By John Wayne on Monday, 12 December 2022
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

The REAL Story of the 21st Century By James Reed

As noted by Tyler Durden, the mask head of, the biggest story of the 21st century is the vast mass censorship, that Musk has revealed the very tip of. There is merit in this, but really there is no point in ranking these tyrannies as if they are separate entities. Indeed, all of them form part of an oppressive system. Thus, censorship was vital for electoral fraud that ended Trump, but also of fooling people, who at the best of times are sheeple, into taking an experimental gene therapy. What we have today is not separate attacks coming at us, but a perfect storm of globalist problems.


“The biggest story of the past decade is not the covid pandemic, the January 6th protests, the war in Ukraine, the BLM riots, or even the stagflationary crisis in the US.  Behind these major events is another story, one that connects them all together in a disturbing way.  Even more important than the effects of geopolitical and economic chaos is the effect of mass censorship; without the free exchange of information and debate the public remains ignorant.  And if the public remains ignorant, crisis events have an increasing potential to explode.

Public perception of national and international affairs is a key determinant of the outcome of disasters and conflicts.  This is why governments and elitists from around the world often seek to manipulate the ways in which people digest information.  The idea is rather simple – They believe that 'we the people' cannot be allowed to come to our own conclusions.  They think we cannot be trusted to develop the “proper” viewpoints and we are not smart enough to understand the implications of governmental decisions.  

In other words, they believe the exact opposite of what is outlined in the US Constitution.  The establishment will give numerous reasons why they need to censor, suppress, spin and misrepresent the facts of any given situation, but in the end the real rationale is that they have a vision for society that is contrary to our foundations.  They have appointed themselves the arbiters of reality to see that vision done.  As Edward Bernays, the “father of pubic relations” once stated in his book 'Propaganda':

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. ...We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. ...In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons...who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”

This is pure authoritarianism.  It's the stuff of nightmares and revolutions.  But for many years now a large subsection of the world has denied such a dynamic exists.  It's “conspiracy theory” and “tinfoil hattery” to claim that a small number of elites work together in secret to control public perception and govern our society from the shadows.  After all, where is the proof?

Of course, this kind of argument is a coping mechanism for the mentally deficient.  Proof of such secretive governance and control is everywhere these days, but some people prefer willful denial.  Take for example the ongoing data drops for what is now being called “The Twitter Files.”

The mainstream media is barely responding to the information dump initiated by Elon Musk.  They seem to be far more interested in Donald Trump's tax records.  When they are forced to acknowledge the story, they are hostile, calling the information “boring” or unimpressive.  It's a classic psychological  tactic of typical narcissists and criminals – When they get caught, they act indifferent, as if neither the evidence nor their crimes really matter.  If getting caught doesn't matter to them, then their crimes must not be all that bad, right?

The content of these files is astonishing, but at the same time it is true that the conclusions are not surprising.    

The files simply confirm almost everything conservative and libertarian commentators have been saying for years; all those “conspiracy theories” about Big Tech censorship of conservatives turned out to be true.  Not only that, but the theory that government agencies and officials from the DNC worked with Big Tech to silence and undermine their political opponents was also true.  

Twitter has long denied that they “shadow ban” users, but this was a lie.  The data shows that small groups within Twitter called “strategic response teams” suppressed up to 200 accounts per day.  Usually these were accounts of larger and more influential conservative politicians and celebrities.  And, these teams operated in coordination with Democrat officials and agencies like the FBI.  In some cases the goal was to mute a particular individual. In other cases the goal was to steer national elections.   

Internal Twitter communications show that SRT groups spent most of their time fabricating reasons why certain information was subject to TOS.  In other words, if Twitter's rules were not being violated, they made up new rules.  

The exposure of Twitter is the biggest story of the decade because it provides proof of a hidden cabal.  It shows the ugly mechanics behind the scenes and exposes a network of elites and their errand boys who were involved in direct operations to destroy the 1st Amendment for the sake of ideological supremacy.  

It's the classic definition of fascism, a definition that Benito Mussolini reiterated when he argued:  “Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power.”

And, if this brand of Fascism was happening within the halls of Twitter, then there is little doubt it is also happening at companies like Google/YouTube, Apple, Facebook, etc.  Before we had evidence, now we have confirmation.  

The corporate media argues over relevance instead of morality because they benefited from the censorship.  It's important to remember that one of the first measures Big Tech companies applied after suppressing the alternative media during the pandemic was to then amplify the corporate media.  These companies are floundering with dismal audience numbers and dwindling profits.  No one listens to them anymore.  Yet, as long as they promote the establishment narrative their opinions and disinformation are given priority on nearly every search engine and social media platform.  

Of course they aren't interested in the Twitter Files, liars are often “bored” by honest commentary and factual information.  Also, their continued existence relies on the censorship of their competition in the alternative media.

The bottom line is this:  According to the Bill of Rights, it is illegal for agents of the US government to obstruct the free speech of law abiding American citizens.  It does not matter if the action is done by using “private businesses” as a middlemen.  And, if a private business is colluding with government to implement political policy then it is no longer a private business.  Twitter was participating in a form of treason, along with the agencies that they cooperated with.  It's a huge story, and one that should lead to punishment for those involved.” 


A similar theme was also recently addressed at the American, who stitches together the relationship between stolen elections, and increasing government corruption.

“Elon Musk was true to his word, as far as we know, with regard to his promise to release Twitter documents, first by Matt Taibbi then by Bari Weiss.

Thus far, he has exposed that social media site’s calculated censorship of any and all information that might silence conservative voices, including President Trump as well as reflect badly on the Biden family, Dr. Anthony Fauci, lockdowns, and vaccines.   

He has done exactly that, probably not to the fullest extent, but he’s released enough to prove how much Twitter, the mainstream media and all the other social media sites interfered with the 2020 election.   

Their interference amounts to both fraud and treason.  The Democrats engineered the Biden victory and subsequently bragged about it.    

Twitter’s big part of the game has finally been revealed for all to see.  Twitter, on their own or often due to orders from the Biden White House and/or the FBI, de-platformed anyone who posted anything remotely critical of the Biden regime and/or its horrific policies, especially those related to COVID lockdowns and vaccines.   

The left cheats; they can’t win if they don’t cheat so they regularly cheat.  Nothing makes that clearer than the 2022 midterm elections in Arizona, Michigan and Pennsylvania. 

Polls show that about sixty percent of the American people believe the 2020 election was stolen; those people are not all Republicans.  

Chances are that in their heart of hearts, ninety percent of Americans know it was stolen.  

The Democrats steal without shame, as if it’s their divine right.  They do it blatantly because they know they can get away with it.

The GOP leadership are spineless pushovers as it happens; Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, Susan Collins, Lindsey Graham, Thom Tillis, et al. who gladly do the Democrats’ bidding.  

The Republicans could have subpoenaed those Twitter documents but did not.  They could have elected to help save all those innocent people imprisoned for being present at the Capitol on January 6, but they’ve done nothing.  

They sell us out, year after year after year as does the leadership of the RNC.  They know the Democrats cheat and steal but they do nothing to stop them.

The results of their treachery?  A legitimately life-threatening  energy crisis due to Biden’s cancelling of pipelines and drilling which spread and intensified the inflation we are enduring.  The catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan gave the Bagram Air Base to China and billions of dollars' worth of high-tech U.S. military equipment to the Taliban.  

Biden threw open the southern border; and well over two million migrants have entered the country.  Where are they now?  Who knows?  Many of the unaccompanied children are obviously being trafficked. Biden is absolutely in business with the cartel sex-traffickers.  

This administration’s irresponsible spending has increased the national debt to $131 trillion, and yet they continue to throw billions we do not have to Ukraine to protect a border that is irrelevant to Americans; it’s part of their scheme to take Putin down but the war has killed thousands of Ukranian civilians with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s complicity.   Where have the billions of dollars gone?  Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene wants an audit; the Democrats say 'no.'  It is likely that much of that money has found its way into the pockets of pro-war Democrats and the Republican consultant class along with the those Ukrainian oligarchs who are running Zelensky and buying mansions in Switzerland. 

Biden wants to forgive billions in student loans; he wants working taxpayers who could not afford college to pay for those who did but are slackers.  

He wants to continue to subsidize millions of illegal migrants he’s ushered into the country.  Homeless Americans, nearly all of them mentally ill and/or drug-addicted, are abandoned onto the streets of Democrat-run cities like detritus but Biden ignores them.  Cities like San Francisco, Baltimore, Detroit, and parts of Chicago have been turned over to these forgotten and abused people, destroying the quality of life for its law-abiding citizens.  The destruction of once-great cities at the direction of Soros-installed DAs and Secretaries of State who have all favored violent criminals over law-abiding citizens continues to escalate.  No consequences? More crime, of course. The left craves chaos and knows exactly how to incite it: encourage it, permit it and fail to punish crime.  What we have now is orchestrated chaos, crime encouraged and permitted. 

The minute Biden took office he tanked the recovering economy he inherited.  This had to be purposeful; no economic adviser is that stupid.  He destroyed the energy independence Trump had made possible which has given us the gas prices we now endure.  He doubled down on all the COVID restrictions, all of them specious, harmful and unnecessary; these mandates and the vaccines killed more people that COVID itself.  

Biden is owned by China, he owes his personal wealth to China and Ukraine.  He does the bidding of those nations because they purchased his submission to their will, however dangerous to U.S. national security.  Biden is thug with no reverence for the nation he purports to lead. The war in Ukraine is no doubt enriching his pals there and defense manufacturers here.  Who knows in whose pockets all those billions land. Zelensky seems willing to see every last Ukrainian killed for the U.S. goal of deposing Putin?  Zelensky is no hero; he’s a puppet of the globalist left. He’s an actor playing a part for the benefit of the gullible at outlets like Time Magazine. The war in Ukraine is a tragedy that never would have occurred if Trump were president.

This administration has pushed every nonsensible woke theory that academia has fallen prey to, starting with Critical Race Theory (CRT).  That’s the one that divides people by race, class and the notion that gender is a social construct; blacks are victims, whites are oppressors.  They love diversity-equity-inclusion (DEI), another bit of moonbattery that promotes skin color over character, victimhood over self-reliance.  Then there is environmental social governance (ESG) that leans toward China’s social credit system; corporations must follow the rules of the green agenda or be punished.  Transgenderism and sex change surgeries for children is one of the Biden administration’s pet projects; like the Marxist left, the nuclear family must be destroyed by any means necessary.  This  aggressive promotion of all things LGBT for K–12 schoolchildren is sinister on its face, sexual confusion the goal.  Biden has transformed the military from a fighting force into a cult of wokery.  No wonder recruitment is way down. 

perfect gauge of the malevolence of the Biden administration is the trading the “merchant of death,” Victor Bout, one of the most dangerous men on the planet, for a loudly anti-American basketball player, Brittany Griner, imprisoned in Moscow for bringing CBD oil into Russia, while leaving Marine Paul Whelan, in prison there for four years on false charges.  This is one of Biden’s most egregious errors in judgment.  Biden panders relentlessly to the BLM/Antifa/LGBT whiners.  

Van Jones thinks “every young American will remember this day” for the release of Griner.  Not likely.

By every measure – economic, national security, militarily, culturally and electoral integrity – the Biden administration has been a disaster of incalculable proportions.   All of this has occurred in just two years.  Ben Frankiln was right when he noted that the Founders created “a republic, if you can keep it,” and Reagan’s warning that  “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”  

One of the most important things Trump accomplished was that the left, so deranged by hatred of the man, revealed who they really are: Ideological totalitarians who actually embrace communism of the Chinese variety.  

They have to be stopped.”


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