By John Wayne on Monday, 01 July 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

The Rise of Michelle Obama, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

While there are serious doubts whether Joe Biden can be replaced as the Democrat candidate at this late stage of the proceedings, it has been noted that Michelle Obama has been somewhat prickly towards the Biden's. As detailed below, some are speculating that this is Mrs Obama sending out her intentions to stand as the Democrats presidential candidate if Joe Biden is dropped. There is a conspiracy theory supporting this. Some speculate that the one behind Biden at present is B. Hussein Obama, and of course the globalists are behind him pulling his strings. Having Mrs. Obama as president would thus give a fourth Obama presidency, and if she is re-elected in 2028, a fifth Obama presidency.

That should be time enough to destroy first the United States, then the West, if not the world though nuclear war.

"All over the media in the past two days was Michelle Obama's "exclusive" interview, in which she dished on the Biden family dysfunction.

Such a piece of journalistic slavishness is hardly surprising. Surely the ironies have not escaped public notice: "private frustration"—no, not exactly private.

To any of us who attended the First and Second ladies' horror shows during Barack's first and second terms, we saw, repeatedly, strain, and certainly no love lost between Michelle and Jill. Both are ambitious, to put it mildly, vain, and love money. Both serve as expensive props for their spouse. Neither accept rivalry from any quarter.

Michelle's abrupt garrulousness this week was not a coincidence. It is a clear sign that the faux indifference of Ms. Obama to "be" president of the United States may be about to evaporate. We can anticipate, although most hopefully not, a putative fourth Obama administration, as Michelle and her expensive, fascistic PR network further obliterates any sign of her consistent, overarching love of power and cash, "for the good of the country." The country, mind you, that she has scorned and degraded (see her White House parties) in the past.

I am a native of the District of Columbia. When Barry bought the Kalorama Obama Mansion (one of three, now, hither and yon, or is it four?) in a D.C. ambassadorial neighborhood, some in town knew he was planning on a continuation of his reign (come hell or high water—well, both came).

It was an historic precedent that an immediately past U.S. President would stay on in the District, even if "for our girls"—uh huh.

Then, immediately following Michelle's typically narcissistic whine session of this week, we get the debate last night. Biden did not disappoint—he really blew it, by just being what half of the country, at least, has known he is for a very long time.

Michelle has not disappointed, either. The photographers, stylists, fashionistas, speech writers, ghost writers, and make-up artists, and pollsters, are all on alert. Look for more "exclusives" and "private" dishings from the Obama East (to be West?) Wing-soon." 

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