By John Wayne on Monday, 24 June 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

The Electoral Fraud Machine Gets Back into Action! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Democrats are already getting the electoral fraud machinery going, which is how "dumocracy" works now. Contrary to the US constitution, which does not matter to Democrats, illegal migrants that were brought in under the Biden regime's Great White Replacement open border invasion plan, are lining up to register to vote. This is being done in swing states such as Michigan to swing the election, if every other corrupt thing does not do it. For example, in over 20 states here are "Motor-voter" laws, where registered licensed drivers can vote in federal elections. Of course, illegals were given driver's license so they all vote, easy peasy! No Supreme Court challenge from dopey, sleepy, Republicans though.

And so, the great scams go on that should have been rigorously attacked over the last four years, but have been left to the last minute, dooming Trump. The US is a sham "democracy," where instead of being an open dictatorship, the game is set up by fraudulent voting. If this was just a South American banana republic, it would not matter to the West, but what is being decided here is the future of Western civilisation. If the Democrats obtain power once more, we can expect the end of the West, including Australia, at a rapid pace. That is why these issues should be of interest and concern to Australians, not that you down under can do much about the geopolitics.

"Federal agencies and states are lining up to register Democrats and illegal immigrants to vote for Joe Biden and a continuation of the policies that are destroying our country.

Critics have targeted former President Trump and many MAGA Republicans for questioning the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. While questions about voter fraud, changes to voting rules, "Zuckerbucks," and missing ballots remain, … about the 2020 election, many MAGA Republicans are extremely sensitive about any potential monkey business that may occur in November. And now it looks like the Biden regime is trying to stack the deck to ensure that the president, or his replacement on the Democratic Party ticket, is elected.

To the victor goes the spoils. Americans will support that. But only if the election is fair, not fixed.

First, the Biden administration and the Small Business Administration announced a new memorandum of understanding between the "SBA and the Michigan Department of State to promote civic engagement and voter registration in Michigan."

So, a member of Biden's cabinet, Casillas Guzman, signed a deal to seek out and register voters in a crucial swing state where Trump won by just over 10,000 votes in 2016 and lost by nearly 155,000 votes in 2020.

"Protecting and strengthening our democracy is critical to our economic success and a core goal of the Biden-Harris administration," Guzman said in a written statement.

What could possibly go wrong?

But that isn't all the regime has done to rig the 2024 election.

Going back to March 2021, Biden signed Executive Order 14019, which empowered taxpayer-funded federal agencies to become a get-out-the-vote operation.

According to Biden's order:

Agencies shall consider ways to expand citizens' opportunities to vote and to obtain information about, and participate in, the electoral process. The head of each agency shall evaluate ways in which the agency can, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law, promote voter registration and voter participation.

In short, agencies that depend on the president's budget for funding must register voters and encourage voting. Who do you believe they will target for registration, MAGA Republicans or liberal Democrats?

But the administration was not done with its efforts to fix the election.

In states such as Illinois, illegal aliens will be issued a standard driver's license. On the surface, this seems like a good idea. If they're here and are going to drive, perhaps they should go through the process of passing a driver's test and obtaining a license.

Just one problem: More than 20 states, plus the District of Columbia, have so-called Motor-Voter laws, which automatically register licensed drivers to vote in federal elections. All anyone must do is affirm that he or she is a citizen. No background check, no proof of citizenship, just an affirmation on a piece of paper. If only obtaining a gun or boarding a plane was so easy.

Oh, but wait, there is more.

Welfare offices and other government agencies in 49 states are "providing voter registration forms to migrants without requiring proof of citizenship," the New York Post reported.

Every state except Arizona gives voter registration forms to applicants for welfare benefits, driver's licenses, or mail-in ballots without requiring proof of citizenship.

The fix is in.

Federal agencies and states are lining up to register Democrats and illegal immigrants to vote for Biden and a continuation of the policies that are destroying our country.

President Trump says Americans need to vote in numbers that will make the election "too big to rig."

But more needs to be done.

The Republican National Committee needs to take a page out of the Democratic National Committee's playbook and commence lawfare against states and agencies that are facilitating illegals being able to vote in the 2024 election.

Members of the ACT-IAC Small Business Alliance need to resign and no longer support the organization.

To the victor goes the spoils. Americans will support that. But only if the election is fair, not fixed." 

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