By John Wayne on Wednesday, 17 April 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

UN Youth Advisor is a Communist! Who Would Have Ever Thought That?! By James Reed

Here is yet another reason to fear the UN, for apart from all the in-your-face globalist things it does, it is full of highly suspicious people. Thus, the United Nations' Secretary-General António Guterres personally selected Pakistani-American Ayisha Siddiqa as one of his advisers to help "accelerate the implementation of his climate action agenda." She was Time Magazine Woman of the Year in 2023, so what could be wrong?

Turns out, she has a history of making social media posts calling for the destruction of capitalism, claiming that terrorism is just a smear by White people to justify imperialist suppression of coloureds, and that Whites are an existential threat to the human race because of the climate change catastrophe. As well, she pushed Black Lives Matter ideology, such as abolishing the police.

Her job required a "demonstrated commitment to the UN's values," and it looks like she will fit in swell with the rest of the UN globo commos.

"A United Nations youth climate adviser has a history of social media posts that call for the destruction of capitalism, claim "terrorism" is used as a Western smear to justify its imperialism and attack White people for purportedly fueling humanity's extinction vis-à-vis the climate crisis.

The United Nations' Secretary-General António Guterres personally selected Pakistani-American Ayisha Siddiqa as one of his advisers to help "accelerat[e] the implementation of his climate action agenda," a 2023 UN announcement stated. Siddiqa was a Time Woman of the Year in 2023 who has co-founded two youth climate activist organizations.

"The Secretary-General's Youth Advisory Group on Climate Change provides him with practical and outcome-focused advice… and concrete recommendations, with a clear focus on accelerating the implementation of his climate action agenda. Convened under the auspices of the United Nations [as it]… works to accelerate global climate action," the announcement said.

One of the criteria for candidates landing the two-year assignment was a "demonstrated commitment to the UN's values."

According to her social media posts, Siddiqa is more than an environmentalist.

She unabashedly promotes radical leftist beliefs like abolishing the police, espousing socialist ideals, sharing Marxist-themed and anti-capitalist content while repeatedly denigrating White people.

She identifies herself as a "Climate Advisor to the UN General Secretary" in her X bio.

The UN adviser didn't get involved in climate action because of the opportunity to protect the environment, she said, but because she wanted to rail against the West for its wars and involvement in the Middle East, which she claims is intimately connected to oil, according to a May 2020 post on X.

"You want to know why I got into climate activism, it wasn't because I wanted to protect the environment (although that is a very valid reason). I became involved [because] the West slaughtered, bombed and starved my people to death in the name of oil. And no one talks about it," she wrote.

"When I think of fossil fuel, I don't think of pollution… I think of… organized terrorism and I think of demolished democracies at the hands of the West," she wrote in a separate post in November 2020.


While accusing the West of "organized terrorism" in regard to purportedly fueling the climate crisis, the UN adviser cast doubt on the term used by the West for actions by Islamist groups.

"Why is it that when non-white nations stand up against bombing, and pillaging of natural resources that they are immediately vilified. and that vilification is attributed to an innate problem in their psyche, or concept of living known as religion," she posted in April 2021. "There is a reason why the phrase Islamic terrorism is only 60ish years old. This vocabulary was invented to justify covert Western imperialism."

Siddiqa also mentioned Franz Fanon and Angela Davis, two Marxists thinkers who supported using violence as a means of liberation, in a post about Hamas as it launched thousands of rockets into Israeli civilian areas in May 2021.

"Ya'll were sharing Fanon and Davis left and right a few months ago, but are now saying 'but hamas… both sides.' Clearly you didn't read the books," she said. The adviser also expressed an overt animus against Israel on X, calling the country "fascist." 

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