By Joseph on Tuesday, 18 January 2022
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

The Utter Contempt of the Covid Elites! By Richard Miller (London)

French president Emmanuel Macron, has told Le Parisien, a leading Paris publication, that with his Covid vaccine mandates, he intends to make life emmerder for the unvaccinated. Translated: “The unvaccinated, I really want to make life sh*t for them … to limit, as much as possible, access to social activities. I’m not going to put them in jail. I’m not going to forcibly vaccinate them. And so, you have to tell them: from January 15, you will no longer be able to go to the restaurant … you will no longer be able to go for a coffee, you will no longer be able to go to the theatre, you will no longer be able to go to the cinemas.”

To this, I hope most people will respond: to hell with these bourgeoise indulgences anyway! What is more concerning is that Macron the Mad went on to question the citizenship of unvaccinated: “When my freedom threatens that of others, I become irresponsible. An irresponsible person is no longer a citizen.” Completely over the top; it makes most people, non-citizens, since most people are irresponsible some of the time.  The fact that the vaccinated also spread Covid, according to some researchers, at the same rate, or at least, at a substantial rate, means that everyone becomes a non-citizen! And, apart from that, to make people outlaws merely from not wanting to be genocided by experimental vaccines, is most unwise. As Bob Dylan said, when you ain’t got nuthin,’ yu got nuthin’ to lose. Now, what did Bobby mean by that?

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