By John Wayne on Thursday, 18 July 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

The Question of Funding: It’s About Time Musk Opened Up His Piggy Bank! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Elon Musk is set to donate $ 45 million a month towards the Trump campaign, via the America PAC. The change of heart, to go full out on Trump support came after the attempted assassination. The money will go towards the fight in swing states.

What is of general interest here is that this raises the question of funding, which is a vulnerability for all conservative groups. How does Soros get to do what he does, to organise the Left? Does he himself put up the money, or is he a front man for wealthy Leftist donors? I think the later. And the Left gets things done because they get the money to do things. I would say the weakness of conservatives, and there are many, is being tight with a buck. In general, thrift is great, but when the West is going down the drain, something more is required. Perhaps Musk is showing the way with his generous donation? 

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