By John Wayne on Friday, 21 June 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

The Mythical Climate Change “Heat Dome,” By James Reed

What is a "heat dome"? That was a new one to me, and here I was thinking that I had heard all of the bs terms used by the climate change alarmist cult. No, the heat dome is a human-induced climate change effect that leads to death from the ill-effects of heat. According to this idea, most weather-related deaths are due to heat, and most of this added heat, is supposedly due to human-caused climate change. Only thing here, most weather-related deaths are not due to heat at all, but to cold, which is really the great killer.

Breitbart gives a nice refutation of this idea that heat is the big problem. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), over the past two decades, annual heat-related deaths in the U.S. have been between 0.9 and 3.6 per million people, whereas cold-related deaths have been between 3.6 and 5.9 per million people. As well, according to the pro-climate change alarmist medical journal The Lancet, the majority of deaths associated with non-optimal temperatures were due to the cold, with people across the globe being 9.4 times more likely to die from the cold than from the heat.

To my mind at least, this shows that the idea of modern civilisation living under the threat of a "heat dome," is purely mythical; as always, cold is the great challenge to human life. You can experience this on a personal level. The heat in Melbourne is something I can endure without too much discomfort. But, being too poor to have air conditioning, the Melbourne cold is something else. I have to work writing this material wrapped up in sleeping bags that I got from an opp. shop. The elites pushing climate change, of course, work and live in air-conditioned comfort.

"Science Alert warned Monday "worsening human-induced climate change" is contributing to an increase in heat-related deaths as the United States languishes under a "heat dome."

"Despite being preventable, the leading weather-related deaths in the US are caused by heat," the article states, adding that heat-related deaths "are rising as heat waves like this one occur more regularly thanks to worsening human-induced climate change."

"Extreme heat events are also increasing in their intensity and duration, bringing along greater fire danger too," it contends, arguing that "millions are at risk" from the intense heat.

The group's assertion that in the U.S. most weather-related deaths "are caused by heat" does not stand up to scrutiny, however, since the majority of weather-related deaths come from cold, not heat.

According to data published by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), over the past twenty years annual heat-related deaths in the U.S. have ranged between 0.9 and 3.6 per million people whereas cold-related deaths have ranged between 3.6 and 5.9 per million people.

The imbalance between heat-based deaths and cold-based deaths becomes even more apparent when looking at the global scenario, where cold-related deaths dwarf heat-related deaths by nearly ten to one.

The UK-based Lancet medical journal, which regularly laments the dire consequences of climate change, published a study in 2021, which found that 5,083,173 deaths worldwide were associated with "non-optimal temperatures per year," and then went on to explain that the vast majority of these were "cold-related" rather than "heat-related."

According to the Lancet, people around the world are 9.4 times more likely to die from the cold than from the heat.

It added that over the past 20 years, the death rate from heat has slightly increased due to global warming (+0.21 percent), but that the death rate from the cold decreased by more than twice as much (-0.51 percent) during the same period." 

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