By John Wayne on Monday, 01 July 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

The Panic and Pain After the Great Debate, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Since the Trump-Biden debate I have been viewing numerous news sites and blogs of the Left and Democrats. I can report that the most common words seen on these sites is "panic," or at least, that it is the best description I have of it. As well, it is clear that pain is another thing exhibited.

To illustrate both of these sentiments, one needs to look no further than The New York Times coverage, pro-Democrat, pro-mass immigration and in general globalists. The response, immediately after the debate, was to call for Biden as the presumptive Democratic nominee in the 2024 presidential race, to step down. Many of the Leftoid media have done the same. The New York Times issued its request from the editorial board itself, which is an indication of how serious things are regarded by them.

What counters to this have there been? It took a little while but both B. Hussein Obama, and Bill Clinton came to Biden's defence. They took the line that everyone has bad debate days, and Trump lied all the time, while Biden was a pure as the driven snow. Yes, coming from Bill Clinton. And with the debate framework and biases all towards Biden as well, and he still fell. It was much more than a bad debate day.

But I like best, comments about Biden coming from his "friends." Thus, "friend" Thomas Friedman, said that watching the debate "made me weep" and said that "Joe Biden, a good man and a good president, has no business running for re-election." No need to quote from Biden's "enemies"!

"The New York Times editorial board called on President Biden to step aside as the presumptive Democratic nominee in the 2024 presidential race Friday, one day after his abysmal performance in a debate against Donald Trump.

While insisting that Biden, 81, had been an "admirable president," the liberal Grey Lady concluded the incumbent appeared on the debate stage as "the shadow of a great public servant" and would be engaging in a "reckless gamble" by continuing his candidacy.

"There is no reason for the party to risk the stability and security of the country by forcing voters to choose between Mr. Trump's deficiencies and those of Mr. Biden," the board wrote. "It's too big a bet to simply hope Americans will overlook or discount Mr. Biden's age and infirmity that they see with their own eyes."

"Mr. Biden answered an urgent question on Thursday night. It was not the answer that he and his supporters were hoping for," the Times concluded. "But if the risk of a second Trump term is as great as he says it is — and we agree with him that the danger is enormous — then his dedication to this country leaves him and his party only one choice."

The editorial was published two hours after Biden arrived in New York City for the first of a two-day fundraising swing, which will include a high-dollar event in the Hamptons on Saturday.

It followed a day of chaos and confusion among Democrats after Biden repeatedly froze, misspoke and lost his train of thought during the first of two scheduled debates against his predecessor in Atlanta.

At one point, Biden gazed down at his lectern for nearly 10 whole seconds before popping up again to say that he "finally beat Medicare."

Even before the Times editorial board weighed in, two of the paper's most prominent columnists had called on Biden to step aside. "The Democratic Party has some prominent figures who I think would be in a good position to defeat Trump in November," Nicholas Kristoff wrote late Thursday following the debate. "This will be a wrenching choice."

"But, Mr. President, one way you can serve your country in 2024 is by announcing your retirement and calling on delegates to replace you," he said, "for that is the safest course for our nation."
Thomas Friedman, who called Biden "my friend" said that watching the debate "made me weep" and acknowledged that "Joe Biden, a good man and a good president, has no business running for re-election."

"Former President Barack Obama admitted that Joe Biden's debate performance Thursday night was "bad" — but still urged voters to back his former VP over Donald Trump.

"Bad debate nights happen. Trust me, I know," Obama, 62, wrote on X Friday afternoon, referring to his infamous lackluster debate against Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney in 2012.

Biden, 81, left much to be desired during Thursday night's war of words, during which he appeared to freeze at several points and was often mumbling and tripping over phrases.

"But this election is still a choice between someone who has fought for ordinary folks his entire life and someone who only cares about himself," Obama insisted.

"Between someone who tells the truth; who knows right from wrong and will give it to the American people straight — and someone who lies through his teeth for his own benefit.

"Last night didn't change that, and it's why so much is at stake in November."

"I'll leave the debate rating to the pundits," former President Bill Clinton added later Friday afternoon. "Joe Biden has given us 3 years of solid leadership, steadying us after the pandemic, creating a record number of new jobs, making real progress solving the climate crisis, and launching a successful effort in reducing inflation, all while pulling us out of the quagmire Donald Trump left us in."

Biden's dismal showing created major doubts about his ability to appear on the ticket come Election Day — though rumors of his imminent replacement were shot down by aides who said he was already gearing up for September's rematch.

But even Biden had to admit, during an appearance at a rally in North Carolina on Friday, that he does not "debate as well as (he) used to."

"Folks, I give you my word as a Biden, I would not be running again if I didn't believe with all my heart and soul I can do this job, because, quite frankly, the stakes are too high," he added.

Within a few hours of the debate, only about 18% of respondents to one poll said they believed Biden should stay in the race – with 81% agreeing it was time for him to call it quits.

New York Times columnist Thomas L. Friedman – a close friend of the president's – went so far as to say that Thursday night's performance made him "weep."

"Joe Biden, a good man and a good president, has no business running for re-election," Friedman, 70, lamented.

Hank Sheinkopf, campaign aide to former President Bill Clinton and longtime political strategist, added that Trump, 78, was "much more clear – even when he made stuff up."

"Do you want a guy who stutters from time to time and is a decent fellow or an entertainer who is funny? Trump is funny, Biden is not funny," he shrugged." 

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