By John Wayne on Friday, 12 July 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Treason: The Great Invasion, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The film by J. J. Carrell, Treason, is set to be released in a few months' time. Carrell was previously involved as a border control agent, then turned to film making. As detailed in the extract from Natural, which has the video as well, Carrell presents evidence from insiders, that the vast inflow of illegals to the US has been done by the Biden administration itself, to demographically change the population to ensure a Democrat dictatorship. Evidence that leading Democrat authorities visited Darrien Gap in Central America to enable illegals get through is given. And evidence of potential terrorist illegals, something even the FBI admits, is presented. It is all being set up to bring the country into chaos and collapse.

And, this is all part of the Great White Replacement. As Carrell puts it: " I think this is a global reset and I know people; they pull back right away. Oh God, conspiracy. No, it's not conspiracy. It's already happened in Europe. Western Europe, is dying. They just did it; they're having a referendum on it and they're bringing in all a nationalist politician because they have been destroyed by the illegal immigration invasion in their country. We're seeing it now because the only way to fundamentally transform not only America, but the global reset is you have to take down the giant. You have to take down America. If you don't take down America, who cares if Sweden falls? Really? Honestly, in the economic scale, no one cares, but America falls. You change the whole dynamic of the world and that's what they're doing. If you take off your lens, your glasses of America, apple pie, July 4th, we're all patriots and you put on, I hate America, Marxist glasses, then everything Mayorkas, and the left does makes complete sense. We're trying to understand irrational behavior. This is, I hate America. Everything America's gained is ill gotten gains from slavery and oppression and we need to give it back. And the way that we're going to do it is we're going to destroy the citizenry and we're going to bring in as many non-citizens as we can because we can control them. That is the big picture. I know it's hard for people to wrap their brain around that your own government hates you. They hate you. Look at what they've done. Look at what they're doing now. 30 million people will cross into the border into America under Joe Biden, 30 million and I'm being conservative on there. We're 45 to 50 million illegal aliens in America right now. One in six people residing in the United States of America is an illegal alien. Just let that sit and marinate for a few minutes."

It is dark times indeed, with Western civilisation hanging in the balance, with communist China set to devour the spoils, which includes Australia, when America falls.

Mike Adams: Yeah. You use those terms. I think our audience agrees with you. Alejandro Mayorkas, who I would call a treasonous actor, is actually, he's been visiting the invasion camps in Panama and providing illicit funding for the expansion of these camps, which I would characterize as staging areas for the ongoing invasion of America. Would you agree with that assessment, or do you disagree, or do you have something to add to it?

JJ Carrell: No, I think that's your spot on and that's what people don't want to talk about. They want to, how is, look, Michael Yon's an investigative journalist. He's down in, this is April 2022. He's down in the Darien Gap and in the middle of the jungle, all of a sudden, Black Hawk helicopters started flying in and there is the secretary of DHS, Alejandro Mayorkas, in the jungles of Panama. What in the hell is the secretary of DHS doing in Panama, in the jungle?

Mike Adams: Yes.

JJ Carrell: Well, he started to create these way stations, these rest areas that make it more efficient for illegal aliens to come through the Darien Gap in Central America into America. That's treason. He even said this. This, you and I, this is not conjecture or hearing about it. He actually was on ABC this week, about 10 days ago on a Sunday show and he just said it out loud. Yeah, I'm responsible for those. Wait a minute, Alejandro Mayorkas, you are actually processing people out of those regional processing centers as well and flying them into America in the dark of night, off the books.

Mike Adams: True.

JJ Carrell: This is, people have no idea the enormity of this treason that is happening in America right now, but at the hands of our own people we're funded It.

Mike Adams: Brings up the critical question and I love the fact that you saw this firsthand, right? This is not just hearsay, you quoting some other person you've seen it firsthand.

JJ Carrell: No.

Mike Adams: But you must have reached some conclusions about the purpose of this. And it's got to be more than just putting them here because they might vote Democrat. What do you think the real purpose is?

JJ Carrell: I think this is a global reset and I know people; they pull back right away. Oh God, conspiracy. No, it's not conspiracy. It's already happened in Europe. Western Europe, is dying. They just did it; they're having a referendum on it and they're bringing in all a nationalist politician because they have been destroyed by the illegal immigration invasion in their country. We're seeing it now because the only way to fundamentally transform not only America, but the global reset is you have to take down the giant. You have to take down America. If you don't take down America, who cares if Sweden falls? Really? Honestly, in the economic scale, no one cares, but America falls. You change the whole dynamic of the world and that's what they're doing. If you take off your lens, your glasses of America, apple pie, July 4th, we're all patriots and you put on, I hate America, Marxist glasses, then everything Mayorkas, and the left does makes complete sense. We're trying to understand irrational behavior. This is, I hate America. Everything America's gained is ill gotten gains from slavery and oppression and we need to give it back. And the way that we're going to do it is we're going to destroy the citizenry and we're going to bring in as many non-citizens as we can because we can control them. That is the big picture. I know it's hard for people to wrap their brain around that your own government hates you. They hate you. Look at what they've done. Look at what they're doing now. 30 million people will cross into the border into America under Joe Biden, 30 million and I'm being conservative on there. We're 45 to 50 million illegal aliens in America right now. One in six people residing in the United States of America is an illegal alien. Just let that sit and marinate for a few minutes.

Mike Adams: Huge numbers. And some of this, of course, a lot of this was going on under Barack Obama as well.

JJ Carrell: Yes.

Mike Adams: You were in border patrol at that time, but talk about the difference in magnitude because under Biden, it has really exploded. I mean, it was bad under Obama, but it's gotten so much worse, right?

JJ Carrell: Yeah. Under, I witnessed probably Bush was Bush and Clinton. They're just kind of political survivors, right? They just go with the flow. They abuse the immigration system for their gain. All of them did. But no one went the lengths that Obama did. Obama came in and guess who he had running his USCIS and then second in charge of DHS, Alejandro Mayorkas. Alejandro Mayorkas created every bad policy that we are now living through. DACA, amnesty, I mean, excuse me, asylum, parole, CBP one app and on and on and on. This prosecutorial discretion, this was all back in Obama. And then Trump came in and he was the stopgap. This was everything we're witnessing now was gonna happen under Hillary Clinton.

Mike Adams: Yes.

JJ Carrell: We had to wait to get through Trump now. But Biden is on steroids. Biden, has they went for, they just went for broke. They said, nope, we're gonna institute everything. So, your audience understands. Let me explain what it looked like in my career. At the end of my career under Trump, we were winning. We were within six to nine months of having a completely secure border, hundred percent secure. No one's coming in. No one's going out. Right. We have at the end of his term; we were arresting 500 to 600 illegal aliens a day. That's nothing. That's like no movement on the border. And every one of those five to six hundred were deported. Now, on day one, day one, we went like that. We went to five to six thousand a day under Joe Biden. And it has not stopped. We have averaged anywhere from five thousand to twenty thousand arrests every single day for over three and a half years.

Mike Adams: Yeah. You know, the studio is in Texas. And of course, we are on the front lines of this battle. And, you know, there are months where over 200,000 illegals will come into the state of Texas alone. That's not every month. But across the entire southern border, there are months that it exceeds 300,000 people. And, you know, you do the math and the numbers you're talking about are very realistic. We're talking about tens of millions of illegals over all this time that are in the United States. But, JJ, and let me just plug your film one more time. Again, the film is called Treason. The website is called for people who want to check it out. The film will be available soon that you can get the documentary or VIP access here. It seems very, very affordable for people to get. But if you think about the fact that the border is so porous, please talk about the number of actual America hating terrorists who are also marching across the border, sometimes with weapons, sometimes with battle plans. You know, this isn't just innocent refugee families coming across the border, right?

JJ Carrell: No, none of them are refugee families. If you really want to get down in the weeds, look, 12 million people have crossed the border and been released at the end of Joe Biden's term. 60 to 70 percent of all people arrested are two things, single adult military age men and people other than Mexico, other than Mexico. Seventy percent. We have hundred people arrested in United States Border Patrol arrest data. Hundred and eighty nations out of one hundred ninety-five. Think of that.

Mike Adams: Wow.

JJ Carrell: It's the whole world. Now, when you start talking about terrorists, this is what I really like to do. I like to look at the total number that DHS says. And I know they're lying. They've already been proven to lie about the data. But let's just look at their own data. At the end of Joe Biden's term, he will have arrested and released over two hundred and fifty thousand special interest aliens. Those are terrorists in layman's terms. Do you know how many people that I arrested in just myself directly and indirectly with my station? About 15, 20 thousand probably saw another 20, 40 thousand people arrested by other agents, maybe even closer to 60, 70 thousand. Do you know how many special interest aliens that I saw in 24 years? Less than five.

Mike Adams: Really.

JJ Carrell: Less than five. Never, never in a million years would I be able to be allowed to release one. If I released one, I would be put on suspension and ultimately fired because I would be dirty. They would know that I was compromised. However, under Joe Biden, he is arrested. Two hundred and fifty thousand and released almost all of them into America. All of them, that's we know about.

Mike Adams: Tell us about some of the countries that these people are from. I mean, I know it's got to be Syria. It's got to be, you know, Iraq and China. And what are some of the countries here?

JJ Carrell: All of the stands, I call them all the stands, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan. Look what just happened just two weeks ago. Tajikistan if I even pronounce it right. They had eight people travelled seven thousand five hundred miles away into El Paso. As I think it was El Paso. Crossed the border, were processed and vetted, which is a lie and released. Now we find out, wait a minute, all eight of them are on the terrorist watch list. And guess what's unique about these guys? They didn't just they crossed seventy-five hundred miles and then the moment they come into America, what do they do? They stay together. No, they split up. Why? Because they're going to their cells. They went to L.A. Philadelphia and New York. Now, ICE catches them in ICE. The ICE director slips and says, well, there were several more within that group. So, your audience understands when a border patrol agent arrests a group the old days, three and a half years ago, we would catch a group of maybe 10, 20, maybe 50 on a wild day and a wild day, 50. So, I would fill out a form. I would say this this individual is one of 50 to a fifty five of 50. Well, now the groups are one hundred five hundred, three thousand. So, these border patrol agents are writing. So how many ICE officer, ICE director, how many is in that group with all the other Kazakhstan's? And they all cross together because the cartels control the border. Right now, for example, San Diego is the epicenter for Chinese nationals and they're coming across. There will be two hundred ten thousand Chinese nationals cross our border at the end of this term. And special high level military intel analysts have told me that they have already identified one hundred twenty thousand PLA soldiers.

Mike Adams: Oh, wow.

JJ Carrell: Out of the two hundred ten. This is America. You're being destroyed and you don't even know it.

Mike Adams: Yeah. I mean, we're allowing a straight up invasion where the enemy combatants are able to get behind our front lines with no resistance and then they're able to reorganize in our cities and they're able to resupply. Now, you know, I've got many contacts over the years, former military intelligence, also border operatives in the state of Texas, underneath the state of Texas governorship and many other people. And they tell me that it's well known inside the U.S. State Department that enemy combatants are coming into the U.S. with explosive vests, that they're smuggling in kinetic vests and in some cases radio radiological vests for dirty bomb type of attacks, and that there are some very scary stories of things like a surface to air missiles that have gone missing after being tracked coming into the United States. Does that resonate with some of the concerns that you have or some of the things that you have seen?

JJ Carrell: It all concerns me. It all concerns me because, I know what data has presented to me and to my colleagues on the border. We know that's true. But we also know instinctively that we don't even have we're not even in the realm of the total numbers, meaning we don't know what we don't know. There's 80 percent of the United States border is unmanned at any given time. Let me explain that the border patrol has been in existence for hundred years, 96 and a half years. We've never done anything like this. Never. The whole border has been maintained and has been monitored. We know I might have been stretched maybe five miles longer than I should, but I had control, meaning I know what crossed and what didn't. We have no idea. Checkpoints are down. Everything that you think that you, we hear of Mayorkas, the border secure, the border secure. That's a lie. Eighty percent of the borders unsecured, double the number that are arrested, have absconded. So, if I'm telling you we have arrested 250,000 terrorists, my God, you can take that number and you could double, triple, quadruple it. And that's what the true number is. That's a scary thing is. What I know is factually what DHS says, which I know is a lie. But just using their own data is frightening. And then I know just from experience that, yes, these terrorists are coming in. These murders and rapists from Venezuela and Haiti and everywhere else in the world are here. PLA soldiers are here. They're just waiting for their orders. And listen, the closer we get to the 2024 election, the more probability something bad is going to happen. Don't even you don't like the way I look or the way I speak or whatever. Don't listen to me. Listen to Christopher Wray. Christopher Wray, who is completely about a CYA, is saying there's more red flags now than there were before 9-11. He was asked, where are all the terrorists? And he just kind of laughed and said, hell, I don't know. There's too many.

Mike Adams: But see, JJ, I don't know if you agree with this or not, but I would say that our own federal government has essentially declared the American people to be their enemy and that our federal government is working in conjunction with these foreign terrorists in many ways to try to destroy this nation from within. And I know that's a very serious claim. And I don't mean every person in the federal government. But when you look at what Alejandro Mayorkas is doing, it is an act of treason. It's a wartime invasion of this country. And which side is the Biden administration on? They're not on our side. They're on the side of the invaders. It's clear, is it not?

JJ Carrell: I absolutely agree with you one hundred percent. I believe that this is treason against America. How do I know that? Because they had to have had the highest-level meetings prior to Biden taking office on how they're gonna destroy America. And they came to the conclusion the way to destroy America is using the vehicle of illegal immigration. How do I know that that came that took place? Well, on day one of Biden's term in office, day one, he signs 94 executive orders destroying the most secure border in the history of America. Now, ask yourself, why would they make this decision to do that unless it was nefarious, malicious and intentional to destroy America? And my question always back to everyone that kind of pushes back, if you don't agree with my conclusion, all my data is correct. Everything I'm telling you is 100 percent. Then why don't you tell me what the hell's going on? And there's always silence because they have no explanation, why your own government would try to destroy you by bringing in 30 plus million people into America, with a vast majority of them, single adult, military age men from nations that hate us, that despise everything we are. Why would a government do that? Well, the only answer is they want to destroy us. …

Trump is the only thing. If Biden somehow wins or whoever the anti-American Marxists they put in there, we are looking at a point of no return. Because we are so far down the hill right now. The way to get back up is going to take determination, perseverance, and it's going to take a lot, a lot of guts and a lot of strength to say, I don't care. I'm doing the right thing, and I'm going, and I'm going to deport everyone I can. That's the only way it's going to happen, where America is lost. It's really that simple. We're at a reproduction. We don't even reproduce at the replacement rate right now as Americans, and we're bringing in people from nations that reproduce six times what we do. Just do the math.

Mike Adams: Yeah.

JJ Carrell: Just do the math.

Mike Adams: Yeah.

JJ Carrell: America is over." 

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