By Super User on Monday, 28 August 2017
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

The Great Charlottesville Nuclear Aftermath By Charles Taylor (American Correspondent)

     Trump, despite his weaknesses and clear limits, does a few things right (but most wrong). Pardoning former US sheriff Joe Arpaio, who fought against illegal Hispanic immigration, was one of his right moves:

     The system was going after Joe on a technicality, but that is closed now. Naturally, John McCain, attacked this, like he does anything which is not ultra-liberal, but who cares anymore?

     The mainstream press said that this was ‘racism” on the part of Trump:, but who cares anymore? Hollywood will be washed away in the next economic collapse, when people have no more money to pay to see their values spat on, even if they are used to being spat on… but who cares anymore?

     Racist, racist, sure, sure, say what you like, it’s just words. This American does not care anymore. Why, I even have that slogan on a T-shirt, and it is a big T-shirt, as I have a big American guts, which I am proud of, a product of eating and drinking fine American food and beer, just like you Aussies, I expect, also have.

     Then there is the Charlottesville nuclear fallout, which seems to have now slid down the greasy pole of the mainstream media to be replaced by their next hate rage about President Donald J. Cucked. Again, many “extremist” sites by angry young men, were hit by the IT elite, some taken down. Normally I would not be concerned if some of these people disappeared, but we know that the real extremists number only a few persons, if they were not actors. According to my trusted friends who did attend the rally, most people were red,white’n’blue patriot types. The “racists” and “fascists” that the antifa attack are people who are essentially patriots, and White, but that is where the battle lines are now drawn.

     Although in the initial stages, all of this was about the removal of Southern statues, because they were of “racists,” within only a few days, the globalist/Left/antifa, moved to wanting basically anything remotely to go with White European heritage destroyed. Thus, in an effort to embrace diversity, coming from displacement level immigration, San Domenico School, a nominally Catholic institution in San Anselmo, California, has removed the vast majority of its Christian statues and icons.  This is “an effort to be inclusive of all faiths”:

     The removal of Christian symbols has been going on for some time now, without much resistance from the so-called followers of Christ who seem more concerned with material comfort, economics and affluence than truth, and may display even more cowardice than Joe Sixpack and Ms Sue Career.  Pope Francis, who lives in opulence, has given his latest pearls of wisdom, that nations should give priority to providing comfort to asylum seekers over national security, giving them basically everything they want, healthcare, education, pension plans, money to live on, and on and on:

     Ok, but how about we first take away the Vatican billions, two thousand years of wealth accumulation, much of which was illegitimately obtained, such as the fraudulent Donation of Constantine, and give that to them? Read about it here, and weep at the hypocrisy:

     Then, there are already demands being made that Whites, out of guilt should be giving up their property to Blacks:
No-one need fear a return of a Haiti 1804 massacre  though:, as Civil War 2.0 looks like being a more evenly balanced affair, as far as violence goes:

     Here is what some of the antifa, praised by Don Crumpet for giving peaceful protests, are planning, to dump the man who praises them:
using street weapons like this:

     Then there were concerns expressed that the Charlottesville protests would make things bad for others, who are concerned with, well, gaming women and having sex, and related issues:

     Some good points are made, but in the end, it does not really matter whether your thing is nationalism or the women question, you will be shut down at some point. Why, even a gentle statistics site was shut down:
but was then reinstated, and I can’t work out why this happened:, indicating that the censors may not know what they are doing, silencing not only non-conforming voices, but any voice they arbitrarily pick out of a hat:

     This censorship did not start with Charlottesville, but only intensified: It is part of an on-going cultural war against Whites and the West, led by various groups, including White libtards and Leftoids, the usual useful idiots.

     Now you are up to date, on civil war 2.0 news. Note, that when we fall apart in the US, this will severely impact upon you in Australia, in ways we cannot yet fully analyse. I hope al lyou aussies are getting prepared for what we call when the SHTF.

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