By John Wayne on Wednesday, 07 August 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

The Clear and Present Danger of Google, By James Reed

Google censored search results for the attempted assassination of President Donald Trump, via its autocomplete function not producing the words "Donald Trump." As well, Facebook's Meta AI has described the failed assassination attempt as "fictional," which would have been an easy error to correct, but they did not want this. This led to X's Elon Musk accusing Google of "election interference." Search results for Donald Trump are producing results for Kamala Harris.

According to Harvard psychologist Dr. Robert Epstein, Google will shift up to 25 million votes to Harris. If so, it is all over, and shows the remarkable failure of Trump as president to see the future danger Big Tech posed to him. But perhaps it is not allgrim, as those that are searching for results about Trump will, if they are genuinely interested, keep going until they find what they want. The mentally challenged will perhaps stop with the first thing they see, but these people are already lost.

I notice how when I am searching for an article from the Right, even when I put in the exact title in quote marks, Google does not find it. The censorship is deep, and clearly other search engines need to be used, like Brave, a little better.

"As news emerges that Google is censoring search results for the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, a new interview with a data scientist reveals how Google has the power to change the minds – and votes – of "billions" of people.

In certain regions such as the U.S., Google's "autocomplete" search function displays no results for "Trump assassination." X (formerly Twitter) owner Elon Musk has accused Google of "election interference" as its search engine "disappears" Trump. Facebook's Meta AI has described the failed assassination attempt as "fictional."

Now Google search results for Trump are returning results supporting Kamala Harris, whose long history of vacuous and extreme left-wing statements is being scrubbed from the internet.

On July 30, regime mouthpiece Newsweek ran a headline that said "Kamala Harris' Popularity Reaches Record High." Yet reports claim that in private not even the Democrats believe the hype manufactured by their allies in Big Tech and the captive media. This message is intended for public consumption, and the public has a right to know who is making these messages – and how.

With this new report, Dr. Robert Epstein shows the power of Google to edit "reality" in real time – in a process which he claims could "shift" up to 25 million votes in Harris' favor. Reading the "news," it seems like this process is already underway.

Speaking to Michael Knowles on May 11, the Harvard psychologist explores how Google is flexing its digital dominance – to distort American democracy. Shockingly, he also details how he was warned he was going to be killed in some sort of accident in a few months because of his revelations.

With obvious emotional difficulty Epstein adds that months later, his wife died in a "horrendous car accident." Despite these horrific events, the data scientist heroically remains dedicated to telling the American people the truth about the power distorting their democracy.

Dr. Epstein begins by referencing a report he co-authored in 2015, whose findings led him to state in 2019 that between two million and 16 million votes could have been transferred to Hillary Clinton by Google's election interference.

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"We published a landmark study showing Google – whose homepage is viewed 500 million times every day – can change people's views about anything at all," he told Knowles.

Epstein's report was picked up by Donald Trump in 2019, and attempts were made to discredit its claims, which did nothing to explain the obvious partnership between Big Tech firms like Google and Facebook – and the U.S. intelligence agencies.

Five years of warnings

Epstein had explained to Tucker Carlson in March 2019 how "Google can take a 50/50 split among undecided voters and change it to a 90/10 split with no one knowing they have been manipulated."

Epstein told the U.S. Senate in June 2019 that the effect of search engine manipulation was "one of the most powerful forms of influence ever discovered in the behavioral sciences."

Dr. Robert Epstein is introduced by Michael Knowles as "the head of the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology."

He is not a conservative, and never has been. As Epstein says of himself, "I love America and democracy, and I am also not a conservative. I have been center/center-left my whole adult life."

This was not enough to protect him from smears in the press controlled by what Matt Taibbi calls the censorship-industrial complex. In 2015, even Politico admitted his evidence was compelling.

Yet Epstein was smeared in 2019 for his "flimsy" study as it hit the headlines, and had his life threatened after giving a presentation. He told Michael Knowles in the May 2024 interview linked above:

"I had given a private briefing. A few minutes later one of them walked out – I know exactly who it was – and he walked up to me and said, 'Dr. Epstein, based on what you just told us, I predict you're going to be killed in some sort of accident in the next few months.'"

Epstein continued, "But a few months later, my beautiful, amazing wife was killed in a horrendous car accident."

"Are you deterred at all?" asks Knowles.

"Yes," Epstein replies, before explaining that "there's another part of me which is the science guy" – who is determined to examine and publish the evidence.

That evidence suggests the power of online platforms to decide U.S. presidential elections.

The digital hand on the balance

Epstein says his data shows Google is clearly biased against Trump.

"Data I've collected since 2016 show that Google displays content to the American public that is biased in favor of one political party – a party I happen to like, but that's irrelevant," he told Knowles.

Up to 25 million votes 'shifting' in 2024

What is relevant to Epstein?

"No private company should have either the right or the power to manipulate large populations without their knowledge," he said.

He now says "Google alone will be able to shift between 6.4 million and 25.5 million votes in the presidential election – with no one knowing."

Epstein says he can "go way beyond that," explaining how people's belief in the "lottery win" of "going viral" on social media is a fantasy. It is Big Tech who picks these winners.

"People these days are fascinated with virality," he explains. "The whole world seems to be run by the influencers."

Viral manufacture

How does anyone hit the influencer jackpot and "go viral" to millions of viewers?

"What people don't get is that these companies – Facebook, [Facebook's] Instagram, TikTok – they have total control over virality," Epstein said.

"We think of it as winning the lottery. That's all. Some people win the lottery and most people don't." This is what Big Tech wants people to believe – and they largely do.

Yet these viruses do not emerge organically. They are manufactured in secret, according to the designs of the designers.

"In fact, those companies have 100 percent control over what goes viral [and] what gets suppressed, censored, or is made to disappear," Epstein said.

Disappearing reality

Donald Trump was "made to disappear" from Twitter, his account banned whilst he was the sitting president of the United States. Now details of the attempt to assassinate Trump are also being "made to disappear" by Google.

Facebook's Meta AI describes the failed assassination as a "fictional event."

The plot to kill the leading enemy of the liberal globalists is being erased in real-time.

The Hunter Biden laptop and its contents were wiped from screens with defamatory lies supported by the intelligence community, whose partnership with firms such as Google has been documented in detail by Matt Taibbi.

Hundreds of former and current U.S. intelligence agents work with Google and Facebook (Meta), and former Israeli intelligence agents now have a leading role in content moderation on X.

The Soros-funded Google Gemini project is going one step further – seeking to delete information before it can be forgotten, in a new censorship initiative known as "prebunking." This gives online platforms and NGOs the power to censor information as it appears, preventing it from ever being widely seen.

As independent journalist Michael Shellenberger reported in February, Google also runs a little-known project called Jigsaw. In partnership with the U.S. and German governments, it uses "sophisticated techniques of mental manipulation, including 'redirecting' people from one political cause to another and 'prebunking,' or denying the truth of information inconvenient to governments."

It has shaped narratives on "COVID misinformation," farmer protests, and the notorious fiction of "Russian influence," including the falsehood that was "Russiagate" – the failed attempt to destroy Donald Trump's reputation by smearing him as a Russian agent.

Of course, establishment "fact checkers" have been busy "prebunking" this news since it appeared. Dr. Epstein's report was delivered to the U.S. Senate in June, 2019. Trump mentioned this in an X post eight weeks later.

Selective 'debunking'

Slate's April Glaser was quick to dismiss the "bogus" study which led to the claims then being broadcasted on Joe Rogan's podcast – reaching an audience of millions.

Denouncing the report, Glaser defends Facebook and Google, saying that when Facebook investigated itself, it found no evidence of any bias against conservatives. Glaser says nothing about the evidence published by Google, noting only that "Epstein may prefer Clinton to Trump, but the thing he seems to really dislike is Google."

Glaser is not in the least bit curious as to why anyone might dislike tech giants for subverting American and European democracy. It is unlikely Glaser would be interested in why Dr. Epstein's wife died in a "horrendous car accident" months after Epstein was warned his life would end in the same way – for highlighting the corruption of democracy and the manipulation of the American mind by Big Tech giants.

The conspiracy against the obvious

Google, Facebook, and X have the power to decide what goes "viral" and how many minds are infected by their transmitted neuroweapon of choice.

What they leave out is the obvious, and it is obvious that they are doing this. Go and type "Trump assassination" into Google now. The phrase is absent from Google's "autocomplete."

Can the powers behind the censorship-industrial complex be trusted? Yes. They can be trusted to stop at nothing to prevent you from finding out the facts of anything that matters to them. At this point, our whole system is governed by a digitally coordinated conspiracy against the obvious. This system is obviously diabolical, and the spiritual warfare it is waging includes the large-scale deception and demoralization of the Western public.

This used to be called the Free World. As long as people remember this, there is hope it can be worthy of that name once again. Big Tech is doing its best to make everyone forget this fact, forever." 

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