By John Wayne on Monday, 19 August 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

The Plan was All Along to Attack Freedom, By James Reed

As I see it, in my take on the aftermath of the UK riots, the plan all along was to attack free speech. What has not received comment, even from the likes of, is how these riots started. We know from evidence coming from the US January 6 "riots," or "insurrection," that the authorities were involved, with FBI agents being in the crowd stirring things up, andpolice allowing people into the building. Tucker Carlson did an exposure on this. Here are even photos of government agents, with the standard short haircuts and sunglasses gathered in the crowds. There has not been any exposure of the radical Right who supposedly organised and flamed the UK protests. Perhaps there was a spontaneous outburst of anger over the brutal stabbings of the White children at the Taylor Swift dance party, but the following protests seem to almost too perfectly fit a standard narrative that would justify more repression from a newly elected woke Left Labour government. I would like to see more investigation of the actual dynamics of all this.As detailed at an article at the Off-Guardian the dialectic set up seems to be this:

1.Violent Incident – A terrorist attack, bomb threat, violent murder or some such hits the headlines. The incident can be real or staged, it makes no difference.

2.Push "Misinformation" – Publish an intentionally falsifiable narrative of the above via anonymous accounts or non-mainstream sources, and use bots and shills to spread this "fake news".

3.Foment violence – Again using sock puppets and your bought-and-paid-for "alternative voices", encourage disorder. Use undercover agents on the ground to direct and gradually inflame this situation until it becomes violent.

4.Debunk "Misinformation" – Release the "real story" of the inciting incident, contradicting the initial "misinformation" you deliberately seeded (see #2).

5.Blame Social Media – Through your controlled media, broadcast the idea that social media "amplified" the original "misinformation" (that you planted) and it is therefore to blame for the violence.

6.Arrests – Begin arresting people for online comments (again, these can be real or fake, it makes no difference), but ensure the comments are unpleasant or stupid enough most people won't defend them.

7.Show trials and sentencing – Sentence people to prison for posting jokes and opinions on social media. Whether this is performed or actual, the desired effect will be the same.

8.Legislation – Push through new legislation on hate speech etc. (or, in the UK's case prepare to "revisit" legislation passed last year).

9.Enjoy your precedent – Bathe in the adoration of people who should know better, enjoy your precedent and be ready to re-use it whenever you want.

The only thing missing here is the role of governments in setting off this process in the first place. If it can be done with January 6 in the US, it can be done anywhere. It is all to perfect not to be a conspiracy, at least in part.

"In the wake of the Southport attack and ensuing riots, we wrote that the agenda had become clear – it was about attacking free speech.

Little did we suspect how quickly they would move, and how brazenly authoritarian they would become, culminating in quite literal show trials for Facebook posts:

All while the so-called "liberals" are applauding and spouting phrases they don't realise they've been hypnotised into believing through endless repetition.

"Tolerating intolerance just leads to more intolerance in the end."
"Free speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences"
"It was never an absolute right"

If it wasn't obvious from the outset, it's quite clear now that this entire situation has been a contrivance.

As it turns out it was a masterfully played hand that has perfectly set up the template for other governments who may want to crackdown on free expression in the future.

10.Violent Incident – A terrorist attack, bomb threat, violent murder or some such hits the headlines. The incident can be real or staged, it makes no difference.

11.Push "Misinformation" – Publish an intentionally falsifiable narrative of the above via anonymous accounts or non-mainstream sources, and use bots and shills to spread this "fake news".

12.Foment violence – Again using sock puppets and your bought-and-paid-for "alternative voices", encourage disorder. Use undercover agents on the ground to direct and gradually inflame this situation until it becomes violent.

13.Debunk "Misinformation" – Release the "real story" of the inciting incident, contradicting the initial "misinformation" you deliberately seeded (see #2).

14.Blame Social Media – Through your controlled media, broadcast the idea that social media "amplified" the original "misinformation" (that you planted) and it is therefore to blame for the violence.

15.Arrests – Begin arresting people for online comments (again, these can be real or fake, it makes no difference), but ensure the comments are unpleasant or stupid enough most people won't defend them.

16.Show trials and sentencing – Sentence people to prison for posting jokes and opinions on social media. Whether this is performed or actual, the desired effect will be the same.

17.Legislation – Push through new legislation on hate speech etc. (or, in the UK's case prepare to "revisit" legislation passed last year).

18.Enjoy your precedent – Bathe in the adoration of people who should know better, enjoy your precedent and be ready to re-use it whenever you want.

That's the base plan. You can tweak it to add specifics to suit your agenda, for example, today in the UK they are trying rehabilitate the reputation of the police, attempting to rebrand them as "those brave boys who faced down the far-right", rather then "those tools of the state who locked us down for no reason".

But the great thing about this template is it can be adapted for any situation, all you need to do is plan the attack and riots accordingly.

Right now the UK has a new "Labour" government, eager to prove its "leftist" bona fides, so the stoked unrest was anti-immigration protests, allowing for a clamp down on the "far-right".

Next time, in the US, maybe a cop allegedly shoots a black suspect who is reportedly unarmed, sparking BLM riots – but oh no, it turns out the cop was black too and the suspect WAS armed, "leaked" CCTV proves it.

Cue arrests of "far-left" BLM supporters calling for attacks on police or tweeting "All Cops Are B**tards" or anyone who spread the "misinformation" that the suspect was unarmed.

…you get the idea.

As is the way of things in the modern media landscape, even the opposition to the crackdown is heavily controlled, with a fake binary set-up between Starmer's government and Elon Musk's X.

An authoritarian globalist stooge or an oligarch military contractor. Do you think either of them is on our side?" 

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