By Super User on Monday, 30 October 2017
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

The Rape of Europe By Paul Walker

     The rape of Europe continues, not just Sweden that everybody has accepted is now beyond doomed:

     Gangs are now ruling and the police are bowing, and kneeling.

     In Britain, the same forces are at work, but there the rule of law is still hanging on, by a thread. Another gang of mostly Muslim men from Rotherham have appeared in court facing 45 sexual abuse offences against eight White British girls under the age of 16:

     These sorts of rape gangs were given a free ride for decades, as police turned a blind eye to them because of fears of “racism.” The establishment itself accepted that political correctness had generated a culture of silence:

“The former chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission said it was time to “call a spade a spade”, otherwise the torturous crimes would not be prevented.
He accused the BBC of trying to “avoid being accused of stigmatising a community” by failing to address the perpetrators in high profile cases in Newcastle and Rotherham were Muslims who would have “claimed to be practising”.
Instead, the BBC this week branded 18 people convicted of grooming and raping girls as young as 13-years-old in Newcastle an “Asian” gang.
This was an “evasion” of the truth, Mr Phillips said, adding it was time for people to accept “these men are not just dark-skinned perverts”.
“What the perpetrators have in common is their proclaimed faith. They are Muslims, and many of them would claim to be practising.
“It is not Islamophobic to point this out, any more than it would be racist to point out that the most active persecutors of LGBT people come from countries where most people are, like me, black.
If we are going to call a spade a spade, then we should do so without embarrassment. But our elites have replaced their old fear of being called racist with a new bogey. It comes to something when the BBC prefers to risk being condemned for racism than expose itself to the charge of Islamophobia.”

     All of this is just the tip of an ugly iceberg which has been allowed to drift into home waters.

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