By John Wayne on Friday, 30 August 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

The Inherent Destructiveness of Woke Culture for Western Civilisation, By Chris Knight (Florida)

A thought-provoking article at the freedom moment site Vigilant, joins the dots pointing out what is becoming obvious now that the foundational principles of freedom that once defined the West, especially America, are fast being undermined, and wound back. Free speech and meritocracy are under attack, to be replaced by totalitarian suppression and ideological conformity, powered by woke culture and identity politics, identity for everyone except Whites. A social system that requires compliance over competence is being produced.

The issue of the erosion of free speech has been well covered at the blog, so the early part of the article extracted below can be a refresher. The main point of interest is the lesser discussed undermining of meritocracy, that merit and quality should be the deciding principles of society, over the affirmative action policies of the present regime of identity politics. Thus:

"The broader societal implications of replacing meritocracy with identity-based systems are alarming. When merit is sidelined, it breeds mediocrity. Individuals who might otherwise strive for excellence may feel demotivated when they see that their hard work and talent are not the primary factors determining their success. Over time, this can lead to a culture where the pursuit of greatness is devalued, and mediocrity becomes the norm. Moreover, the resentment that can arise from such policies risks deepening societal divisions rather than healing them. Those who are disadvantaged by identity-based preferences may feel disenfranchised and disillusioned, leading to greater polarization and social unrest.

Perhaps the most troubling aspect of the assault on meritocracy is the long-term damage it can do to American innovation and global competitiveness. The United States has long been a leader in technological advancement, scientific discovery, and cultural influence. This leadership has been driven by a system that rewards merit and encourages individuals to push the boundaries of what is possible. However, as meritocracy is eroded in favour of identity politics, the incentive to innovate and excel diminishes. This could have devastating consequences for America's position in the world, as other nations that continue to prioritize merit over identity outpace us in key areas of development."

This is true for all countries in the West, who also suffer from the Leftist disease of woke. By giving priority to identity over merit, there will be an undermining of incentives to strive for success, when the reward system is based upon largely non-White characteristics. Many will see no point in supporting social institutions, as has been seen by White males not wanting to join the woke US armed forces and other militaries across the West that prefer the transgender to cisgender males. Why fight for a society that devalues, and despises them?

"The Assault on Meritocracy: How Woke Ideology Undermines the American Dream

Meritocracy—the idea that individuals should succeed based on their talents, efforts, and achievements—has long been a cornerstone of the American dream. It is the principle that has allowed countless individuals, regardless of their background, to rise above their circumstances and achieve greatness. Meritocracy is the promise that in America, your hard work and abilities will be rewarded. However, this foundational concept is now under attack from the very forces that once championed equality and opportunity. Woke ideology, with its focus on identity over individual merit, is dismantling the systems that have allowed meritocracy to flourish, threatening the essence of the American dream.

At its core, woke ideology seeks to address perceived social injustices by prioritizing equity over equality. This distinction is crucial. Equality, as traditionally understood, means providing everyone with the same opportunities and allowing individuals to succeed based on their abilities. Equity, on the other hand, demands equal outcomes, often through the redistribution of resources and opportunities to achieve a predetermined level of fairness. While the pursuit of equity might seem noble on the surface, it frequently comes at the expense of meritocracy. In practice, this means that identity—whether it be race, gender, or other characteristics—takes precedence over qualifications, achievements, and hard work.

One of the most visible arenas where the assault on meritocracy is playing out is in education. Across the country, schools and universities are implementing admissions policies that favor certain groups over others, not based on merit, but on identity. Affirmative action, diversity quotas, and similar initiatives are intended to rectify historical injustices and promote diversity. However, these policies often result in the rejection of more qualified candidates simply because they belong to a less favored group. The consequences are profound. Not only are individuals denied opportunities they have earned, but the very institutions that once stood as meritocratic beacons are now being transformed into vehicles for social engineering.

The impact of this shift extends beyond education. In the corporate world, we are witnessing a similar trend. Companies, under pressure to demonstrate their commitment to diversity and inclusion, are increasingly making hiring and promotion decisions based on identity rather than qualifications. Diversity initiatives, while well-intentioned, can lead to the elevation of individuals who may not be the best candidates for the job, simply to meet arbitrary diversity targets. This approach not only undermines the morale of employees who see merit taking a backseat to identity, but it also threatens the competitiveness of American businesses on the global stage. When merit is no longer the primary criterion for success, the standards of excellence inevitably decline.

The entertainment industry, too, has not been immune to the encroachment of woke ideology. In Hollywood, the push for diversity and representation has often led to the casting of roles, not based on the best fit for the character, but on meeting identity quotas. While diversity in media is important, the focus on identity over talent has sometimes resulted in subpar performances and storylines that feel forced or contrived. The prioritization of identity politics over artistic merit not only diminishes the quality of the final product but also alienates audiences who value storytelling that is genuine and engaging.

The broader societal implications of replacing meritocracy with identity-based systems are alarming. When merit is sidelined, it breeds mediocrity. Individuals who might otherwise strive for excellence may feel demotivated when they see that their hard work and talent are not the primary factors determining their success. Over time, this can lead to a culture where the pursuit of greatness is devalued, and mediocrity becomes the norm. Moreover, the resentment that can arise from such policies risks deepening societal divisions rather than healing them. Those who are disadvantaged by identity-based preferences may feel disenfranchised and disillusioned, leading to greater polarization and social unrest.

Perhaps the most troubling aspect of the assault on meritocracy is the long-term damage it can do to American innovation and global competitiveness. The United States has long been a leader in technological advancement, scientific discovery, and cultural influence. This leadership has been driven by a system that rewards merit and encourages individuals to push the boundaries of what is possible. However, as meritocracy is eroded in favor of identity politics, the incentive to innovate and excel diminishes. This could have devastating consequences for America's position in the world, as other nations that continue to prioritize merit over identity outpace us in key areas of development.

The attack on meritocracy by woke ideology is not just a threat to individual opportunity; it is a threat to the very fabric of the American dream. By prioritizing identity over merit, we risk creating a society where success is no longer earned but assigned based on arbitrary characteristics. This shift undermines the principles of fairness, hard work, and excellence that have defined America for generations. If we allow meritocracy to be dismantled, we risk not only the loss of individual potential but also the decline of our nation's greatness.

The Threat to the American Way of Life: How the Left's War on Free Speech and Meritocracy Endangers Our Future

The erosion of free speech and meritocracy is not just a theoretical or ideological concern; it represents a direct and existential threat to the American way of life. These two principles—freedom of expression and the reward of merit—are the bedrock upon which our society is built. They are the mechanisms through which innovation, progress, and social mobility are achieved. When these foundations are undermined, the entire structure of our society is put at risk. The Left's embrace of woke ideology, with its attacks on these core principles, endangers not only our present but our future as a nation.

Freedom of Speech: The Lifeblood of Democracy

Free speech is more than just a constitutional right; it is the lifeblood of democracy itself. In a healthy democracy, the free exchange of ideas allows for the testing, refining, and sometimes discarding of beliefs. It is through this process that societies grow and adapt, learning from their mistakes and building on their successes. The suppression of speech, whether through government censorship or social pressure, stifles this process. When certain ideas are deemed too dangerous or offensive to be expressed, the marketplace of ideas collapses. Instead of open debate, we see dogma; instead of progress, we see stagnation.

The Left's war on free speech, fueled by woke ideology, has profound implications for the health of our democracy. By silencing dissenting voices, the Left not only denies individuals their right to express themselves but also denies society the opportunity to engage with and learn from those perspectives. This creates an echo chamber where only one set of ideas is allowed to thrive, leading to groupthink and a lack of intellectual diversity. The result is a society that is less resilient, less innovative, and less capable of solving the complex challenges it faces.

Moreover, the erosion of free speech has a chilling effect on individuals' willingness to participate in public discourse. When people fear that expressing their views could lead to social ostracism, loss of employment, or even physical harm, they are far less likely to speak out. This self-censorship further impoverishes the marketplace of ideas, as important perspectives are never heard. Over time, this can lead to a society where conformity is valued over truth, and where innovation is stifled by the fear of offending the prevailing orthodoxy.

Meritocracy: The Engine of the American Dream

Meritocracy is not just a principle; it is the engine that drives the American dream. It is the idea that anyone, regardless of their background, can achieve success through hard work, talent, and determination. This promise of upward mobility has been a defining feature of American society, attracting immigrants from around the world and inspiring generations of Americans to strive for greatness. When meritocracy is replaced by identity-based systems, this engine grinds to a halt.

The Left's attack on meritocracy threatens to dismantle the very mechanisms that have allowed the United States to become a global leader in innovation, economic prosperity, and cultural influence. When identity is prioritized over merit, the incentives to excel and innovate are diminished. Why strive for excellence when success is determined not by your abilities but by your identity? This shift not only demotivates individuals but also weakens the institutions that have historically promoted meritocratic values, from our schools to our workplaces to our cultural industries.

The long-term consequences of dismantling meritocracy are profound. A society that no longer values merit is a society that will inevitably decline. As standards are lowered to achieve equity, the quality of education, work, and cultural production declines. This leads to a vicious cycle where mediocrity is normalized, and excellence is increasingly rare. The result is a society that is less competitive on the global stage, less innovative, and less capable of addressing the challenges of the future.

The Combined Threat: A Path Toward Authoritarianism

Perhaps the most alarming aspect of the Left's war on free speech and meritocracy is the way these two trends reinforce each other, leading our society down a path toward authoritarianism. When free speech is stifled, dissenting voices are silenced, and the marketplace of ideas collapses. This creates a fertile ground for the imposition of ideological conformity, where only one set of ideas is allowed to be expressed. At the same time, the dismantling of meritocracy ensures that those who rise to positions of power and influence are not necessarily those with the greatest talent or ability, but those who conform most closely to the prevailing ideology.

This combination of ideological conformity and the erosion of meritocracy creates a society that is increasingly authoritarian in nature. In such a society, individuals are judged not by their actions or achievements, but by their adherence to the dominant ideology. Those who deviate from the orthodoxy are punished, while those who conform are rewarded, regardless of their merit. This is not the America envisioned by the Founding Fathers, nor is it the America that has been a beacon of freedom and opportunity for over two centuries.

The Left's assault on free speech and meritocracy represents a grave threat to the American way of life. These principles are not just abstract ideals; they are the very foundation upon which our society is built. If we allow them to be eroded, we risk losing the freedoms and opportunities that have defined our nation for generations. We must recognize this threat for what it is: an attack on the core values that make America exceptional. Only by standing up for free speech and meritocracy can we ensure that the American dream remains alive for future generations. 

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