By John Wayne on Wednesday, 28 September 2022
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

The Safety of Gene-Based Vaccines By Brian Simpson

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, speaking at the 3rd International COVID Conference held in Budapest, Hungary, claimed that gene-base vaccines do not work, and may even be genocide, although the summary below is not too sympathetic to that. The key point is that by injecting the vaccine into muscles, there will be no activation of secretory IgA antibodies in mucous membranes, so the respiratory tract remains unprotected. This would explain how the vaccinated still contract Covid. Trial Site, dismisses Dr Bhakdi’s view that the vaccines evoke self-destructive processes and creates autoimmune responses in the lymphocytes of the whole body. While this may be something of an over-statement, the evidence for original antigenic sin, covered in another article at the blog today, does support his position over the mainstream.

“Even though they have been studied for decades, the safety and effectiveness of the gene-based vaccines, which were first used in humans during the COVID-19 pandemic, are still a matter of debate among experts. Although large organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and many medical doctors say otherwise, there are still experts who argue that the danger of vaccines developed with this new technology is greater than that of the disease itself. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi is one of those experts who has views on this issue, and he expressed these views at the 3rd International COVID Conference held in Budapest, Hungary.

Vaccination is essential to prevent, control, and eradicate the spread of diseases that can cause severe illness and even death. The purpose of vaccines is to stimulate the immune system before the viruses reaches an amount that can cause illness. 

Traditionally, vaccination includes injection of the weakened state of the virus or the molecules containing the parts that make up the virus into the body. In this way, the virus entering the body cannot cause a viral disease, but it allows our immune system to recognize the virus and fight against it when encountered.

The New Era for Immunization: Gene-based Vaccines

Advances in new techniques and technologies lead to new ways of vaccination, such as the gene-based approach. Here, our cells are delivered instructions, in the form of DNA or mRNA, to make proteins producing antigens to trigger an immune response. 

Scientists have been doing research and developing mRNA and other gene-based vaccines for years. However, no genetic vaccine was approved for human use by the FDA until the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, the safety of this technology, which has been studied for so many years but has recently been introduced to so many people, is still a hot topic among experts.

Dr. Bhakdi’s Views

One of the experts who expressed a radical view on this issue is Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi who specializes in medical microbiology. During his talk at the 3rd International COVID Conference in Budapest, in August 2022, he claimed that gene-based COVID-19 vaccines are not safe, and can even be considered “genocide” which seems an exaggeration.

Can Vaccines Provide Adequate Protection against COVID-19? 

In the video presentation at 01:40 minutes, Dr. Bhakdi claimed that vaccines cannot create protection against COVID-19 and explained this hypothesis by basing it on antibodies of two different types.

The first category is called secretory IgA; antibodies that can prevent air-borne viruses from infecting cells because they are localized in mucous membranes (2:10). Other types of antibodies, called IgG and circulating IgA, are located in the bloodstream and protect the body from viruses that spread through the bloodstream. 

According to Dr. Bhakdi, when a vaccine is introduced to the muscles, it cannot cause the secretion of secretory IgA, meaning that it cannot prevent the respiratory tract from becoming infected via airborne viruses (3:38). He gave the example of people who have selective IgA deficiency. They cannot produce selective IgA yet do not suffer greater susceptibility toward respiratory infections (4:30).

Some prominent mainstream physician-scientists, such as Eric Topol at Scripps Research Institute have actively promoted the need for an intranasal vaccination plus blood-based vaccines for comprehensive protection against COVID-19. See TrialSite’s “The Quest for Topol’s Intranasal Mucosal Holy Grail.

"The Immune System Attacks Itself"

White blood cells called lymphocytes play a key role in controlling viral infections. Cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CTL), otherwise known as “killer cells,” attack host cells that are infected and that contain pathogens and break them down. 

These CTLs have different receptors that can recognize different protein fragments located on the cell’s surface l (5:55). This process is explained by Dr. Bhakdi as the “lock and key principle” as diverse CTL receptors are “locks” and protein fragments are “keys” that fit the different locks (7:27). 

Dr. Bhakdi explained as follows: CTLs, which recognize protein fragments that belong to the body, are silenced. One exception is the people who have autoimmune diseases, in which the immune system cannot tell the difference between foreign cells and its own healthy cells and attacks these healthy cells. Otherwise, in a healthy body, CTLs recognize foreign protein fragments and destroy them only (10:00).

According to Bhakdi, every gene-based vaccine evokes self-destructive processes and creates autoimmune responses in the lymphocytes of the whole body. He argues that the view that gene-based vaccines mimic infection and stimulate the immune system in the same way as contracting an infection is completely false (16:00). mRNA vaccines given by intramuscular injection rapidly reach the lymph nodes and the blood circulation, which he claimed is very rare with an actual infection (17:37). This critic’s view seems to markedly differ than most of the biomedical research and medical establishment.

Although SARS-CoV-2 mainly affects the respiratory tract, the vaccines trigger cells to produce viral spike proteins throughout the body (15:00). This makes every cell in the body become a target of the immune system. “Lymphocytes are killing their brothers and sisters,” he said in the video at 26:00. The heart and many other organs can, therefore, become more open to being attacked by the immune system (19:30). As a result, he explained that the risks associated with gene-based vaccines are blood clots, tumors, and recurrence of recent infectious disease (19:46).

Limitations of Bhakdi’s Claims and Scientific Evidence

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the FDA gave an emergency use authorization (EUA) to two mRNA vaccines, Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna.  Pfizer-BioNTech became the first approved COVID-19 vaccine followed by Moderna. To pass all these approval processes, vaccines must meet the FDA's standards for safety and effectiveness and go through significant stages of development.

There are effectiveness studies illustrating that mRNA vaccines are effective in protecting against COVID-19 by decreasing the death and respiratory failure risk. However, as TrialSite has reported, a significant number of breakthrough infections and deaths have occurred throughout the vaccination campaigns around the world. 

Research results on the safety of the vaccines are also controversial. There are risks and side effects associated with mRNA vaccines, compared to conventional vaccines. As Dr. Bhakdi suggests, the most discussed risk is the occurrence of cardiac problems and blood clots. 

A scientific review of cases demonstrated that the most commonly reported heart problem associated with the mRNA vaccines is myocarditis. Nevertheless, the CDC continues to recommend mRNA vaccines, stating that their benefits outweigh the possible consequences of COVID-19 itself, which also include heart problems and the risk of blood clots.

Dr. Bhakdi’s presentation at the conference would have been strengthened if he’d supported it with scientific research articles or observational studies. However, the censorship of “disinformation”, both in social media and scientific journals, means that much of the information currently available is anecdotal rather than peer-reviewed.

As COVID-19 enters its third year, many doctors and medical authorities continue to voice their opinions, suggestions, and misgivings about the vaccination process and the vaccines themselves. Since this is a highly controversial issue, the public needs to be kept informed of the results of peer-reviewed scientific research as it becomes available.

TrialSite suggests that various scientific camps have formed taking extreme positions and that the truth falls somewhere in between . Some on the political right think that the COVID-19 vaccines are literally death jabs. Of course, this is lunacy, they were developed to solve a specific problem—help mass numbers of people generate antibodies to protect against the novel coronavirus.  This is the truth and the products have accomplished this to an extent. But product effectiveness wanes in the face of a mutating RNA virus—not morphing as fast as the flu but changing, nonetheless.

While adverse events are rare, they do occur and rare is a relative term when hundreds of millions to billions are mass vaccinated all within the same period of time. For example, in America with 225 million fully vaccinated against COVID-19 an estimated vaccine injury rate at half of one percent means that approximately 1.125 million Americans experience some form of vaccine injury—a large number that must be investigated and ultimately taken care of.”


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