By John Wayne on Thursday, 12 September 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

UN: Some Cheek to Speak about the Risk of a Dystopian Future! By James Reed

 Opening a session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, Volker Turk, UN human rights chief, said that the world is set to face a future of military conflict, disinformation increased inequality and shock, horror, climate change. "we are at a fork in the road." "We can either continue on our current path – a treacherous 'new normal' – and sleepwalk into a dystopian future, or we can wake up and turn things around for the better, for humanity and the planet," he said. Turk also criticised "heated rhetoric and simplistic fixes, erasing context, nuance, and empathy. Paving the way for hate speech and the dire consequences that inevitably follow." "I urge all voters to be vigilant. Be wary of the shrill voices, the 'strongman' types that throw glitter in our eyes, offering illusory solutions that deny reality," he said. "Know that when one group is singled out as a scapegoat for society's ills, one day your own might be next." Do you think he has Donald Trump in mind?

The irony here is that the doom he predicts is a product largely of the globalists who have set the world ablaze and now move to capitalise on the chaos they have produced.

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