By John Wayne on Wednesday, 31 May 2023
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Senator Alex Antic on Fighting WHO's International Health Regulations By James Reed

Here is a reproduction of an email from Senator Alex Antic regarding opposing the WHO International Health Regulations, and pandemic treaty. Many of the journalists at the blog have shown that this is yet another globalist power grab, and a very serious one, that could lead to WHO directing governments in the next plandemic, academic. This is, given the CCP dominance of WHO, equivalent to being ruled by communist China, something a lot of people in Australia seem to want, since freedom is a burden; but most of us, would say No!! Compulsory vaccination could be on the agenda. There is a petition to sign, linked in the email.

“Earlier this year, I spoke about my concerns regarding the World Health Organisation proposed “Pandemic Treaty” and amendments to the International Health Regulations which are currently being negotiated. …

As you may know, in early 2022, the United States proposed thirteen amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR).

Twelve of those amendments were eventually withdrawn, but one amendment passed, which had the effect of shortening the timeframe in which member states can reject future amendments to the IHR and shortened the timeframe in which future amendments to the IHR come into force.

While the withdrawal of most of those proposed amendments was good news, the WHO is continuing to work towards further amendments to the IHR with a clear prerogative to grant the WHO greater, more broad and unnecessary powers in the event of a global emergency (which they will be able to define).

This is the same WHO that cleared China of any wrongdoing early in the pandemic and has consistently called for the harshest measures to combat COVID-19 including lockdowns, vaccine mandates, mask mandates, and so on.

The further proposed amendments to the IHR could allow for the fast-tracking of vaccines and other pharmaceutical products in the event of another global emergency, so that pharmaceutical products will be developed, deployed, and possibly mandated even more quickly.

Those proposed amendments, which are still to be debated, are available on the WHO's website at the link below:-

We must fight back against anything which expedites further amendments to the IHR of this nature.

For that reason I want to share with you an e-petition on the Australian Parliament e-petition system which asks the House of Representatives to vote to reject the US amendment referred to above, which seeks to expedite further amendments and was adopted by the World Health Assembly, the WHO's decision making body, in May 2022.

It is a formal Parliamentary petition which you might consider signing at the link below:-

e-petitions – Parliament of Australia (





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