By John Wayne on Friday, 03 March 2023
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Professor Norman Fenton on the Safety of the Covid Vax for Pregnant Women By Mrs Vera West

Professor Norman Fenton, of Queen Mary University of London, is a professor of mathematics and computer science. He has been a sharp critic of many of the statistical errors, or deceptions, made by the Covid elite during the plandemic. And, he has not been cancelled yet, which is a good thing. Hence, he is able to wade in on the issue of the safety of the Covid vax during pregnancy.

Professor Fenton makes the point that there is no need at all for women to get the vax at all during pregnancy, as statistically, risks are minimal. And, Pfizer itself had supplied enough information by June 2021 for regulators to know that pregnant women should not be vaccinated. He details methodological flaws in studies that allegedly showed that the vaxxes were safe, these using pregnant women in the later stages of pregnancy.  Pfizer’s own trial showed that there was statistically significant harm to pregnant women in the early stages, especially a problem of stillbirths. That issue is dramatically illustrated by stillbirths in highly vaccinated places like Singapore, covered in another article at the blog.

“There's been a lot of genuine misinformation and confusion - from both sides of the argument - about the extent of safety concerns of the covid vaccine in pregnancy. While anybody with any level of capacity for rational thought knows by now that there is (and never was) any need for women to get vaccinated before or during pregnancy, many still assume that the vaccine likely does no harm to them. This important article not only clears up a lot of the misinformation and confusion, but also shows that there was enough information from Pfizer in June 2021 for regulators to know it should have stopped allowing the vaccine to be given to pregnant women then.

Those who continue to push hard for vaccinating pregnant women claim that, irrespective of any safety signals that might have been present in the Pfizer trial data, there have been multiple large-scale observational studies since that demonstrate safety. However, these studies are generally flawed in one way or another. For example, in March 2022 we identified a fundamental problem with the UKHSA data that was suggesting no safety concern - in this a bias was introduced from the fact that women vaccinated prior to pregnancy were included in "no doses in pregnancy".


But there is an even more fundamental bias that confounds all the published observational studies claiming the vaccine is safe (or in some cases even beneficial) in pregnancy. The problem is that the vaccinated women in those studies primarily had their vaccines in later stages of pregnancy when they had already passed the most dangerous (first trimester) period for miscarriages. In other words, these studies are subject to survivor bias.

And never forget the curious case of the spike in neonatal deaths in Scotland in 2021-22. The ‘experts’ ruled out any possible link to the vaccination programme …but did so “without checking” the vaccination status of the mothers who lost their babies:

Verdict: The covid vaccines were approved without any safety data on pregnant women and as soon as such data were available to Pfizer they knew it was not safe. The many observational studies claiming safety simply reveal the embarrassing incompetence (and/or conflict of interests) of their authors.”


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