By Joseph on Monday, 20 September 2021
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Unintelligence Intelligence Community: Another Failure to Act By James Reed

This bit of information comes from The, which is cheery to see the mainstream deal with some of the Covid issues. It seems that according to  Wei Jingsheng, a defector to America, in his new book What Really Happened in Wuha, that he first heard of a new, mysterious virus at the time of the World Military Games in Wuhan in October 2019, and he warned US intelligence services. The US intelligence agencies did not act on this warning. It was not until December 31 2019 that China alerted the World Health Organisation there was an outbreak in Wuhan. However, the CCP denied Covid-19 was contagious until January 20, 2020, but they almost certainly knew that it was. This is definitely strong evidence for the virus arising in China, contrary to the CCP position that it arose in America, from say an American military installation. But, the takeaway lesson is the level of incompetence of the US intelligence services, which are surely misnamed and instead should be called, Unintelligence services.

“China’s most famous defector to America warned US intelligence agencies a coronavirus was spreading in Wuhan in November 2019 — six weeks before China admitted there was an outbreak.

Wei Jingsheng, the father of China’s democracy movement, reveals in the new book What Really Happened in Wuhan that he first heard of a new, mysterious virus at the time of the World Military Games in Wuhan in October 2019.

Highly alarmed, the former Chinese Communist Party insider, whose defection in 1997 made global news, alerted intelligence agencies, a US politician with links to the President and Chinese human rights activist Dimon Liu.

Asked if he had any sense the intelligence agencies were taking seriously his intelligence about a new virus in Wuhan, Mr Wei, 70, said: “I felt they were not as heavily concerned as I was so I tried my best to provide more detailed information,” he said. “They may not believe there is (a) government of a country that would do something like that (cover up a virus). So I kept repeating myself in an effort to try to persuade them.”

Mr Wei said he was “very worried because ... whichever way the Communist regime released this virus, I felt that the West is not prepared”.

It was not until December 31 that China involuntarily alerted the World Health Organisation there was an outbreak in Wuhan. Beijing denied Covid-19 was contagious until January 20, 2020, when it admitted there was evidence of human-to-human transmission.

Mr Wei, who spent 18 years in Chinese prisons for objecting to the Communist regime, is highly respected on both sides of politics and has forged relationships with former secretary of state Mike Pompeo and Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi.

In a Sky News documentary, based on the book, to air on Monday night, Mr Wei said he found out about the virus from high-level contacts in Beijing.

“I talked to Dimon and some other American politicians in the House of the danger of this situation,” he said. “There were officials from the White House at that time as well. In November 2019.”

Mr Wei would not reveal which politician he told. “I’m not sure if this politician wants me to talk about him right here,” he said. “But I want to say he is a high enough politician, high enough to be able to reach to the President of the United States.”

David Asher, the State Department official who spearheaded a taskforce into the origins of Covid-19, said the opportunity presented by Mr Wei’s warning was like “stopping 9/11 before it happened”.

Mr Asher said the US government had other crucial pieces of early-warning evidence in late 2019 but it failed to connect the dots. He said the US government first had intelligence about Wuhan Institute of Virology workers falling sick with Covid-like symptoms in late 2019 – a year before he discovered it during his investigation into the origins of the virus for the State Department. By then, 1.7 million people worldwide had died from Covid-19.

In the Sky News documentary, Mr Asher said he was shocked when he found out “we actually could have had foreknowledge” of the coronavirus. “We could have known in November of 2019, that there was a disaster occurring inside Wuhan – inside their most important biological facilities related to coronavirus research,” he said.

“It was something absolutely tragic, traumatic and dramatic that was occurring and we could have reacted to it. The whole world could have been different. It would have been like stopping 9/11 before it happened.”



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