By John Wayne on Thursday, 27 June 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

The Limits of So-Called Green Electricity, By James Reed

Regional Australian communities are going to face power blackouts with the present push to renewable energy and the construction, with who knows how much carbon produced, of 10,000 kilometres of transmission lines. With coal foolishly being abandoned as a fuel source by Australia, but not China or India, by 2038, there will be a shortfall of energy.

The claims were made by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO), which has a supposed 25-year plan to move the country to the magical net-zero emissions. The short fall may not be met by nuclear, as Labor is rolling out the unions to oppose the Liberal proposals for building nuclear power plans. Supposedly this will take jobs, where replacement level migration does not, increasing diversity. The Report noted:

"With coal retiring, renewable energy connected with transmission and distribution, firmed with storage and backed up by gas-powered generation is the lowest-cost way to supply electricity to homes and businesses as Australia transitions to a net zero economy," the report states. "While significant progress is being made, AEMO is acutely aware of challenges and risks already being experienced and that may grow in the future. Risks to the reliability of the system are already becoming visible, and the NEM must be resilient to shocks such as unanticipated coal closures or outages, intense weather events or, conceivably, cyber-attacks."

It looks like rural Australia will spend a fair bit of time in the dark in the future, but nothing new here given past government policies, such as with health and education, especially in outback communities.

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