A tremendous piece appeared by the "Jolly heretic," Dr Edward Dutton, detailing how the Right is finally breaking away from neo-liberalism, which has been a decaying albatross around its neck, as in the poem, The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner. Dr Dutton, with a PhD in psychology, compares the Left to a mentally ill partner, a girl friend, who has used emotional manipulation. Dr Dutton sees this strategy as having been exposed by Trump and Musk, and that the great political pendulum is now swinging to the Right, having reached absurd lengths on the Left. Still, there is long way to go even in the United States, let alone Australia, as the Left have had at least 50 years to become totally wormed into the infrastructure and institutions of Western society, such as the universities, as the case of the UK and Australia shows very well:
"Steve Bannon recently delivered a speech in which he not only made it clear that the Woke would be crushed, but he also quite deliberately gave a Hitler salute. This couldn't be put down to over-excited autism as it possibly could with Elon Musk, who started the trend. I suspect Bannon did it to send a clear message to the stunned Left: "We're not frightened of you anymore. We don't care what you think. We don't care how you feel. You are sick little mutants. We have stepped over you!" Giving such a salute, knowing the hysteria it would usually provoke in leftists, is the ultimate way of testing the waters. If you can get away with it, the Woke are weak, and they clearly are weak, because they are in a state of shock.
Four days later, in the UK, former Home Secretary Suella Braverman admitted in the Telegraph that she is not and never can be English; for she does not have English ancestors, the English being an ethny, an extended genetic family. To state this biological fact just a year ago would have been career-endingly "racist" as would comedian Nick Dixon's joke in response: "Good piece from Suella Braverman on why she can never be English. I have always liked her, and will be sad when she is deported." The fact that some people are now seriously discussing the mass deportation of ethnic foreigners—a policy abandoned even by the British National Party in 1999 as too extreme and unpalatable—demonstrates just how far and how quickly everything has shifted and may well continue to shift as people competitively baseness-signal.
It is not just the blue-haired self-cutters who are stupefied by the dramatic change in mood, and right-wing confidence, since the re-election of Donald Trump; it is many conservative people, myself included. I know that I argued in my book The Past is a Future Country that due to the asymmetrical empathy between liberals and conservatives, culture always shifts to the left (towards equality and harm avoidance) until this creates so much chaos and resentment that there is a right-wing backlash. However, I was a tiny child the last time this actually happened, in the early 1980s. I can, of course, recall the horrific left-wing backlash that crystallised in 1997—New Labour, Princess Diana-induced emotional incontinence, anti-free speech laws, ex-Communists in the cabinet—but I've never really experienced a right-wing backlash. I, and many others, are left adrift, trying to make sense of what's happened and why. I know the research behind what's going on—tipping points, social psychology—but I require a satisfying simile, and, as a consequence of messaging my collaborator, the Narcissism coach Richard Grannon, I think I have come up with one.
For a long time now, we conservatives have been in a relationship with a young woman who is a Vulnerable Narcissist. She is extremely emotionally unstable, controlling, and manipulative; cutting herself to get attention, and having frightening tantrums in which she seems to go into a paranoid trance. She is the world's biggest victim, the most misunderstood victim, and she constantly demands we do more and more for her, threatening us with rejection and abandonment if we don't comply. You see, she deserves, in her twisted mind, to be looked after and worshipped. She has no respect for our "boundaries"; she makes us live for her, completely sacrificing everything that makes us happy, and she gaslights us into believing that we are mad or evil—"racists," "Nazis"—simply for trying to fulfill our own desires for things like "truth" and "family."
Why do we do this? Why do we always give in to her? We have a trauma bond with her; she has made us addicted to her. Long ago, she made us feel special. She told us that we were wonderful and moral people because we were "liberal": we were anti-racist, tolerant of gays, sexually libertine, cleverer than those indoctrinated Christians and bigoted elderly people who won the War. Moreover, everything in life that was fun—stand-up comedy, movies, sit-coms—all of it espoused liberalism. Liberalism was status; liberalism made you feel good; it blessed you as moral, as clever, and as important.
On some level, however, you gradually began to understand that liberalism was, well, slightly mad. You would say one word wrong and, in a split second, her eyes would become like glass and she would "split": flipping from loving you to despising you, and making it quite clear that you were evil and to be shunned, such that you felt worth nothing. But something in you was addicted to her.
And not only that, you felt that you, and you alone, could rescue this perpetual victim; was this a grandiose element in you? You were confident, over-confident, that eventually you—you, with your skills—could persuade her to be reasonable. You were optimistic that, surely, she loved someone like you, deep down, and, so, would eventually behave like an adult.
You were what is known as the "co-dependent" in the relationship with a Narcissist, and this Narcissist had taken full advantage of the traits which differentiate conservatives from liberals. Conservatives are high in Agreeableness (especially politeness) and high in Conscientiousness (impulse control and order); so they keep their emotions in, always try to be fair-minded, and they dislike conflict. They are also high in mental stability, so it takes a great deal to make them finally "lose it." But the liberal Narcissist girlfriend just wouldn't stop, and when it got to the point that she insisted you take part in her fantasy by stating that men can become women, indeed they can become biological women, even you, addicted as you were, realized that she was dangerously insane and she was not genuinely concerned about care and love at all.
This brought out of you a kind of delayed reaction to something you'd suppressed, out of disbelief, many years earlier: Lockdown, and her paranoid lies, and especially the BLM riots, where she'd unleashed the most blood-curdling tantrum upon you, smashing windows, threatening you with knives.
It all built up into what is called "Co-Dependent Rage." This rage acted like a religious conversion, shaking sense into you at last. It caused you to "understand" at a visceral level: She does not love you, she is not caring, you will never rescue her, she will never change, she is a liar, and she has come perilously close to destroying your life.
And with that, you realized that morality is not about equality or harm avoidance, as she insisted and made you believe. These, in the absence of other values, are the values of manipulative, psychologically weak people who pretend to hold them in order to get power; the values of the self-cutters, like her. Morality, in part, is fighting for the glory of your people who will all be destroyed if you fail to do so, and those who don't concur are traitors and selfish manipulators and you don't need them; indeed, they are dangerous.
And with that, you shunned the Narcissist and this has left her stunned. She has nobody off whom to parasite, nobody is obeying her, nobody fears her, nobody is worshipping her . . . she is frozen in total incredulity . . . and you can't quite believe, having been imprisoned by her most of your life, that you've broken free of her witch's spell at last. But you have.
The problem is that breaking free isn't enough. As she remains in shock, anything that can allow her to regroup must be utterly destroyed, so that she can never manipulate us ever again. She'll tell us she has changed, that she has made mistakes, that she no longer believes men can become women, that she's truly in favour of free speech, that you are wonderful but some of your collaborators are going a bit too far: "Think of the starving children in Africa, what about those who have only ever known Britain and are now being told to . . ." No! If the backlash starts to go too far, that is for you to negotiate. She is a manipulator and liar, always . . . and as with the Lady of Shalott, she must live out the rest of her life alone in the tallest tower while Camelot revives itself around her."
A tremendous piece
appeared by the "Jolly heretic," Dr Edward Dutton, detailing how the Right is
finally breaking away from neo-liberalism, which has been a decaying albatross
around its neck, as in the poem, The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner. Dr
Dutton, with a PhD in psychology, compares the Left to a mentally ill partner,
a girl friend, who has used emotional manipulation. Dr Dutton sees this
strategy as having been exposed by Trump and Musk, and that the great political
pendulum is now swinging to the Right, having reached absurd lengths on the
Left. Still, there is long way to go even in the United States, let alone
Australia, as the Left have had at least 50 years to become totally wormed into
the infrastructure and institutions of Western society, such as the
universities, as the case of the UK and Australia shows very well:
"Steve Bannon recently delivered a speech in which he not
only made it clear that the Woke would be crushed, but he also quite
deliberately gave a Hitler salute. This couldn't be put down to over-excited
autism as it possibly could with Elon Musk, who started the trend. I suspect
Bannon did it to send a clear message to the stunned Left: "We're not
frightened of you anymore. We don't care what you think. We don't care how you
feel. You are sick little mutants. We have stepped over you!" Giving such a salute,
knowing the hysteria it would usually provoke in leftists, is the ultimate way
of testing the waters. If you can get away with it, the Woke are weak, and they
clearly are weak, because they are in a state of shock.
days later, in the UK, former Home Secretary Suella Braverman admitted in the
Telegraph that she is not and never can be English; for she does not have
English ancestors, the English being an ethny, an extended genetic family. To
state this biological fact just a year ago would have been career-endingly
"racist" as would comedian Nick Dixon's joke in response: "Good piece from
Suella Braverman on why she can never be English. I have always liked her, and
will be sad when she is deported." The fact that some people are now seriously
discussing the mass deportation of ethnic foreigners—a policy abandoned even by
the British National Party in 1999 as too extreme and unpalatable—demonstrates
just how far and how quickly everything has shifted and may well continue to
shift as people competitively baseness-signal.
It is not just the blue-haired self-cutters who are stupefied by
the dramatic change in mood, and right-wing confidence, since the re-election
of Donald Trump; it is many conservative people, myself included. I know that I
argued in my book The Past is a Future Country that due to the
asymmetrical empathy between liberals and conservatives, culture always shifts
to the left (towards equality and harm avoidance) until this creates so much
chaos and resentment that there is a right-wing backlash. However, I was a tiny
child the last time this actually happened, in the early 1980s. I can, of
course, recall the horrific left-wing backlash that crystallised in 1997—New
Labour, Princess Diana-induced emotional incontinence, anti-free speech laws,
ex-Communists in the cabinet—but I've never really experienced a right-wing
backlash. I, and many others, are left adrift, trying to make sense of what's
happened and why. I know the research behind what's going on—tipping points,
social psychology—but I require a satisfying simile, and, as a consequence of
messaging my collaborator, the Narcissism coach Richard Grannon, I think I have
come up with one.
a long time now, we conservatives have been in a relationship with a young
woman who is a Vulnerable Narcissist. She is extremely emotionally unstable,
controlling, and manipulative; cutting herself to get attention, and having
frightening tantrums in which she seems to go into a paranoid trance. She is
the world's biggest victim, the most misunderstood victim, and she constantly
demands we do more and more for her, threatening us with rejection and
abandonment if we don't comply. You see, she deserves, in her twisted mind, to
be looked after and worshipped. She has no respect for our "boundaries"; she
makes us live for her, completely sacrificing everything that makes us happy,
and she gaslights us into believing that we are mad or evil—"racists," "Nazis"—simply
for trying to fulfill our own desires for things like "truth" and "family."
do we do this? Why do we always give in to her? We have a trauma bond with her;
she has made us addicted to her. Long ago, she made us feel special. She told
us that we were wonderful and moral people because we were "liberal": we were
anti-racist, tolerant of gays, sexually libertine, cleverer than those
indoctrinated Christians and bigoted elderly people who won the War. Moreover,
everything in life that was fun—stand-up comedy, movies, sit-coms—all of it
espoused liberalism. Liberalism was status; liberalism made you feel good; it
blessed you as moral, as clever, and as important.
some level, however, you gradually began to understand that liberalism was,
well, slightly mad. You would say one word wrong and, in a split second, her
eyes would become like glass and she would "split": flipping from loving you to
despising you, and making it quite clear that you were evil and to be shunned,
such that you felt worth nothing. But something in you was addicted to her.
not only that, you felt that you, and you alone, could rescue this perpetual
victim; was this a grandiose element in you? You were confident,
over-confident, that eventually you—you, with your skills—could persuade her to
be reasonable. You were optimistic that, surely, she loved someone like you,
deep down, and, so, would eventually behave like an adult.
were what is known as the "co-dependent" in the relationship with a Narcissist,
and this Narcissist had taken full advantage of the traits which differentiate
conservatives from liberals. Conservatives are high in Agreeableness
(especially politeness) and high in Conscientiousness (impulse control and
order); so they keep their emotions in, always try to be fair-minded, and they
dislike conflict. They are also high in mental stability, so it takes a great
deal to make them finally "lose it." But the liberal Narcissist girlfriend just
wouldn't stop, and when it got to the point that she insisted you take part in
her fantasy by stating that men can become women, indeed they can become
biological women, even you, addicted as you were, realized that she was
dangerously insane and she was not genuinely concerned about care and love at
brought out of you a kind of delayed reaction to something you'd suppressed,
out of disbelief, many years earlier: Lockdown, and her paranoid lies, and
especially the BLM riots, where she'd unleashed the most blood-curdling tantrum
upon you, smashing windows, threatening you with knives.
all built up into what is called "Co-Dependent Rage." This rage acted like a
religious conversion, shaking sense into you at last. It caused you to
"understand" at a visceral level: She does not love you, she is not caring, you
will never rescue her, she will never change, she is a liar, and she has come
perilously close to destroying your life.
with that, you realized that morality is not about equality or harm avoidance,
as she insisted and made you believe. These, in the absence of other values,
are the values of manipulative, psychologically weak people who pretend to hold
them in order to get power; the values of the self-cutters, like her. Morality,
in part, is fighting for the glory of your people who will all be destroyed if
you fail to do so, and those who don't concur are traitors and selfish
manipulators and you don't need them; indeed, they are dangerous.
with that, you shunned the Narcissist and this has left her stunned. She has
nobody off whom to parasite, nobody is obeying her, nobody fears her, nobody is
worshipping her . . . she is frozen in total incredulity . . . and you can't
quite believe, having been imprisoned by her most of your life, that you've
broken free of her witch's spell at last. But you have.
problem is that breaking free isn't enough. As she remains in shock, anything
that can allow her to regroup must be utterly destroyed, so that she can never
manipulate us ever again. She'll tell us she has changed, that she has made
mistakes, that she no longer believes men can become women, that she's truly in
favour of free speech, that you are wonderful but some of your collaborators
are going a bit too far: "Think of the starving children in Africa, what about
those who have only ever known Britain and are now being told to . . ." No! If
the backlash starts to go too far, that is for you to negotiate. She is a
manipulator and liar, always . . . and as with the Lady of Shalott, she must
live out the rest of her life alone in the tallest tower while Camelot revives
itself around her."