By Joseph on Wednesday, 22 September 2021
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Saga of Another Tragic Covid Vax Death? Maybe By Mrs Vera West

To add a human face to today’s Covid vax material, here is the story of a young Italian athlete who passed away suddenly, while previously being in peak health. It is not known if he had the Covid vax or not, and no explanation is given in the media for his sudden death. This is becoming a common, and suspicious pattern.

Since the vaccination campaign began, there have been a number of “sudden deaths” among young people who were in excellent health prior to their “sudden death”. The bizarre thing is that the mainstream media never mentions whether the victim had been given the experimental gene drug before the unexpected demise. The lack of investigation, even by crime reporters, raises further suspicions, especially when the “sudden death” involves a 20-year-old healthy athlete.

It is not known whether Blandini died as a result of a Covid-19 vaccination, because there is no information about it. However, it would be interesting to know if this information was deliberately omitted.

One has the clear impression that these deaths are subject to the Italian omertà in which the instigator of the crime must not be named for fear of retaliation.

The University of Catania recalled that the young man, who turned 20 last June had been a rising star in volleyball and beach volleyball in Catania, but suddenly passed away on September 9. He was a model student in Industrial Engineering.

“All the sudden deaths leave us astonished, but that of the young student Christian Blandini has also struck with deep emotion the entire academic community of the University of Catania. The University of Catania and the Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering feel the pain of the Blandini family,” the university bulletin noted. Thousands of messages on social media remembered Christian, but none were curious about why he passed away so unexpectedly.

A large Israeli study published in the New England Journal of Medicine showed an excess risk of myocarditis in people over 16 receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine (1-5 events per 100 000 persons). It was notable that 19 of the 21 myocarditis cases were in males, with the median age of those affected being 25.

In June the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s safety committee said there was a “likely association” between the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna covid vaccines and myocarditis and pericarditis in some young adults. Despite this high number, the US Department of Health and Human Services and other agencies claimed that the side effect was “extremely rare” and that most cases were “mild”. There are no “mild” forms of these afflictions.

According to The Guardian, Saul Faust, a professor of Pediatric Immunology and Infectious Diseases at the University of Southampton, said the results seem to justify the UK’s Joint Committee on Vaccines and Immunization (JCVI’s) stance against vaccinations for adolescents.”

And yet, as covered in another article, Big Pharma presses ahead with Covid vaccines for babies.

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