By John Wayne on Monday, 21 October 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

They May Not “Shoot Horses,” but DO Kill Babies, By Mrs. Vera West

George Christensen over at nation first is surely right in my opinion to call out the abortion law situation in Queensland. There by the Termination of Pregnancy Act 2018, abortions are allowed on demand up to 22 weeks for any reason, at all, or no reason. It's a woman's right, no concern for the foetus, who does not count, with no value of life. And after 22 weeks, with the opinion of two doctors, an abortion can occur if mother's "social circumstances" justify it, which could be any interference with her lifestyle.

As Mr Christensen notes, Labor is campaigning in the state election on "protecting abortion rights," and the Liberals are too weak to take them on. Add to this is the disturbing fact, if opinion polls can be trusted, that the majority of Australian voters, both men and women, support abortion, even the Queensland laws. Such a "good" job the feminist lobby has done, can be seen from the same statistics of support, even in the more religious US.

It is somewhat paradoxical that this society has fanatical anti-hate laws to keep Whites from criticising the multicult, but living beings who will be born as humans are destroyed in their mothers' wombs. Words thus are more dangerous than surgical cutting tools. Isn't that in some way "discrimination"? If not, then why not?

They believe killing babies is a "right".

Nation First calls out political cowardice and defends the right to life.

Let me be clear—what's happening right now in Queensland, Australia, is nothing short of barbaric. Labor is campaigning in the state election on "protecting abortion rights," claiming their extreme laws, which allow for the killing of babies right up to birth, are at risk of being wound back. They're trying to scare voters with this lie. The truth is, both Labor and the LNP are terrified of real change on this issue. Labor thinks the public will reject pro-life reforms, and the LNP is too gutless to even consider challenging the status quo.

Labor is campaigning on "protecting abortion rights" in Queensland, claiming their extreme laws are under threat.

The laws allow for abortions right up until birth, with minimal oversight required after 22 weeks.

The LNP is running scared from the issue, refusing to stand up for life or challenge Labor's extreme position.

The fake news legacy media is complicit, portraying opposition to late-term abortion as extreme, despite public opposition.

We must support pro-life candidates and parties who have the courage to defend the right to life.

Under Queensland law, legalised by the Termination of Pregnancy Act 2018, abortions are allowed on demand up to 22 weeks for ANY reason. But it doesn't stop there. After 22 weeks, all it takes is for two doctors—who can be employed by the abortion clinic itself, profiteering from this slaughter—to sign off, claiming the mother's "social circumstances" justify ending the baby's life. That's all. Financial stress or even the idea that the baby might interfere with her lifestyle is enough.

They are calling this a "right." The right to kill an unborn child who could survive outside the womb.

Labor has stooped to using the lives of unborn children to grab votes in this Queensland state election. They want you to think protecting the life of a baby is somehow a threat to women's rights. How did we get to the point where protecting innocent life is treated like a problem?

The fake news media is in lockstep with Labor. They're targeting LNP candidates, hounding them over the abortion issue like opposing these laws is some sort of crime. They're trying to make you believe the pro-life position is extreme. But you and I know that's a lie. A 2018 YouGov poll found that 76% of Queenslanders oppose abortion after 23 weeks. But if you listen to the media, you'd think that opposing late-term abortion makes you an extremist.

And why aren't the LNP responding with any substance to this lie? Instead, they've capitulated. They've chosen the coward's path, claiming they "have no plans to change the existing laws." What an absolute joke. These politicians know it's wrong. They'll claim to be pro-life when it suits them, but when they should be standing up for life, they're silent. Gutless. They're terrified of the media, terrified of losing votes, terrified of Labor's attacks. If they can't speak up now, what makes you think they'll fight to change these laws if they win?

This isn't just about Queensland. This betrayal of life is happening everywhere. Look at the Liberals across Australia—they refuse to touch the abortion issue. Look at the Republicans in the US. They make promises about defending life, but when they get into power, they abandon those promises. And the Tories in the UK? They've done the same, abandoning their base. It's the same story worldwide—these so-called conservatives are selling out the unborn. They're betraying you.

They don't care about life. They care about power. The most basic right—the right to life—is being thrown aside because they don't have the courage to defend it. This right is real. It's not some made-up "right" like Labor's abortion nonsense. Without life, no other rights matter.

Now that you've seen the ugly truth, it's even more shocking that Labor, the media, and their allies are pretending this is acceptable. No amount of sanitised language can cover up what really happens to these innocent babies.

This is not healthcare. It's murder. And Labor is using this horror for political gain.

Meanwhile, the LNP is too weak to speak up. And it's not just them. The Liberals, Republicans, and Tories—they're all cowards. They won't defend the most vulnerable among us, the babies who have no voice. If they won't stand up for the unborn, who will?

You know what needs to be done. It's time to stop supporting these weak parties. It's time to back the candidates and parties who are truly pro-life and aren't afraid to say it. We cannot fail the unborn. The so-called conservatives are doing nothing. It's up to us to demand better.

Support pro-life candidates. Support pro-life parties. Don't give your vote to cowards. The right to life is not negotiable, and it's time for leaders who will fight for it, no matter the cost. 

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