By John Wayne on Friday, 06 September 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

The Evil Empire of the Universities Fight Back! By James Reed

I have been arguing for decades that the universities are dangerous, intellectually corrupt institutions. My critique has mainly been on cultural and civilisational areas. But in more recent times, at least for Australia, the universities have engaged in major direct harm to the Australian community through their drive to bring in hundreds of thousands of international students, who are simply part of the backdoor immigration program. They take accommodation, leading in large part to the present accommodation crisis, the greatest in Australian history. As well, Aussie jobs are up for grabs too, because as had long been pointed out, this is importation of a replacement professional class from Asia. Look at any city university and be amazed at how few Whites are around; trust your eyes not the statistics released by these lying institutions. Indeed, some universities have admitted having around 50 percent overseas students, higher than any other country in the West, including woke Canada and the US. Government cut backs seek to limit the proportion now to 40 percent, a number which in itself is insane.

There has been an economic debate of sorts about the actual amount the international students contribute to exports, with the lie being put that the figure is $ 48 + billion. This has been pushed by the mass immigration lobby, surprise, surprise, and the universities, based upon flimsy data that does not stand examination. Thus, the international students are the second largest export behind mining, according to the lobby. I wonder why they have not gone for broke and pushed the bs that they are number 1? In any case, once more takes this economic argument apart.

As I have asked before, why is the Australian freedom movement not dealing with this issue? Why am I the only one discussing this, and urging action? Are they suffering from an intellectual inferiority complex? They should not be; lies like the $ 48 + billion export industry are easily exposed. They can do better. Don't forget to contact all the pro-freedom movement people on this one; maybe send them the link to the article extracted below. Something has to be done as the life blood of the country is bleeding out.

"For years, we have been fed the lie that international education is Australia's fourth largest export, worth a fantastical $48 billion a year.

Unbelievably, the lobby group for Australia's universities—Universities Australia—is now trying to claim that international education is Australia's second largest export, behind mining.

"Curtailing growth in the $48 billion international education sector risks our nation's ambition", Universities Australia Chair Professor David Lloyd said.

"The sector is our second biggest export behind mining, worth almost $50 billion to our economy".

You can see what Professor Lloyd has done here. He has grouped Australia's three largest exports—iron ore, coal and natural gas—as one group, mining, to make education look even more important.

The reality is that the $48 billion education export figure reported by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is statistical fraud that does not pass the pub test.

First, the ABS wrongly counts all expenditures by student visa holders as an export, even if they pay for their expenditure with money earned in Australia.

Second, students are the only visa class other than tourists and holidaymakers who are deemed non-residents for the duration of their visa.

So, if a "student" enrolled at dodgy ghost college drives Ubers and fills up their car with petrol, it is counted as an export. Whereas if a migrant on a skilled visa fills up with petrol, it is not considered an export.

Third, data on migrant remittances shows that Australia received only $US1.6 billion in migrant remittances in 2023, whereas $US10.3 billion in remittances were sent out of Australia.

Moreover, the net outflow of migrant remittances has grown in line with the number of student visa holders.

How can international education be considered a $48 billion export when inflows of remittances are miniscule and money is literally being sent out of Australia?

Education exports must rank as one of Australia's greatest statistical lies.

This issue matters because the education lobby, the media, and the government have used this fantastical export figure to argue for one of the largest concentrations of international students in the world."

It is just about backdoor immigration, and the universities are the "people smugglers." 

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