By John Wayne on Tuesday, 24 September 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

The Terrorists Who Freely Cross, By Chris Knight (Florida)

A former Border Patrol chief agent, Aaron Heitke, who served as chief patrol agent for the San Diego sector of the U.S. Border Patrol, said that the Biden-Harris administration attempted to hide the increase in the number of people with ties to terrorism entering the open southern border. He said: "the number of arrests of such individuals in the San Diego sector has increased from 10-15 before 2021 to more than 100 in 2022."

"At the time, I was told I could not release any information on this increase in SIAs or mention any of the arrests. The administration was trying to convince the public there was no threat at the border."

Heitke also said that "he had to let people who crossed the border illegally into local communities that could not support them."

This is clearly a war that has been waged against the existing American people, a most extraordinary affair. The aim has been not only to bring Democrat voters, many of whom will vote illegally and are encouraged to do so in Blue states, but also to prime the country for further authoritarian control. And people vote for this?

"The Harris campaign is busy trying to ensure that people don't notice just how vacuous the Candidate of Joy really is. At the same time and for the same reason, Biden-Harris regime apparatchiks are doing all they can to keep Americans from realizing just how much damage this administration has done to the country over the last three and a half years. That initiative includes covering up the effects of erasing what was once known as our Southern border. Now, however, a whistleblower has come forward with some stinging accusations regarding just how self-serving and irresponsible — and worse — the regime has been.

Northern Virginia's ABC 7 News reported Thursday that "a former Border Patrol chief agent on Wednesday accused the Biden-Harris administration of trying to hide an increase in the number of people with ties to terrorism at California's border with Mexico."

Surely the regime wouldn't be that craven, would it? Of course, it would. This is, after all, the regime that continues to demonize Donald Trump in the most lurid terms even after two attempts on his life, all while having the chutzpah to wag a schoolmarmish finger at him and his followers over divisive and incendiary rhetoric. This is the regime that has weaponized the agency that was once justly known as the Justice Department against Trump, has classified pro-life Catholics and angry parents at school board meetings as terrorists, and has gone to war against the freedom of speech. Would it lie about how many terrorists are crossing the border it has opened? You bet the guns it wants to confiscate from you that it would.

Aaron Heitke, who served as chief patrol agent for the San Diego sector of the U.S. Border Patrol, told a House hearing that there has been an increase in the number of "significant interest aliens" (SIAs) arrested in that area since Old Joe began pretending to be president. "Significant interest aliens" were, he said, "people with ties to terrorism." Heitke noted, according to ABC, that "the number of arrests of such individuals in the San Diego sector has increased from 10-15 before 2021 to more than 100 in 2022."

That's not a trivial spike, and the Biden regime, Heitke said, was trying to conceal it: "At the time, I was told I could not release any information on this increase in SIAs or mention any of the arrests. The administration was trying to convince the public there was no threat at the border."

Heitke also said that "he had to let people who crossed the border illegally into local communities that could not support them." Shades of Springfield, Ohio.

Is there any sane person on the planet (yes, that leaves out leftists) who didn't see this coming? As far back as March 2021, in the heady early days of the Biden regime, Rep. John Katko (R-N.Y.) asserted that "individuals that they have on the watchlist for terrorism are now starting to exploit the southern border. We need to wake up."

Yes, we did need to wake up, but we didn't, or at least the Biden regime didn't. The promise of bringing in millions of new Democrat voters and securing an unchallengeable position as the dominant party was just too good to pass up. How could Katko, or anyone else, for that matter, think that the left would ever wake up to a crisis it caused and remain determined to exploit? The Biden-Harris regime is pretending to care about the border and mass migration now when failing to appear to do so could cost it at the ballot box, but it's had three and a half years to manage the border crisis and did less than nothing.

It's easy to see why. The Biden-Harris regime has purposely flooded the country with people who will mostly become dependents of the state, so as to ensure that it wins all future elections and cement its authoritarian agenda. The regime also wants to weaken national unity and a sense of what it means to be an American so that it can exploit the ensuing unrest to justify authoritarian measures." 

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