By John Wayne on Monday, 05 August 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

The Paris Olympics is a Microcosm of the Woke World Just Around the Corner, By James Reed

The American thinker did a good job of joining up the dots on the display of anti-Christian woke at the Paris Olympics. The symbolism and imagery of this Olympics depicts what America will be like under the radical racial Leftist regime of Kamala Harris. Instead of Christianity, Leftists turn to paganism, or Islam, for religious window dressing. Not because they in any way believe these positions, being materialists, but because the two positions have utility in attacking Christianity. As well, things like drag queens and transgenders fit in well to a pagan world view, but not so with Christianity, if it is consistently practiced. The issue of the trans boxers has been adequately discussed at the blog, but another lesser discussed issue was the initial aspects of Gaia worship aspect of Leftist paganism, with red meat restrictions it seems. The athletes were also sleeping on cardboard beds, that somehow minimised the impacts upon the climate, as if producing cardboard does not produce carbon, and normal beds have a longer life.

Overall, the Olympics, being an outpouring of woke Leftist ideology, need to be cancelled. If Trump becomes president, the US could pull out of this, and other globalist organisations such as the UN and World Health Organization, allowing them to implode from being starved of funds.

"Originally, to advance Western communism, Marxists focused on working-class solidarity. That ended in Europe during WWI when workers cared more about their nation than fellowship with enemy workers. Economic communism failed in the West again after WWII when capitalism's soaring economic success elevated the entire Western world. However, the 1960s planted the seeds of the cultural Marxism that's led to the epic ideological battle playing out in America's 2024 election. And if you want to see what the US will be like if Kamala wins, look no further than the Paris Olympics.

Leftism, of course, despises Judeo-Christian principles. However, because people must believe something (it's hard-wired), leftism has substituted paganism in its place. The Paris Olympics celebrated these values with an intentional slur against Christianity while elevating paganism.

First, despite all the lies about the parody of Da Vinci's Last Supper, the creators themselves admitted what they were doing.

Elevating paganism within a society leads to two other leftist shibboleths: Transgenderism and Earth worship.

Regarding transgenderism, the same opening ceremony repeatedly showcased bizarre, non-heterosexual people and their behavior.

More practically, the Olympics allowed into the boxing ring two people with XY chromosomes, who then proceeded to beat the living daylights out of the women who tried to fight them:

The Olympic committee attacked those who dared to champion women against a person who has XY chromosomes, citing the Algerian athlete's unusual upbringing. Upbringing be damned. Men should not box against women.

I can speak with some authority on this, because I did MMA for years. (I wasn't good, but I did it.) Men are bigger, stronger, and have faster reactions. In eleven years, I met only one woman who could kick as hard as a man—and she broke her ankle doing so. Women who take punches and kicks from men will get hurt.

I have no sympathy for the women who willingly compete against men, especially in contact sports. They are just as stupid as someone trying to cross a freeway. Real courage doesn't lie in fighting (a fight they'll inevitability lose) but in taking a stand against insanity.

And then there's the Gaia worship aspect of leftist paganism, which has revealed itself in three ways. The first is that the athletes, who are burning calories like mad, were initially deprived of protein.

The second is that the athletes, who are pushing their bodies to extremes, are sleeping like prisoners on cardboard beds, ostensibly to prevent sexual activity but also in the name of beds that minimally affect the climate:

The third is that the Seine, in which some swimming races are being held, is beyond filthy (Sacre POO!)

(See also Jolien Vermeylen complaining about the disgusting detritus the athletes were was forced to swim through.)

This was to be expected. Leftists want to destroy the hydrocarbon energy that fuels our world (and their smartphones), but they tend to live in filth, as every major Democrat-run city in America proves.

Another aspect of cultural Marxism is solicitude for criminals over their victims and law-abiding citizens. In this spirit, the Netherlands sent a convicted child rapist to compete in volleyball.

There's one other thing to note, though, about these Olympics, which is that, coupled with all this failure, degradation, and open evil, there's a gloss of success. After all, we're seeing young people compete and succeed at the highest levels of physical accomplishment. That, too, is a microcosm of leftism because you see the high and the low, but there's no middle.

Leftist affluence is always a Potemkin Village. Just think of California, which boasts of its wealth, all of which clusters around Los Angeles (entertainment), the San Francisco Bay Area (tech), and Sacramento (politics). The rest of the state is one of the poorest in the country. So, even the wealth is fragile.

This unlucky Moldavian athlete who won in judo, only to dislocate his shoulder merely by celebrating his win, seems like the ultimate symbolic microcosm of leftism:

So, if you want to see America under Kamala, look to the Olympics in Paris. 

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