By John Wayne on Wednesday, 28 August 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Shooting Lasers at Flying Climate Change Denialists! By James Reed

There is now video game called GreenGuardiansVR where climate change fanatics are able to get all of their frustrations of their chests, by shooting with lasers climate change denialists who are broadcasting disinformation, and misinformation. And, they save the planet! It is yet one more illustration of how crazed the climate change alarmist religion has become. Just imagine if anyone suggested a game involving the reverse; it would be classified as "terrorism" and everyone involved would be rounded up and put in the gulags.

"I swear that what follows is true and that I am not making it up.

Climatists at the German state media broadcaster Südwestrundfunk (SWR) have used the mandatory license fees they collect from all German households to produce an astounding virtual reality video game called GreenGuardiansVR. In this game, players shoot lasers at flying climate denialists to defeat disinformation and save the planet (h/t RatSays). This is literally true, this thing really exists. It will be released to the public sometime in the autumn; the Steam page is here. In the meantime, they've set up a whole stand to debut this lunacy at Gamescom, the Cologne video game trade fair.

Everything we know about this exercise in state-media propaganda comes from the trailer that you can watch here. It's in German, so I'll walk you through it.

The trailer opens with an advertising jingle and animated letters jumping around. "E.V.I.L.!", announces a chirpy narrator, "– for a carefree future consisting of more of the same!" The letters form the word "EVIL" as the narrator speaks; the "I" is stylised as a smokestack, belching multicoloured emissions.

He delivers a sneering pitch:

Climate, weather, disasters: Do dark forecasts cloud your future prospects? Don't let it get you down! We at the Environment Venture Income League will show you that everything'll be wonderful if we don't do anything about climate change. Let us upload your brain into the future so you can see for yourself how extraordinary life will be. We'll upload you into one of our brand new stainless steel robot bodies. Experience a tour of idyllic Lake Constance and learn about the wonders of fossil fuels!

Before you have any chance to ponder how this scenario makes any sense, what a bizarre name like "Environment Venture Income League" could even mean or why time travel is contingent upon being uploaded into a stainless-steel robot, you find yourself zapped into year 2112…"

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