By Super User on Thursday, 31 August 2017
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Time for Cucked Men to Grow Up By Mrs Vera West

     As my research and writing focus is on feminism and related issues, I read neo-masculinity sites like Matt Forney and Roosh v.  There are some very good articles, some bad ones, but most, well, it’s just another day on the internet. On the more “intellectual” sites we sometimes find articles on the “women problem,’ with this example from Émile Durand:

     The message is that women need to give white men a break from the female version of the cultural wars so that the process of civilisation-building can go on. Otherwise, well, things will fall apart.

     To my veteran mind, this is all naïve. There is a war of extermination of the West going on, and asking nicely: please don’t kill me, or torture me so vigorously, will not cut it, since they want to literally cut anyone defending anything true and pure:

     Rather than whinging about women, men need to become men again, eat healthy and lift heavy weights (relative to their age group), and stop being a bunch of old women. I can say this with a straight face, being one of such a bunch, and it “really sucks,” hanging out with old women, talking about old girl things, when in your mind, you think that you are still a young thing wanting to save the world:
     Be men, for God’s sake!

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