By John Wayne on Tuesday, 24 September 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

The Battle for Australian Freedom: George Christensen Comments By James Reed

Former Queensland MP, George Christensen has set out the five areas where we are losing freedom due to plans to introduce parliamentary measures in Australia but designed at the top un-elected One-World–Government bureaucracies. These are (1) censorship laws; (2) Digital ID; (3) Central Bank Digital currencies (CBDC); (4) 15-minute cities; (5) WHO's Pandemic Treaty. These are all interconnected and constitute the most severe attack upon basic freedoms and liberties we have ever seen in Australia.

We must all help stop Australia going down this path. George Christensen in the article below has given us some useful strategies for fighting back, including signing petitions, informing others, attending protests, seeing our local politicians, and taking a stand to demand action. More information now follows:

George Christensen comments:

• Global elites are rolling out measures designed to control and enslave us.

• Censorship laws are silencing dissent under the guise of "misinformation" and "hate speech."

• Digital IDs are setting the stage for constant surveillance and denial of essential services.

• Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) allows governments to track and control your financial life.

• 15-minute cities are designed to restrict your freedom of movement under the cover of convenience.

• The WHO's Pandemic Treaty threatens your personal health choices and bodily autonomy.

• We must reject these systems, use cash, speak out, and fight back to protect our freedoms.

This isn't a hidden conspiracy—it's happening in plain sight.

Across the world, measures are being introduced that undermine our autonomy and centralise power in the hands of the few.

Let's break down the five biggest ways they're working to control you and what we can do about it.

1. Censorship Disguised as 'Anti-Misinformation' and 'Anti-Hate Speech'

What they call "anti-misinformation" or "anti-hate speech" is really about controlling what you can say. Governments across the Anglosphere and Europe are passing laws to shut down voices they don't like. They claim it's about protecting you from harm, but in reality, it's a weapon against dissent. If you speak out against their narrative, you're labelled a troublemaker or worse. And if you think this won't impact you, think again. Today, it's a political voice or conservative group being silenced; tomorrow, it could be you for simply disagreeing. Once they control what you can say, they control what you can think.

2. Digital ID: The Ultimate Surveillance Tool

Every move you make—monitored. That's what Digital ID systems are leading to. Governments in Europe, Australia, and the UK are pushing for Digital IDs under the guise of making life easier. They say it'll streamline access to services. But here's the problem: once you're logged into this system, your every action becomes trackable. Who you associate with, what you buy, where you go—it's all data for them to control. If you don't comply, they can simply cut you off from essential services. This isn't about convenience—it's about surveillance. Digital ID is just the first step towards total control.

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3. Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC): The Government's Financial Control

Imagine a world where every financial move you make is watched and controlled. That's what a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) is designed to do. It's being mooted as a replacement for cash in countries like the UK and Australia. But here's the catch: unlike cash, CBDCs are fully traceable and programmable. Governments can see where you spend every cent and can control whether you spend it at all. This goes beyond tracking—if they decide you're supporting the wrong cause or speaking out too loudly, your access to your own money could be restricted. It's about keeping you in line.

4. '15-Minute Cities': Restricting Your Freedom of Movement

The push for 15-minute cities is gaining traction, particularly in Europe and the UK. These so-called "sustainable" cities claim to make your life easier by keeping everything you need within 15 minutes. But look a little deeper, and it's clear this is about restricting your freedom to move. What happens when you want to travel beyond your designated zone? Expect restrictions, permits, and penalties. This is sold as a solution to climate change, but it's really about locking you into controlled zones. Once they control where you can go, they control how you live.

5. The Global Pandemic Treaty: Giving Away Health Sovereignty

The World Health Organization's Global Pandemic Treaty is a direct threat to your personal freedoms. Governments across the world are considering signing on to this treaty, which would give the WHO the authority to impose global health mandates, lockdowns, and restrictions. This isn't just about managing pandemics—it's about taking decisions out of your hands and placing them in the hands of unelected bureaucrats. The right to make personal health choices is fundamental, yet this treaty threatens to take that power away from you. If governments sign on, they'll be handing over control of your health decisions to global authorities who don't answer to you. This isn't about public safety—it's about control.

How We Can Push Back

So, how do we stop this agenda of control? It starts with action—your action. Refuse to comply with systems that strip away your freedoms.

The biggest fight on our hands is the fight for free speech. If we lose that, it could be all over. Leave no stone unturned in the fight for free speech, especially when your government cooks up some hair-brained censorship measure such as the Australian Government is doing with its so-called "Combatting Misinformation & Disinformation Bill". Sign petitions, alert others, attend protests, see your local politicians and demand action.

With Digital ID, just say no. Don't sign up for one, and refuse to do business with companies that require it. Make it clear to those businesses that you're walking away because they're siding with control.

For CBDCs, the solution is also simple: use cash whenever you can. The more you use cash, the harder it becomes for them to eliminate it. Refuse to shop at cashless businesses. Make sure cashless businesses are customerless. If your bank decides to go cashless, move to a bank that still values financial freedom.

On 15-minute cities, get informed and stay involved. Local councils are already moving forward with plans to implement these restrictive zones. Be vocal. Make your opposition known and stand up for your freedom of movement.

When it comes to the Pandemic Treaty, your voice matters. Contact your local politicians and demand that they reject this treaty. Let them know that you won't stand for any infringement on personal health decisions.

This isn't some far-off dystopian future—it's happening right now. The global elites are pushing an agenda that aims to control your speech, movement, money, and even your body. But you have the power to stop it. The key is staying informed, refusing to comply, and pushing back wherever you can. They may want to control you, but you can take control of your own future. Stand firm, and don't let them take away your freedoms. 

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