By John Wayne on Tuesday, 12 March 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Safe and Effective? What are They Hiding? By Chris Knight (Florida)

I noticed this little piece from the Naked Emperor, who exposes the fads and follies of the establishment, about the results of a Freedom of Information request made to the US CDC, about its results from a long-term study of myocarditis after the Covid vax. The results came back, with every single page blanked out! Not to be beaten, the UK Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, was asked to break down how much the UK Health Security Agency is paid by vaccine manufacturers. She responded that the information is unavailable due to commercial sensitivity!

What are they hiding? It must be plenty to act in such a way, as one only covers up if there is something to cover up.

"A Freedom of Information request sent to the CDC asked for information about its Moving project. This project was a long-term study of myocarditis after Covid-19 vaccination.

Can you guess what was contained in the 148 page document?

Well you are going to have to guess because every single page was redacted.

Remember, it's redacted because everything is safe and everything is effective.

On a similar note, in the UK, the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Maria Caulfield, was asked to break down how much the UK Health Security Agency is paid by vaccine manufacturers.

Her response was that the information is unavailable due to commercial sensitivity.

Remember, the only information you need in your tiny serf brain is 'safe and effective'. Oh and ensure you pay your tax bill on time because Big Pharma and its minions won't pay for themselves! Safe and effective costs money you know!" 

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