By Joseph on Wednesday, 21 April 2021
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

The Case Against Covid Lockdowns By Mrs Vera West

This is interesting; the statistics show that more people in the US died in states that were locked down than those that did not.

“One of the great things about America is that it has 50 states that can set their own policy across a broad range of areas, including on public health and lockdowns. This has allowed some to resist the stampede to impose swingeing restrictions on normal life in the hope of limiting transmission of SARS-CoV-2, and this provides us with a valuable control group in the great lockdown experiment that can give us an idea what might have happened if we hadn’t made some intervention or other.

During the autumn and winter a new surge in Covid infections prompted most US states, like most Western countries, to reimpose restrictions. But a few resisted. Eleven states did not impose a stay-at-home order and left people at liberty to leave their homes whenever they wished. Of these, four – Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and South Dakota – did not impose any restrictions at all and treated it pretty much like any other winter.

In the chart above I have used data from Worldometer to plot the current total Covid deaths per million for each state. I have coloured the 11 states which did not lock down (i.e., impose a stay-at-home order) this winter in red. I have also calculated the average for the two groups of states, those which did not lock down over the winter and those which did, and coloured them in yellow.

As you can see, states which did not lock down over the winter, far from having many times more Covid deaths, have actually had fewer – 1,671 vs 1,736 deaths per million. There may be demographic or other reasons that some states have a higher or lower number of deaths than others so we shouldn’t read too much into the precise differences. But even so, if lockdowns are supposed to suppress the virus to low levels and thus prevent ‘hundreds of thousands’ of deaths (or the population equivalent), then how is this possible? The only conclusion is that lockdowns do not work as intended and do not suppress the virus.

This conclusion is reinforced by looking at the death tolls in the four states which imposed no restrictions at all over the winter, the average of which is 1,716 deaths per million, which is still below that of those which imposed lockdowns (1,736). Florida reopened in the autumn, Georgia and South Carolina in the spring of 2020, and South Dakota never closed. Yet overall they have suffered fewer Covid deaths per million than the states which imposed stay-at-home lockdowns this winter.

Those academic teams which produce models predicting doom for places which don’t impose the measures they recommend should be challenged to apply their models to these states and hindcast the last winter. Any model which cannot accurately reproduce the known outcomes for these states should be calibrated until it can. Otherwise, if it can’t get the answer right for the past, why should we trust it for the future?

The modelling teams at WarwickImperial and LSHTM can be found on Twitter (as can LSHTM’s Adam Kucharski) if anyone feels like putting these questions to them.”

“U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, a practicing physician, is urging Americans to throw away their face masks and burn vaccine passports.

"The left has gone completely COVID crazy," the Kentucky Republican says in a new fundraising pitch.

"They want government-enforced shutdowns, mask mandates, school closures, forced vaccines, and now they're talking about a COVID vaccine passport. It's absolutely unconstitutional – not to mention, it's absurd."

The ophthalmologist wrote:

Throughout the COVID crisis, these radicals have embraced theatrics, abandoned science, and the longer it goes on, the more they double down.

The newest power grab comes in the form of an alleged "Vaccine Passport" which would determine whether or not you're "ALLOWED" to engage in your everyday life.

This is the slippery slope I warned about and it's exactly what I'm fighting to defeat in Washington. ...

... this passport idea from these hypocrites in Washington is just completely unacceptable.

Let's not forget: these are the same people who are boycotting states like Georgia for implementing common-sense policies like voter ID.

Let me tell you something ... if you think voter ID is racist, but the vaccine passport is just fine, you need some serious help thinking through public policy.

I will never be in favor of this COVID hysteria and I will never support a COVID passport.

It's time to say enough is enough.

Last month, as WND reported, Paul blasted presidential COVID adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci, asking him what scientific studies he could cite that indicated people who have had the infection or a vaccine will spread the coronavirus.

"If we're not spreading the infection, isn't it just theater? You've had the vaccine and you wearing two masks, isn't that just theater?" the senator asked.

"No. Here we go again with the theater. Let's get down to the facts," Fauci responded.

Paul also portrayed Fauci as a wannabe philosopher who spins "noble lies."

He told Fox News' Laura Ingraham: "You have to remember that his lies are noble lies, Laura. He's not telling you this because he’s a mean man."

"He's telling you this because he feels sorry for you because you don't understand, and Americans aren't smart enough to make an informed decision. So, he fashions himself some sort of Greek philosopher. He tells you these noble lies."

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