By John Wayne on Saturday, 26 November 2022
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

The Surge in China’s Covid Cases By Brian Simpson

China’s continuing lockdowns have been more about asserting Xi as a god emperor, rather than sound epidemiology. The lockdowns have been the most severe in human history, with people being literally imprisoned in factories, the doors welded, often with no food. There is no real idea how many people have died from the lockdowns alone. But at present, Covid cases are surging, as detailed below, so Xi’s measures have been an utter failure. Probaly these measures have put evolutionary pressure upon the virus, resulting in stronger versions, that are now surge  across China. The problem will be possible shortages of products in the West, given the insanity of globalism, of putting all the industrial eggs in the one basket.

China has reported a record number of daily COVID-19 infections, as a nationwide surge in cases heaps pressure on the country's increasingly unpopular zero-tolerance approach to the virus.

The National Health Commission (NHC) recorded 31,444 locally transmitted cases on Wednesday – surpassing the previous peak of 29,317 recorded on April 13 during Shanghai's months-long lockdown.

The surge is being fuelled by outbreaks in multiple cities and comes despite a refusal by authorities to end tight infection controls even in the face of an increasing – and unprecedented – backlash against their hardline approach of incessant lockdowns, quarantines and mass testing mandates.

Meanwhile, a trickle of COVID-related fatalities has added further pressure to the mix.

Beijing on Wednesday recorded its fourth COVID-related death since last weekend, alongside 1648 local infections – its third consecutive day of more than 1000 local cases.

Yesterday, city officials said they were converting a major exhibition centre into a makeshift hospital for the quarantine and treatment of COVID-19 patients.

That was just the latest sign of the capital ratcheting up COVID-19 controls.

Earlier this week, schools in several districts moved classes online while Chaoyang – epicentre of the city's outbreak and home to many international businesses and embassies – urged residents to stay at home and shuttered restaurants, gyms and beauty salons.”


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