By John Wayne on Tuesday, 04 March 2025
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

The Betrayal of Trust: Doctors on the Take and the Outrage We Should All Feel, By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

Could it be possible that the very people we trust with our lives—our doctors—are selling us out for a quick buck? It's not just a hypothetical; it's a sickening reality unfolding right now, in exam rooms and backroom deals across the globe. At present, the evidence is undeniable: too many physicians are on the take, accepting bribes from pharmaceutical companies and labs to push drugs and tests we don't need, all while we're left to suffer the consequences. This isn't just a breach of ethics—it's a betrayal of the sacred oath they swore to uphold. And if you're not furious about it, you're not paying attention.

Let's start with the facts. In 2019, John Kapoor, the founder of Insys Therapeutics, was convicted for orchestrating a scheme to bribe doctors into prescribing Subsys, a fentanyl spray meant for cancer patients in severe pain. This wasn't some noble effort to ease suffering—prosecutors revealed a web of sham speaking fees and even a lap dance from a stripper-turned-sales-rep to juice prescriptions. The result? Patients, many without cancer, got hooked on a drug 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine, while Kapoor's cronies raked in millions. Five Manhattan doctors were indicted in 2018 for similar crimes, pocketing speaker fees to peddle this poison, turning their practices into fentanyl factories. These aren't isolated incidents—this is a pattern, a plague of greed infecting the medical profession.

And it's not just opioids. In New Jersey, the Biodiagnostic Laboratory Services scandal saw 39 doctors plead guilty by 2016 to taking kickbacks for unnecessary blood tests, costing taxpayers hundreds of millions through Medicare fraud. Family physician Bret Ostrager got 37 months in prison for sending patients' blood to a lab that paid him over $100,000—no medical need, just cash. Meanwhile, in Pakistan, a 2025 study in the British Medical Journal Global Health found that 41.9 percent of doctors in a control group agreed to prescribe promoted drugs for incentives, barely budging even after "ethical" training. The collusion between doctors and Big Pharma is so entrenched, it's practically a global pastime.

The outrage hits harder when you realize what's at stake: our lives, our families, our trust. These aren't faceless corporations acting alone—doctors are the gatekeepers, the ones we turn to when we're vulnerable. When a New York surgeon like Feng Qin pays $800,000 to settle claims of unnecessary cardiac procedures on elderly patients—not once, but twice, in 2015 and 2018—he keeps his license, free to cut again. When a Michigan doctor shells out $775,000 for unwarranted hysterectomies and excessive chemo, he walks away unscathed, leaving patients maimed. This isn't incompetence; it's calculated betrayal, and the system lets them off with a slap on the wrist.

Why do they do it? Greed, plain and simple. In the U.S., specialists like cardiologists and surgeons average nearly $500,000 a year, yet some still chase Big Pharma's dirty money. In underfunded systems like Kenya's, where bribery rates in health centres hit 18 percent, overworked doctors might claim desperation, but that's no excuse when a pregnant mothermust pay two-thirds of her salary to avoid a stillbirth. Whether it's luxury dinners or envelopes of cash, the motive is the same: profit over people. And the losers? Us—the patients who pay with our wallets, our health, and sometimes our lives.

The numbers are staggering. Reuters reported in 2023 that over 540 U.S. doctors and practitioners paid hundreds of millions in civil settlements for fraud and patient harm over a decade yet kept practicing. Pharma giants like Olympus forked over $623 million in 2016 for bribing doctors to buy their devices, while 26 companies paid $33 billion in fines from 2003 to 2016 for kickbacks and shady marketing. This isn't a few bad apples—it's an orchard of corruption, and we're the ones eating the rotten fruit.

What's worse, the system protects them. Civil settlements mean no jail time, no public shaming—just a check to the Treasury and business as usual. State medical boards, supposed to guard our safety, shrug as disciplined doctors hide their records from patients. We're left defenseless, unable to know if the prescription we're handed comes from care or a kickback. It's a gut punch to realize the white coat we revere might as well be a greenback-stuffed suit.

This should light a fire in every one of us. These doctors aren't just breaking laws—they're breaking trust, turning medicine into a marketplace where we're the commodities. Every unnecessary pill, every fraudulent test, every avoidable addiction is a testament to their cowardice. We deserve better. We deserve doctors who heal, not hustle. So, what do we do? Demand transparency; push for harsher penalties—fines aren't enough; revoke licenses, lock them up. And above all, don't stay silent. This outrage isn't optional—it's mandatory. Because if we don't fight back, the next betrayal might be ours.

"U.S. medical specialists, from neurosurgeons to anesthesiologists and oncologists, received billions of dollars worth of individual payments not related to research from pharmaceutical and medical device industries in recent years, a series of new studies show.

The payments raise concerns among researchers and public health advocates about how industry influence may negatively impact patient care.

The American Medical Association's "Sunshine Act data release: Talking points for physicians" suggests that maintaining industry relationships, including company-funded medical education, does not necessarily mean that physicians' judgment has been inappropriately influenced.

However, evidence shows these types of non-research, direct-to-pocket relationships impact medical decision-making in ways that benefit drug and device companies.

They have been shown to increase healthcare costs for consumers and lead to implicit bias, unconsciously influencing physicians' behavior in favor of certain industry products and services that may not necessarily be good for patients' health.

They can alter prescribing habits, for instance, and also factor into decisions about which medical devices to use.

Drug and medical device manufacturers are required under the Physician Payments Sunshine Act to report payments, items of value and investment interests worth $10 or more to healthcare providers.

Some states, hospitals and academic institutions have their own rules limiting certain industry gifts and payments, but there are no federal laws limiting what an individual provider may accept.

From 2020 to 2023 alone, the total value of pharmaceutical and medical device industry general (non-research) payments to physicians exceeded $8 billion in value, according to the Open Payments database records categorized by stakeholder. The number of physicians receiving these payments also increased by 28% in that period.

As these payments persist, experts continue to sound warning bells.

"The money is so tempting that, in some ways, I'm not surprised, and there's no watchdog," says Lisa Cosgrove, Ph.D., of the University of Massachusetts-Boston, whose research focuses on ethical, medical and legal issues in organized psychiatry due to academic-industry relationships. "We have a systemic problem."

General payments can range from consulting and speaking fees to gifts, travel and meals. They also include royalties and licensing fees from sales of drug and medical device products based on an individual's intellectual property.

Pharmaceutical and medical device companies often make these payments to individual medical professionals as part of industry-sponsored promotional activities, advisory roles, or continuing medical education.

This contrasts with funding from industry for medical research, which often goes to institutions.

Most medical specialists receive free samples, small gifts and occasional meals. Still, even modest gifts — which represent the vast majority of general payments — can shape medical decision-making, Cosgrove says.

For example, a recent report published in the BMJ journal Heart shows that doctors who received industry-sponsored meals with a median value per meal of $17 were more than twice as likely to prescribe a new heart failure drug to Medicare recipients.

An increase in the number of free meals for doctors was also linked to more Medicare bills for this drug and higher costs, the study shows.

Industry ties undermine patient care and public trust, says Dr. Adriane Fugh-Berman, a Georgetown University professor and director of PharmedOut.

The organization, a project of the Georgetown University Medical Center, educates healthcare professionals and students about pharmaceutical and medical device marketing practices.

"It's a very bad system. Commercially-supplied information is always designed to advance commercial goals," she says.

"It's not objective, and the best chance that physicians have of avoiding biased commercial information is avoiding contact with industry and industry-provided information. They shouldn't take gifts of any kind, whether they are meals or money from these companies."

Fugh-Berman's research has shown that industry gifts of any size are associated with more expensive prescriptions and more branded prescriptions, as well as a greater number of drugs prescribed to a patient, increasing the risk of adverse effects.



Nearly 8,000 neurosurgeons in the U.S. received roughly $479 million in general payments from pharmaceutical and surgical device companies between 2019 and 2023, including 45 payments exceeding $1 million each.

The most common payments were for food and beverages. The largest contributors to total payment value included payments for royalties and licensing, consulting fees, acquisitions and travel perks, according to the study published earlier this month.

Medical oncology

About 19,500 U.S.-based medical oncologists received more than two million general payments totalling more than $600 million from 2017 to 2023. Hematology-oncology received the highest total payment amount, and industry-sponsored conferences drove high-value transactions. Stock payments featured prominently in hematology.

"The steadily rising total payments, particularly in hematology-oncology, underscore persistent financial ties between industry and oncology practices," notes one set of researchers.

"This reflects a potential for influence that, while not uniformly problematic, requires ongoing scrutiny to balance innovation with unbiased clinical decision-making."


Three-quarters of all actively practicing anesthesiologists in the U.S. received nearly $300 million in non-research industry payments from 2014 to 2023.

The top 1% of anesthesiologists accounted for about three-quarters of total payments, with pain medicine specialists receiving median payments eight times higher than general anesthesiologists.

Nearly half of all non-physician anesthesia providers also received $7.2 million from 2021 to 2023, with significant increases in the payment amounts and number of professionals receiving general payments each year.

"This study demonstrated large financial relationships between industry and anesthesia providers, with a disproportionate concentration of payments among a minority of providers," the researcher says in a first-of-its-kind study to be published next month (March 2025) in the Journal of Clinical Anesthesia.

Orthopedic surgery

Of 600 orthopedic surgery fellowship program directors, 99% received non-research industry payments totaling more than $340 million between 2015 and 2021, adjusted for inflation.

Most were for royalties or licensing ($246.6 million, 72.4%) and consulting ($53.6 million, 15.7%). The highest annual industry payments were seen in spine and shoulder/elbow surgery, with nearly 40% of program directors receiving over $100,000 each.


U.S. physicians in radiology received more than $100 million between 2017 and 2021 in royalties and ownership fees. Of roughly 3,000 neuroradiologists in another study, published in November last year, 48% received at least one payment from industry between 2016 and 2021, including research funds.

Gifts were the most frequent payment type, while speaker fees made up 36% of the total value of payments. The industry payments were highly concentrated, the study shows: The top 5% highest-paid neuroradiologists received nearly half of all payments, accounting for 84% of the total value.

Endocrine surgery

More than 400 members of the American Association of Endocrine Surgeons received nearly $5.9 million in general payments between 2014 and 2020, with a median payment of $701 over that period. Food and beverage, travel and lodging and consulting fees were the most common categories.

Multiple specialties

Physicians across five specialties (allergists/immunologists, dermatologists, gastroenterologists, otolaryngologists and pulmonologists) received $22.6 million in 2023 — nearly four times the amount paid in 2017— for dupilumab-related promotional events related to dupilumab, an eczema drug.

Marketing-related speaker fees made up the largest category of payments.

While the average payment of $280 went down by about $100, the number of transactions and physicians who received payments went up, with the highest single payment at more than $34,000. Past studies have linked industry-funded meal payments to increased prescriptions of dupilumab.

"As the indications for dupilumab continue to grow, it is crucial for physicians to be aware of the magnitude of industry payments and the potential effects on physician prescription patterns and their recommendations to patients," the researchers say.

The Open Payments database contains information about the financial relationships between drug and medical device companies and healthcare providers.

Search for providers receiving payments, as well as companies that have made payments, and review and download data for up to five states at once. 

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