By John Wayne on Friday, 06 September 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

The Existential Threat of Leftoid University Academics, By James Reed

As readers would know, I have been proclaiming for years that the source of most of our threats comes from the universities, something the freedom movement is too timid to touch. Of course, the globalists are in control of the game, but they are limited in numbers, and need to act through intermediate agents. The universities produce teachers of teachers, who go out into schools to brainwash the next generation with the latest bs woke social destructive Neo-Marxist ideologies. Most ordinary people have no idea what goes on in these places, funded by their taxes, just like niceladies would not think about what goes on at night in the city night clubs after hours, as these ladies walk their poodles during the day, God bless them.

The extracted article from Zerohedge confirms all that I have been saying in the past and recently. It documents, at least in the US context, the extremist Left rhetoric coming from the universities, such as calls for a communist revolution, the end of capitalism, the elimination of free speech, and of Whites, disguised as "whiteness." Whiteness is a property, and requires individuals to exist, so the Critical Race Theory types are advocating the end of the White race. In fact, it is easy to comprise a bibliography of books and articles proposing that Western civilisation is at fault for all the problems of the world. All done by academics who enjoy a high salary, dreamtime work conditions, and a cosy life in an ivory tower, all produced by the fruits of Western civilisation, paid for out of your tax dollars. Indeed, if the West collapsed, and gangland warlords came to rule in Mad Max fashion, as is happening with the takeover of building complexes in the US with migrant gangs, the academics, with their hatred of weapons, and puny, but obese bodies, would be the first to fall.

I note that one of the radical professors discussed below seems to think that electing a female president will solve some things. Well, that did nothing in Australia, and elsewhere where females leaders were elected; they performed exactly as the globalists wanted. Kamala Harris will do what she is told to do as she has done throughout the Biden presidency; she is Leftist to the core on identity and woke issues, but is a corporatist, mainly pro-communist China. So much for anti-capitalist, but really it is all about being anti-White male, the core nature of feminism and gynocracy.

"In my new book and prior columns I have described a "radical chic" in academia, faculty who thrill audiences with extremist rhetoric and calls for radical reforms, even revolution. The latest example comes from Arizona State University where professors laid out their dystopian vision of America, a vision that apparently can be avoided by "dismantl[ing] capitalism" and "elect[ing] a female president."

At the outset, it is important to note two things. First, the program covered by the conservative site College Fix was a small event. Second, these faculty members have every right to espouse these views and it is good for students to have a wide variety of viewpoints on campus.

My objection in the past has not been the presence of far left faculty on campuses but the purging of conservative, moderate, and libertarian faculty.

It is also important to address what are becoming common and extreme arguments on our campuses, including a growing anticapitalist movement.

The event titled "Jenny Irish's HATCH: A Speculative Future for Reproductive Rights" was held both in person and via Zoom. Jenny Irish, an ASU English professor, was joined by Angela Lober, director of the Academy of Lactation Programs at ASU's Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation.

Lober, who runs major programs at the school, offered some of the most extreme viewpoints, including the assertion that "the United States hates women and everything the female body does."

It was a remarkable claim for a nation that has been a leader in the world in women's rights for over a century and has long had major female leaders from the Vice President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives to various cabinet members.

Not to be outdone, Irish expressed her fear that the United States could see "forced breeding camps" and "cannibalism." She told the students and faculty that "so much of our reality points toward those futures." She was less clear on what specifically is pointing to that future other than the Supreme Court's decision to leave abortion to the states.

Lober was, however, clear about the solution in calling for the audience to help "dismantle capitalism" and "elect a female president."

The event was co-hosted by ASU Lincoln Center for Applied Ethics, which hosts events that aim to design "a future keyed to human flourishing."

Putting the hyperbolic rhetoric to the side, the anti-capitalist calls have become ubiquitous on campuses. Socialism has become a rallying cry with polls showing that young people have a more positive view of socialism than capitalism.

There is an interesting dynamic to the push for socialism in the United States. Advocates may have a harder time convincing new migrants and citizens who fled socialist countries like Venezuela.

The draw of a "land of opportunity" has been due to not just our laws but also our economic system. The ability to sustain that growth (or support the existing social welfare systems) depends on a competitive economic system.

The irony is found in comments like those of Fidel Castro who declared that "my idea, as the whole world knows, is that the capitalist system now doesn't work either for the United States or the world, driving it from crisis to crisis, which are each time more serious." Cuba was (and continues to be decades later) an utter economic basket case without either liberty or prosperity.

Hugo Chavez made the same claim before driving his country into an economic tailspin.

As a student at the University of Chicago, I was fortunate enough to attend lectures by Milton Friedman and, despite being a liberal, I was convinced that there was a connection between capitalism and individual liberty. There are liberty-enhancing economic systems and those that are liberty-reducing. The freedom of economic choice in a capitalist system has historically reinforced individual liberty in my view.

The ASU event captures a rising call for dismantling an economic system that helped drive industrial innovation and massive wealth creation. It has also left great wealth disparities. We have sought to address poverty with social programs that offer greater opportunity for those who have not been able to escape cycles of poverty. We have much work to be done. However, the anti-capitalist movement often offers few specifics on the alternatives, as at the ASU event.

This is a debate that should be welcomed but not in this type of one-sided, jingoistic presentation. Imagine how much more substantive this panel would have been with an alternative viewpoint. Let's have a discussion on the merits of capitalism and the record of alternative systems. That would offer educational and not merely emotive benefits to our academic community." 

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