By John Wayne on Saturday, 24 September 2022
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

The Science of Social Engineering: Patrick Wood By James Reed

Social engineering is the essence of the emerging global technocracy, the rule of so-called experts, who see their technical knowledge giving them the secular divine right to rule we plebs. Patrick Wood has a forthcoming book dealing with this agenda in detail, including transhumanism. In the extract below he outlines the basic premises of social engineering in the technocratic agenda, and how the covid mandates were just a dummy run for the main event which is now unfolding with the manifold of manufactured crises.

"We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.” – Edward Bernays

Social engineering is the intentional use of propaganda and other manipulative techniques to influence public attitudes and behavior on a mass scale with the goal of arriving at whatever outcomes have been specified by the social engineers.

Because technocracy originally labeled itself as the “science of social engineering,” we should not be surprised that today’s technocrats and their allies are still practicing this dark skill for the purpose of achieving their own ends.

During the pandemic, the world has been overtaken by these social engineers, who seem to slither out of the woodwork. Their carefully constructed propaganda, spewed nonstop all day, every day, has convinced many millions of frightened people to wear face masks, practice social distancing, stay locked in their homes, shut down their businesses, close schools, and, finally, obediently submit to being injected with FDA-unapproved, experimental mRNA shots.

How could this have happened? Has the world gone mad? Let’s examine.

In the 1930s, early technocrat dreams of social engineering were emerging. Foundational research had already been conducted by Ivan Pavlov (1849–1936), a Russian neurologist and physiologist who was determined to unravel the cause of human behavior. His experiments on dogs’ drooling response to the sight of food enabled him to develop his well-known theory of classical conditioning. He found that a dog can be conditioned to salivate upon simply seeing a food dish, even if there’s no food in it. Another of Pavlov’s experiments resulted in dogs drooling whenever their dog-feeder walked into the room. 

Does the theory of classical conditioning apply to humans, too? Of course, and it works like this: If a dad always dons a certain ball cap just before taking his child to the park to play, eventually the child will anticipate playtime whenever Dad wears the same cap, no matter what the setting or circumstance. 

American psychologist and behaviorist B. F. Skinner (1904–1990) came on the scene a bit later than Pavlov. Skinner promoted the idea that human nature is mostly a product of a person’s environment. But he also contended that human nature follows certain laws that, if discovered, could be used for the purpose of manipulation and control. In experiments using rats, he developed theories of positive and negative reinforcement, as well as outright punishment, to control behavior. Skinner’s theories about rodents jumped the track to humans when he realized that “the species of the organism has made surprisingly little difference.”[1] His 1948 book, Walden Two, described a utopia in which the free will of the human spirit or soul is rejected and systematic altering of environmental variables controls all human behavior.

Both Skinner and Pavlov held to a mechanistic[2] world view. They attempted to understand human behavior through a process of scientific study. Humans, they reasoned, are accidental beings that have progressed according to Darwin’s theories on the survival of the fittest. Their mechanistic philosophy fit perfectly with the mindset of early technocrats and ended up as a major theme of the Technocracy Study Course that was published in 1934.

The danger in this type of thinking is that it reduces humans to having no free will and no spirit or soul that will help them to make moral and ethical life choices. Instead, external conditions and stimuli are necessary to produce better behavior. Of course, technocrats reasoned that they could apply their “science of social engineering” to do just that.”

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