By John Wayne on Saturday, 22 June 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

UN Pushes for Global “Hate” Speech Eradication, By James Reed

You may have missed it, as I did, but there was an "International Day for Countering Hate Speech." The UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres was in full flight calling for an end of this thing called "hate" speech, one of the New World Order buzz words. Guterres said: "Hate speech is a marker of discrimination, abuse, violence, conflict, and even crimes against humanity. We have time and again seen this play out from Nazi Germany to Rwanda, Bosnia and beyond. There is no acceptable level of hate speech; we must all work to eradicate it completely."

While that seems plausible, the problem is that the UN has no intention of stopping with just the extreme and radical stuff. Oppose the trans agenda? That's "hate" speech. Concerned about the Great Replacement? That's "hate" speech too. And so is anti-vaccination material, which perhaps concerns the globalists the most, as vaccines are their cherished drug; the big misinformation thing by them was prompted by criticisms of the Covid vax tyranny, which the UN was fully in support.

Indeed, what happens is that "hate" speech becomes a grab-all category for anything that the globalists find contrary to their ideology. And they then pursue the agenda of censoring free speech, under the pretence of protecting "special groups."

Guterres is particularly concerned about free speech on the internet, and it is a fair guess that the UN has been pushing governments and Big Tech in recent clamp-downs and will keep up the pressure until their diverse dystopia is constructed. Or, we defeat them.

"In a statement issued on the occasion of the "International Day for Countering Hate Speech," UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called for the global eradication of so-called "hate speech," which he described as inherently toxic and entirely intolerable.

The issue of censoring "hate speech" stirs significant controversy, primarily due to the nebulous and subjective nature of its definition. At the heart of the debate is a profound concern: whoever defines what constitutes hate speech essentially holds the power to determine the limits of free expression.

This power, wielded without stringent checks and balances, leads to excessive censorship and suppression of dissenting voices, which is antithetical to the principles of a democratic society.

Guterres highlighted the historic and ongoing damage caused by hate speech, citing devastating examples such as Nazi Germany, Rwanda, and Bosnia to suggest that speech leads to violence and even crimes against humanity.

"Hate speech is a marker of discrimination, abuse, violence, conflict, and even crimes against humanity. We have time and again seen this play out from Nazi Germany to Rwanda, Bosnia and beyond. There is no acceptable level of hate speech; we must all work to eradicate it completely," Guterres said.

Guterres also noted what he suggested are the worrying rise of antisemitic and anti-Muslim sentiments, which are being propagated both online and by prominent figures.

Guterres argued that countries are legally bound by international law to combat incitement to hatred while simultaneously fostering diversity and mutual respect. He urged nations to uphold these legal commitments and to take action that both prevents hate speech and safeguards free expression.

The UN General Assembly marked June 18 as the "International Day for Countering Hate Speech" in 2021.

Guterres has long promoted online censorship, complaining about the issue of online "misinformation" several times, describing it as "grave" and suggesting the creation of an international code to tackle it.

His strategy involves a partnership among governments, tech giants, and civil society to curb the spread of "false" information on social media, despite risks to free speech."

Dear Friends,

The Devil's Workshop, is alive and well in the United States and throughout the world. We and our families are experiencing it's global product everyday in terms of wars, economic inflation and depression, weird weather, strange diseases, deadly vaccines, distressing current events.

The National American Renaissance Movement has recently passed a motion declaring the globalist entities of the United Nations (UN), the World Health Organization(WHO) and the World Economic Forum (WEF) as terrorist organization that need to be withdrawn from and defunded by our government. We have further called for Congress to initiate legislation declaring those who support these organizations as committing an act of treason. See:

It's euphemistically called Globalism but it could easily be named Satanism or just plain Evil. They are preparing right now and have for some time, preparing us for ultimate slavery and their ascendancy as ultimate rulers of this planet, now and forever. Study the Agenda of the Council of Foreign Relations,(CFR), the Trilateral Commission, or the Bilderberg Group to confirm the plans of globalism and the creation of their institutions: the UN, WHO and WEF to help further their Agenda.

Large segments of the world's population have been duped. If you do not see their Evil you are most-likely plugged into their network of deception. They control now most of the means of communication. Through vast sums of money they have purchased loyalties in the media, education, unions, big business, military, medicine, entertainment etc.

Where is the deception?

Welcome to the disturbing world of intelligence plots, a Tavistock operation, the world's center for mass brainwashing and social engineering activities. You are not to feel good about yourself or the future. You are supposed to feel frightened and beat-down and submissive and distressed and hopeless. You are under psychological attack and don't know it. You don't see the weapons but you are stressed and feel something is not right.

You can be controlled easier in this state of mind of fear and guilt. In fact you are supposed to be ashamed of yourself because you are the cause of all the world's problems. Right? You feel guilty. Right? So less freedom would be a palliative if it cured all these problems. Right? You breathe too much, eat too much, travel too much, you mess the world up with your large carbon footprint as long as you don't think too much. Thinking is dangerous, so watch television....which is globalist programmed and controlled.

The real action is not Biden vs. Trump, nor Democrat vs. Republican. That is the foreground like a professionally orchestrated wrestling bout. They are kept front and center as distractions. Behind the scenes the globalists have recruited an army of individual traitors many of whom don't realize that they are being played to betray their country, as they are only interested in selfishly benefitting themselves. Dr. Fauci is a perfect example of someone in the thralls of globalism. He has made his pact with Mephistopheles by promoting toxic medicines and vaccines as safe and effective for treating Covid-19 when he knew they were not, and smeared medicines which were extremely safe and effective like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. His actions cost the life's and health of countless individuals. The real War is Globalism vs. Humanity.

It's not Democrat or Republican. Remember Democrats: Biden, Obama, Clinton and Carter were members of exclusive globalist organizations. But so were George Bush Senior and George Bush Junior. They belong to the same club. And as political satirist George Carlin said "You aint in it"

Their policies are to weaken the United States through costly and demoralizing wars and economic policies like sending our industrial and manufacturing might to other countries through agreements like NAFTA, including to perceived enemies. Makes sense? To lower our standard of living and sovereignty through massive accumulation of debt. Makes sense? Because we have a Constitution and Bill of Rights which gives us freedoms. Makes sense? Because they hate our freedom our Constitution and our Bill of Rights because it interferes with their plans for a total world take over. Makes sense? They want to make us a poorer and more dependent country. Makes sense? So we smoothly fit into their regionalized agenda of world control where the Nation state has been eliminated. Makes sense?

Open the Borders to let the Sunshine in. Or to do what intelligence agencies do best, infiltrate, create division and dissension within the ranks. Many unfortunate and mislead people are lured by globalist pied pipers to the Texas border and co-mingled with them in disguise are undesirable elements like professional criminals, drug dealers, spies and globalist provocateur's. Globalist and billionaire George Soros excels at planning and funding domestic disturbances and civil wars all over the world and in the United States. Trespassing national borders is his specialty. Sure, let people break into your house, unvetted, sleep in your bed, raid your refrigerator, use your medical institutions for free, receive a stipend and free housing for illegal crossing and vote without being a citizen. No problem. Unless you are trying to maintain a Nation. Of course we feel for the poor and downtrodden and are made to feel guilty for something we did not do. Splinter the population through open borders so the country is easier to control because the people are divided.

But the people can be helped and the world can be healed. End world wide poverty? Easy.

Put the focus on the cause of poverty in the 21st century and do the right thing.

Distribute the billions and trillions of loot stolen from the people and the Nations of the world by the elite globalists, by their financial institutions, corporate conglomerates, pharmaceutical giants and monies hidden in their private accounts and off shore accounts and their benevolent non profit-tax free foundations geared to carry out their global schemes starting with the billions made from the heartache and breath taking fleecing and injuring of the world's populations during their recent plandemic crimes. Punish those involved. Investigate, Indict, Convict." 

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