule states absentee ballots placed in drop boxes, “shall be immediately transported to the county registrar” by the two person collection team, which is required to sign a ballot transfer form indicating the number of ballots picked up, the time the ballots were picked up, and the location of the drop box, and that, “The county registrar or a designee thereof shall sign the ballot transfer form upon receipt of the ballots from the collection team.”

The Georgia Star News obtained 725 absentee ballot drop box transfer forms used in the November 2020 election in DeKalb County to document the chain of custody of the 61,731 absentee ballots deposited in drop boxes from the DeKalb County law department in response to an open records request. 

Those 725 absentee ballot drop box transfer forms can be viewed here.

Of the 61,731 absentee ballots DeKalb County recorded as being deposited into drop boxes during the November 2020 election, 46 percent – or 28,194 of the absentee ballots – were not documented as being received by the elections registrar or the director’s designee until the day after they were collected from the drop box.

The range in which absentee ballots were collected from drop boxes in DeKalb County and documented as received by the registrar the next day was between 13 and 22 hours, or nearly a full day later.

For another 26 percent, representing 15,713 absentee ballots collected from drop boxes during the November 2020 election, there was no receipt time recorded at all by the elections office, as is required by the July 2020 emergency election code rule.

Records for seven full days of the 29-day election period – nearly one quarter – including October 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 24 and November 1, fall into this category

All told, 43,907 absentee ballots deposited in drop boxes in DeKalb County (28,194 absentee ballots whose chain of custody was accounted for on ballot transfer forms that were signed as received by the registrar’s designee one day after election workers removed them from drop boxes plus 15,713 absentee ballots whose chain of custody was accounted for on ballot transfer forms for with there was no registrar’s designee signature for time or date of receipt) were counted in the certified results of the November 3, 2020 election despite being delivered to the registrar’s office in clear violation of the chain of custody documentation of the Georgia State Election Board’s July 2020 rule. 

Vernon Jones (R), who is a candidate in the Republican primary for the 2022 Georgia gubernatorial election against incumbent Governor Brian Kemp (R), also reacted to the report, declaring, “Trump won Georgia!”

This is all news that the Australian media will not discuss, let alone our vile, Satanic press.

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