By John Wayne on Friday, 12 July 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

The Clayton’s Insurrection, By Chris Knight (Florida)

Sometimes in the rough and tumble and complexities of politics, simple facts get sidelined. Simple facts that can cause an entire narrative to collapse. For example, the claim made by the Biden administration that the January 6 peaceful protests were an insurrection. An insurrection is an attempt, by violence, to overthrow a government. The claim by the corrupt authorities is that this took place.

But, contrary to this, none of the people who entered the Capital Building, all invited in by the police for entrapment and murder purposes – four MAGA supporters were murdered by the gun-toting authorities --had any weapons at all.The peaceful protesters were unarmed. How then could any insurrection take place, given that the police were fully armed? There is no recorded insurrection in history which was conducted by an unarmed group of protesters.

Ergo, no insurrection at all, and a political plot.

"The Jan. 6 "insurrection" might be old news, but it is still relevant on many levels. And I have never heard it properly addressed in the three-plus years since it occurred. So here goes.

Democrats and their media toadies like to characterize "MAGA" types as crazed, gun-owning and gun-toting neanderthals of the "far right." They frequently state or imply that these folks own every type of firearm imaginable, from pistols to shotguns to rifles to AR-15s. They say guns should be banned because otherwise these gun-crazed fanatics carry them everywhere...and that would lead to bloodshed and death. They don't just think the MAGA people shoot hundreds of rounds a day out back of their trailer parks, farms, or cabins in the boonies; they think they carry them into the shower, restaurants, bars, weddings, funerals, bar mitzvahs...everywhere!

The Democrat-Media Complex would have you believe that Trump urged these gun-toting extremists to overthrow the government — and directed them to "attack" the Capitol Building. And, of course, they say, these mind-numbed Trump-loving automatons did as they were told.

Yet when all these MAGA folks strolled through the People's House in an attempt to seize power and reinstall Trump, not a one of them carried a firearm. Is it possible that every one of these thousands of "violent" protesters and insurrectionists forgot their weapons? Every one? I thought they were essentially epoxied to them. And not a one of them arrived at the scene of the crime and thought, "Damn, I forgot my gun. I'd better call one of my fellow insurrectionists and ask him to bring a spare!" Really? Many hundreds of gun nuts were trying to overthrow the government, but all of them forgot their weapons? Does this seem likely?

If this was the case, they were the world's worst insurrectionists. (And four of them were killed, versus none of those they were supposedly assaulting.)

It was not much of an "insurrection," was it?"

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