By John Wayne on Friday, 23 August 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Senator Ralph Babet: Babies Who are Born Early are Left to Die, By Mrs Vera West

Senator Ralph Babet had tabled a Bill to prevent babies who survived their own abortions being left to die, Human Rights (Children Born Alive Protection) Bill 2022. Naturally enough the Greens and Labor voted against it. Therefore, they are fine with babies who survive abortions being allowed to die. The babies would have survived if given medical attention, but the sacred right of abortion is now a death sentence for the baby. It makes a mockery of the original argument given for abortion, that it was an unreasonable imposition upon the freedom of the woman. One feminist philosopher famously argued it was like being involuntarily attached to a famous violinist having to keep him alive while a brilliant career in feminist studies lay before her.

There is no moral justification for this infanticide, an inconvenient fact of abortion. Maybe if cases can be documented by whistle-blowers, hospital authorities could be put on negligent manslaughter charges. That may change their point of view.

The Senator wrote in an email: "A society that refuses to care about the suffering and death of its babies is a society that is doomed to soon be in the dustbin of history":

Yesterday I moved an urgency motion in defence of babies who have survived their own abortions and left to die. This happens on average at least once a week in Australia.

These babies are often just left to die alone, slowly in a cold metal dish, with no legal right to care.

I asked, "Who will stand with me in support of the innocent?"

It's inhumane, we treat dogs better than we treat our own babies. A society that refuses to care about the suffering and death of its babies is a society that is doomed to soon be in the dustbin of history.

Senator Canavan, Senator Antic and I introduced to the Senate the Human Rights (Children Born Alive Protection) Bill 2022, which ensures that all children are afforded the same medical care and treatment as any other person, including those born alive as a result of a failed abortion.

That many protested against this bill and voted it down is a dark stain on the soul of our nation.

I think abortion should be unthinkable. I want more than a change to the laws of the land. I want a change in the hearts of the Australian people – where abortion disappears, not because politicians made it illegal but because our consciences were reawakened and we agreed it was abominable.

I will always fight to protect the lives of the most innocent in our society, our babies.

See "our" Senate in action: 

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