By Joseph on Monday, 28 June 2021
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

The Aborigines and the Constitution By James Reed


There is an excellent paper that all should read, by Lindsay Hackett, “Aborigines, The constitution and the Voice.” The abstract is reproduced below, and it is a high quality argument, that people need to beef up on before the Aboriginal referendum gets going, because our opponents have been working away, not letting Covid slow them down. I think it is about time we won something; I for one am sick of losing.

“There is much discussion about Aborigines and their place in Australian society. There are strong moves towards creating an Aboriginal Voice to Parliament, changing the Australian Constitution and reframing Australian identity, all to highlight Aboriginal culture. Much of the discussion is based on myth or falsehood. Much is divisive. Most misses the point that Australians would be better to see themselves as part of one flock, not several distinct groups of different feather. After colonisation during the 1700s by a technologically superior people, the British, Australian society changed and continues to change. Most people would argue the change has been for the better. Australia is what it is today because of settlement by the British in 1788, not because of the Aborigine.”


Yes, it is precisely that which the new class now seek to target; in fact, this has been under attack in the universities since the 1960s cultural revolution.

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